Contribute to the development of Jeedom

Contributions, whether on the Core or on the Documentation, are always welcome and we do our best to process them quickly. A fault on the documentation, a passage that could be clearer, a bug on the Core ? The contributions are there for that.

Pull Requests are not always accepted, but if not we try to explain why, so that a next PR is. Jeedom is not supposed to do everything for everyone, some things are more conducive to plugins for example. The edge effects of simple looking modifications can also be important. This is why we can decide not to integrate certain requests, or to do it differently.

Before developing any code on your own, we recommend discussing it on Community, especially for new features. The other contributors and users will be able to guide you better, if necessary, on this orientation, or even warn if others are already working on it.


Jeedom documentation is centralized on this site, by several mechanisms. Like the Jeedom Core, the documentation is accessible on Github and Open-Source.


How to contribute to the development of the Jeedom Core, its structure, the organization of versions.

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