Core v4.3 | Plugin developers




Almost all Core page variables and functions have been isolated into a namespace : it allows you not to recreate all the functions if you come back to the page, to isolate the variables and functions per page so no possible collision, it makes the code much more readable since you know which function or variable comes and goes where , and that helps enormously the debugging (a console of the namespace and we see everything).

The js functions of the UI are now in the jeeFrontEnd namespace{} :


jeeFrontEnd = {
  __description: 'Global object where each Core page register its own functions and variable in its sub-object name.',
  jeedom_firstUse: '',
  language: '',
  userProfils: {},
  planEditOption: {state: false, snap: false, grid: false, gridSize: false, highlight: true},
  //loadPage history:
  NO_POPSTAT: false,
  modifyWithoutSave: false,
  serverDatetime: null,
  clientServerDiffDatetime: null,
  serverDatetime: null,
  serverTZoffsetMin: null,

In the same logic, the variables passed from php to js are now in namespace jeephp2js{}

Optional modifications

Source code and translations

It is now possible to develop a plugin with the source code in English.

If you develop in French in the source code:

desktop/php/myplugin.php :

<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">"{{Equipements de mon petit plugin}}"</label>

core/i18n/en_US.json :

  "plugins\/monplugin\/desktop\/php\/monplugin.php": {
      	"Equipements de mon petit plugin": "My small plugin equipments",

In English:

desktop/php/myplugin.php :

<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">"{{My small plugin equipments}}"</label>

core/i18n/fr_FR.json :

  "plugins\/monplugin\/desktop\/php\/monplugin.php": {
      	"My small plugin equipments": "Equipements de mon petit plugin",

Without i18n file, the plugin will be displayed in English on a Core configured in French.

Attention, on a Core pre 4.3, the display will be in English regardless of the language of the Core.


The addCmdToTable() function is no longer mandatory. If it is not present, that of the Core will be used. You just need to create an html table <table id="table_cmd" class="table table-bordered table-condensed"></table>

On info commands, the button Test is no longer displayed, it is the value that is displayed, and updated in real time. To add this info in a command table : <span class="cmdAttr" data-l1key="htmlstate"></span>


The declaration of the update function evolves:

jeedom.cmd.update['#id#'] = function(_options) {
      $('.cmd[data-cmd_id=#id#]').attr('title', ' : '+_options.valueDate+'<br/> : '+_options.collectDate)
      $('.cmd[data-cmd_id=#id#] .state').empty().append(_options.display_value)

jeedom.cmd.refreshValue([{cmd_id :'#id#',display_value: '#state#', valueDate: '#valueDate#', collectDate: '#collectDate#', alertLevel: '#alertLevel#'}])


jeedom.cmd.addUpdateFunction('#id#',function(_options) {
      $('.cmd[data-cmd_id=#id#]').attr('title', ' : '+_options.valueDate+'<br/> : '+_options.collectDate)
      $('.cmd[data-cmd_id=#id#] .state').empty().append(_options.display_value)
      $('.cmd[data-cmd_id=#id#] .unit').empty().append(_options.unit)

jeedom.cmd.refreshValue([{cmd_id :'#id#',display_value: '#state#', valueDate: '#valueDate#', collectDate: '#collectDate#', alertLevel: '#alertLevel#', unit: '#unite#'}])

Note the new unit parameter, which allows the Core to transform, for example, 3500W into 3.5kW.

Message source (4.3.7):

In case of action message, the Core now indicates the specified source rather than ‘scenario’.

Example for the Mode plugin:

$options['source'] = 'plugin Mode '.$this->getName();
scenarioExpression::createAndExec('action', $action['cmd'], $options);

Affichage des mots de passe (4.3.9):

En 4.3, les mots de passe et clé API ne sont plus affichés en clair dans l’administration, avec un bouton à droite pour les afficher. C’est maintenant utilisable également sur les plugins :

<div class="input-group">
    <input type="text" class="inputPassword configKey form-control" data-l1key="pass" placeholder="Account password" />
    <span class="input-group-btn">
        <a class="btn btn-default form-control bt_showPass roundedRight"><i class="fas fa-eye"></i></a>
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