Core v4.4 | Plugin Developers

One day jQuery …

jQuery is a framework still widely used in web interface, and Jeedom historically relies heavily on it. Despite everything, html5 and recent browsers increasingly make it possible to do without it. The interest for Jeedom is above all performance, and there is no question of removing jQuery and its plugins (jQuery UI, contextmenu, modals, autocomplete, tablesorter, etc.).).

But you have to think about it, and start one day !

Core 4.4 therefore integrates the basic functions setValues() and getValues(), which are now also prototyped on the NodeList and Element, comme elles le sont sur $.fn historically. A few functions have also been implemented like last(), triggerEvent(), isHidden(), empty(), addClass(), removeClass(), toggleClass(), hasClass(). The goal is not to redo a jQuery of course, but to offer functional shortcuts when necessary.

For an easier transition and better maintenance, the new functions getValues() and setValues() on the DOM are now setJeeValues() and getJeeValues().

Additionally, all calls Ajax, sync or async, go through pure js functions developed internally for the Core. load() and html() are therefore used by all class js and by the jeedomUtils.loadPage function(). This allows you to control everything that happens without an abstraction layer, and has, among other things, made it possible to filter all the js scripts and css stylesheets coming from 3rdparty (core and plugins) to load them into the document.head and not reload them afterwards !

The management of events will also gradually switch to pure js. The pages Synthesis Dashboard Design and Script are already in full js with event delegation.

It’s a huge project, as much in the rewriting of the existing as in the creation of internal libs to meet the needs of the front-end without jQuery. In addition, it will be necessary to keep jQuery and its plugins/libs for a while longer for plugins. But the road is taken!

Some examples:

jQuery to pure js()
  $('#table_objectSummary tbody').append(tr)
  $('#table_objectSummary tbody tr').last().setValues(_summary, '.objectSummaryAttr')

  document.querySelector('#table_objectSummary tbody').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', tr)
  document.querySelectorAll('#table_objectSummary tbody tr').last().setJeeValues(_summary, '.objectSummaryAttr')

  var eqId = $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=id]').value()
  var config = $('#config').getValues('.configKey')[0]
  var expression = $(this).closest('.actionOnMessage').getValues('.expressionAttr')

  var eqId = document.querySelector('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key="id"]').jeeValue()
  var config = document.getElementById('config').getJeeValues('.configKey')[0]
  var expression = this.closest('.actionOnMessage').getJeeValues('.expressionAttr')

  addMyTr: function(_data) {
    var tr = ' <tr>'
    tr += ' <td>'
    tr += ' </td>'
    tr += ' </tr>'
    let newRow = $(tr)
    newRow.setValues(data, '.mytrDataAttr')
    $('#table_stuff tbody').append(newRow)
    //return newRow

  addMyTr: function(_data) {
    var tr = ' <tr>'
    tr += ' <td>'
    tr += ' </td>'
    tr += ' </tr>'
    let newRow = document.createElement('tr')
    newRow.innerHTML = tr
    newRow.setJeeValues(_data, '.mytrDataAttr')
    //return newRow

    console.log('Dom ready!')

  // Corejs:
    console.log('Dom ready!')


The plugin-template file.js and most Core pages now use these functions. You can of course use them in plugins, but these will then have to be installed on a Core 4.4 or more.

Core-specific DOM functions:

DocCore js

domUtils {}



PHP function

displayException() -> displayException()
convertDayEnToFr() -> convertDayFromEn()

Js functions (available since Core4.3):

displayPlan() -> jeeFrontEnd.plan.displayPlan()

jQuery Toast / Tooltipster

The lib toasting has been removed from Core. It was used through jeedomUtils functions.showAlert() and hideAlert() and has been replaced by the internal Core function jeeDialog.toast().

The Tooltipster lib, dependent on jQuery, has also been replaced by the Tippy js lib. The use of jeedomUtils.initTooltips() by plugins does not change.

jQuery datetimepicker

The lib datetimepicker has been removed from Core. It was used through jeedomUtils functions.datePickerInit() and dateTimePickerInit() and has been replaced by the lib flatpickr.

Core functions manage the theme flatpickr and the language of the lib according to the Core language.

As a reminder:

date/time pickers
  <input id="myDate" class="in_datepicker"/>
  <input id="myTime" class="in_timepicker"/>
  <input id="myCustomDatetime"/>
  jeedomUtils.datePickerInit() //Init all input.in_datepicker
  jeedomUtils.dateTimePickerInit() //Init all input.in_timepicker

  jeedomUtils.datePickerInit('Ymd H:i:00', '#myCustomDatetime') //Will init myCustomDatetime input with custom format


These functions return an error message, but still work:

PHP functions:

eqLogic::byTypeAndSearhConfiguration() -> eqLogic::byTypeAndSearchConfiguration()

Js functions (available since Core4.2):

jeedom.eqLogic.buildSelectCmd -> jeedom.eqLogic.buildSelectCmd
checkPageModified -> jeedomUtils.checkPageModified
loadPage -> jeedomUtils.loadPage
initPage -> jeedomUtils.initPage
initTooltips -> jeedomUtils.initTooltips
initTableSorter -> jeedomUtils.initTableSorter
initHelp -> jeedomUtils.initHelp
datePickerInit -> jeedomUtils.datePickerInit
normTextLower -> jeedomUtils.normTextLower
sleep -> jeedomUtils.sleep
uniqId -> jeedomUtils.uniqId
taAutosize -> jeedomUtils.taAutosize
hexToRgb -> jeedomUtils.hexToRgb
componentToHex -> jeedomUtils.componentToHex
rgbToHex -> jeedomUtils.rgbToHex
addOrUpdateUrl -> jeedomUtils.addOrUpdateUrl
positionEqLogic -> jeedomUtils.positionEqLogic
chooseIcon -> jeedomUtils.chooseIcon
getOpenedModal -> jeedomUtils.getOpenedModal

Js variables (available since Core4.3):

jeedom_language -> jeeFrontEnd.language
userProfils -> jeeFrontEnd.userProfils


These changes may result in the need to mount the minimum required Jeedom version of many plugins. This is why the Deprecated do not appear on a V4-Stable Branch Core, but allow developers to see what they can fix.

jQuery Autocomplete

The jQuery-dependent Autocomplete lib will be removed in a future Core release. It is replaced by the Core internal function input.jeeComplete(). This supports most of the previous options (source on ajax etc), but corrects several defects, brings new behaviors (up and down arrow to select a proposal, etc) and allows to use a single container for several inputs, reducing enormously the impact on the DOM, in particular on the scenarios.

    minLength: 1,
    source: dataArray

  // Corejs:
    minLength: 1,
    source: dataArray

jQuery bootbox

The bootbox lib, dependent on jQuery, will be removed in a future Core release. jeeDialog() replaces these functions, with jeeDialog.alert(), jeeDialog.confirm(), jeeDialog.prompt().

exemples jeeDialog()
  if (condition) {
    jeeDialog.alert('This is wrong dude!')

  jeeDialog.prompt('Enter new name:', function(result) {
    if (result !== null) {

  jeeDialog.confirm('Do you really want to delete this?', function(result) {
    if (result) {
    } else {
      //Do other stuff


jQuery UI

The jQuery UI lib will be removed in a future Core release. jeeDialog.dialog() replaces the use of modals ui-dialog.

exemples jeeDialog.dialog()
    title: "{{System Administration}}"

  //Core jeeDialog:
    title: '{{System Administration}}',
    contentUrl: 'index.php?v=d&modal=system.action'


jQuery UI Sortable

The jQuery Sortable lib will be removed in a future Core release. Lib SortableJS has been integrated into Core : SortableJS

jQuery caret

The jQuery plugin goes deprecated. Use myElement.insertAtCursor(myString)

jQuery contextMenu

The contextMenu lib, dependent on jQuery, will be removed in a future version of Core. jeeCtxMenu() replaces these functions.

  var myCtxMenu = new jeeCtxMenu({
    selector: '.nav.nav-tabs li', //Required!
    appendTo: 'div#div_pageContainer',
    className: '', //Added to menucontainer
    items: {
      uniqueNameID: {
        name: '{{My item}}',
        isHtmlName: false,
        icon: 'fas fa cogs',
        className: '', //Added to item container
        callback: function(key, opt) { //Item callback
      sep1: '-----',
    callback: function(key, opt) { //Default callback if not set on item
    //isDisable: false,
    events: {
      show: function(opt) {
      hide: function(opt) {
    build: function(trigger) {
      var contextmenuitems = {}
      return {
        callback: function(key, options, event) {
      items: contextmenuitems
    position: function(opt, x, y) {


jQuery FileUpload

The jQuery fileupload lib will be removed in a future Core release. jeeFileUploader() replaces the use of these functions.

exemples jeeDialog.dialog()
    url: 'core/ajax/plan.ajax.php?action=uploadImage&id=' + id
    dataType: 'json',
    done: function(event, data) {

  //Core jeeFileUploader:
  new jeeFileUploader({
    fileInput: document.getElementById('bt_uploadImg'),
    url: 'core/ajax/plan.ajax.php?action=uploadImage&id=' + id
    add: function(event, data) {
      let currentPath = document.getElementById('bt_uploadImg').getAttribute('data-path')
      data.url = 'core/ajax/jeedom.ajax.php?action=uploadImageIcon&filepath=' + currentPath
    done: function(event, data) {


See domUI


You can test your plugins on Core without Jquery or Bootstrap. To do this, Settings > System > Configuration, equipment tab, Corejs (dev).

Optional changes

A function has been introduced in Core to provide a contextual menu on checkboxes : Select All, None, Reverse Select.

To use it, you have to add the css class checkContext on the relevant checkboxes, and call the function jeedomUtils.setCheckContextMenu()

The checkboxes will then be grouped by same data-l1key and data-l2key if they exist.

You can also make groups of checkboxes with the attribute data-context=”group1”.

Finally, you can define a callback function like this:

var checkContextMenuCallback = function(_el) {
  //_el is an html element.
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