Simons Voss plugin

This plugin is used for managing the SimonsVoss Smart Intego system.

It is compatible with the Access Management plugin.

Activation and presentation of the access management plugin


After installing your plugin, you must activate it.

You must install the dependencies of your plugin, and note the port used for your SimonsVoss gateways, do not forget to activate the TCP (normally activated originally) in your gateways.

After activating the plugin you should see it in PluginsSecuritySimons voss. If this is not the case do not hesitate to update your page (Ctrl + F5 or Cmd + R).


In the default display of the plugin, you can download the SimonsVoss source file, this file is to be recovered in the SimonsVoss software once your project is finished.

Project launch

once upload to Jeedom, Jeedom will analyze it to create all locks and gateways. access the diferrente gateway to confirm their IP address (you can change it in the dedicated command).

once done. you can revive the Simonsvoss demon.

Locks must communicate.

There are always two types of action ‘Normal’ or ‘With card’. actions with a card allow the lock to be informed that this action and validate via the pass card (this data this action that we will recommend for the access management part).

the normal locks normally for 5sec, so if you do an action (Normal) it is possible that it will not respond until 5 seconds later, on the other hand with a card it will respond immediately (if you pass a card beforehand). it is possible to listen to this temp via a parameter available on the presentation of the lock).

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