Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 27 | No summary for class \cmd |
error | 69 | Argument $_inputs is missing from the Docblock of cast |
error | 69 | Argument $_eqLogic is missing from the Docblock of cast |
error | 69 | No summary for method cast() |
error | 97 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 114 | No summary for method byIds() |
error | 130 | No summary for method all() |
error | 137 | Argument $_state is missing from the Docblock of isHistorized |
error | 137 | No summary for method isHistorized() |
error | 148 | No summary for method allHistoryCmd() |
error | 177 | No summary for method byEqLogicId() |
error | 214 | No summary for method byLogicalId() |
error | 236 | No summary for method byGenericType() |
error | 287 | No summary for method searchConfiguration() |
error | 318 | Argument $_display is missing from the Docblock of searchDisplay |
error | 318 | Argument $_eqType is missing from the Docblock of searchDisplay |
error | 318 | No summary for method searchDisplay() |
error | 346 | Argument $_eqLogic_id is missing from the Docblock of searchConfigurationEqLogic |
error | 346 | Argument $_configuration is missing from the Docblock of searchConfigurationEqLogic |
error | 346 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of searchConfigurationEqLogic |
error | 346 | No summary for method searchConfigurationEqLogic() |
error | 362 | Argument $_template is missing from the Docblock of searchTemplate |
error | 362 | Argument $_eqType is missing from the Docblock of searchTemplate |
error | 362 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of searchTemplate |
error | 362 | Argument $_subtype is missing from the Docblock of searchTemplate |
error | 362 | No summary for method searchTemplate() |
error | 385 | Argument $_eqLogic_id is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId |
error | 385 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId |
error | 385 | Argument $_multiple is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId |
error | 385 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId |
error | 385 | Argument $_eqLogic is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId |
error | 385 | No summary for method byEqLogicIdAndLogicalId() |
error | 411 | Argument $_eqLogic_id is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdAndGenericType |
error | 411 | Argument $_generic_type is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdAndGenericType |
error | 411 | Argument $_multiple is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdAndGenericType |
error | 411 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdAndGenericType |
error | 411 | Argument $_eqLogic is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdAndGenericType |
error | 411 | No summary for method byEqLogicIdAndGenericType() |
error | 436 | Argument $_generic_type is missing from the Docblock of byGenericTypeObjectId |
error | 436 | Argument $_object_id is missing from the Docblock of byGenericTypeObjectId |
error | 436 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of byGenericTypeObjectId |
error | 436 | No summary for method byGenericTypeObjectId() |
error | 469 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of byValue |
error | 469 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of byValue |
error | 469 | Argument $_onlyEnable is missing from the Docblock of byValue |
error | 469 | No summary for method byValue() |
error | 501 | Argument $_eqType_name is missing from the Docblock of byTypeEqLogicNameCmdName |
error | 501 | Argument $_eqLogic_name is missing from the Docblock of byTypeEqLogicNameCmdName |
error | 501 | Argument $_cmd_name is missing from the Docblock of byTypeEqLogicNameCmdName |
error | 501 | No summary for method byTypeEqLogicNameCmdName() |
error | 519 | Argument $_eqLogic_id is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdCmdName |
error | 519 | Argument $_cmd_name is missing from the Docblock of byEqLogicIdCmdName |
error | 519 | No summary for method byEqLogicIdCmdName() |
error | 531 | Argument $_object_name is missing from the Docblock of byObjectNameEqLogicNameCmdName |
error | 531 | Argument $_eqLogic_name is missing from the Docblock of byObjectNameEqLogicNameCmdName |
error | 531 | Argument $_cmd_name is missing from the Docblock of byObjectNameEqLogicNameCmdName |
error | 531 | No summary for method byObjectNameEqLogicNameCmdName() |
error | 557 | Argument $_object_name is missing from the Docblock of byObjectNameCmdName |
error | 557 | Argument $_cmd_name is missing from the Docblock of byObjectNameCmdName |
error | 557 | No summary for method byObjectNameCmdName() |
error | 571 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of byTypeSubType |
error | 571 | Argument $_subType is missing from the Docblock of byTypeSubType |
error | 571 | No summary for method byTypeSubType() |
error | 585 | Argument $_input is missing from the Docblock of cmdToHumanReadable |
error | 585 | No summary for method cmdToHumanReadable() |
error | 622 | Argument $_input is missing from the Docblock of humanReadableToCmd |
error | 622 | No summary for method humanReadableToCmd() |
error | 675 | Argument $_string is missing from the Docblock of byString |
error | 675 | No summary for method byString() |
error | 683 | Argument $_input is missing from the Docblock of cmdToValue |
error | 683 | Argument $_quote is missing from the Docblock of cmdToValue |
error | 683 | No summary for method cmdToValue() |
error | 747 | No summary for method allType() |
error | 753 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of allSubType |
error | 753 | No summary for method allSubType() |
error | 764 | No summary for method allUnite() |
error | 770 | Argument $_color is missing from the Docblock of convertColor |
error | 770 | No summary for method convertColor() |
error | 778 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of availableWidget |
error | 778 | No summary for method availableWidget() |
error | 889 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of getSelectOptionsByTypeAndSubtype |
error | 889 | Argument $_subtype is missing from the Docblock of getSelectOptionsByTypeAndSubtype |
error | 889 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of getSelectOptionsByTypeAndSubtype |
error | 889 | Argument $_availWidgets is missing from the Docblock of getSelectOptionsByTypeAndSubtype |
error | 889 | No summary for method getSelectOptionsByTypeAndSubtype() |
error | 934 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of returnState |
error | 934 | No summary for method returnState() |
error | 941 | No summary for method deadCmd() |
error | 975 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of cmdAlert |
error | 975 | No summary for method cmdAlert() |
error | 984 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of formatValue |
error | 984 | Argument $_quote is missing from the Docblock of formatValue |
error | 984 | No summary for method formatValue() |
error | 1050 | No summary for method getLastValue() |
error | 1054 | No summary for method dontRemoveCmd() |
error | 1058 | No summary for method getTableName() |
error | 1062 | Argument $_direct is missing from the Docblock of save |
error | 1062 | No summary for method save() |
error | 1120 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 1124 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 1138 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of execute |
error | 1138 | No summary for method execute() |
error | 1142 | Argument $_values is missing from the Docblock of pre_postExecCmd |
error | 1142 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of pre_postExecCmd |
error | 1142 | No summary for method pre_postExecCmd() |
error | 1179 | Argument $_values is missing from the Docblock of preExecCmd |
error | 1179 | No summary for method preExecCmd() |
error | 1188 | Argument $_values is missing from the Docblock of postExecCmd |
error | 1188 | No summary for method postExecCmd() |
error | 1192 | No summary for method isAlreadyInStateAllow() |
error | 1212 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of alreadyInState |
error | 1212 | No summary for method alreadyInState() |
error | 1252 | No summary for method execCmd() |
error | 1379 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of getWidgetsSelectOptions |
error | 1379 | Argument $_availWidgets is missing from the Docblock of getWidgetsSelectOptions |
error | 1379 | No summary for method getWidgetsSelectOptions() |
error | 1391 | No summary for method getGenericTypeSelectOptions() |
error | 1427 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of getWidgetHelp |
error | 1427 | Argument $_widgetName is missing from the Docblock of getWidgetHelp |
error | 1427 | No summary for method getWidgetHelp() |
error | 1450 | Argument $_template is missing from the Docblock of cleanWidgetCode |
error | 1450 | No summary for method cleanWidgetCode() |
error | 1456 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of getWidgetTemplateCode |
error | 1456 | Argument $_clean is missing from the Docblock of getWidgetTemplateCode |
error | 1456 | Argument $_widgetName is missing from the Docblock of getWidgetTemplateCode |
error | 1456 | No summary for method getWidgetTemplateCode() |
error | 1601 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of autoValueArray |
error | 1601 | Argument $_decimal is missing from the Docblock of autoValueArray |
error | 1601 | Argument $_unit is missing from the Docblock of autoValueArray |
error | 1601 | Argument $_space is missing from the Docblock of autoValueArray |
error | 1601 | No summary for method autoValueArray() |
error | 1614 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of autoValueFormat |
error | 1614 | Argument $_mod is missing from the Docblock of autoValueFormat |
error | 1614 | Argument $_maxdiv is missing from the Docblock of autoValueFormat |
error | 1614 | No summary for method autoValueFormat() |
error | 1632 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of toHtml |
error | 1632 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of toHtml |
error | 1632 | No summary for method toHtml() |
error | 1845 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of event |
error | 1845 | Argument $_datetime is missing from the Docblock of event |
error | 1845 | Argument $_loop is missing from the Docblock of event |
error | 1845 | No summary for method event() |
error | 1959 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of checkReturnState |
error | 1959 | No summary for method checkReturnState() |
error | 1976 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of checkCmdAlert |
error | 1976 | No summary for method checkCmdAlert() |
error | 2016 | No summary for method executeAlertCmdAction() |
error | 2034 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of checkAlertLevel |
error | 2034 | Argument $_allowDuring is missing from the Docblock of checkAlertLevel |
error | 2034 | Argument $_checkLevel is missing from the Docblock of checkAlertLevel |
error | 2034 | No summary for method checkAlertLevel() |
error | 2088 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of duringAlertLevel |
error | 2088 | No summary for method duringAlertLevel() |
error | 2106 | Argument $_level is missing from the Docblock of actionAlertLevel |
error | 2106 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of actionAlertLevel |
error | 2106 | No summary for method actionAlertLevel() |
error | 2175 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of pushUrl |
error | 2175 | No summary for method pushUrl() |
error | 2204 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of computeInfluxData |
error | 2204 | Argument $_timestamp is missing from the Docblock of computeInfluxData |
error | 2204 | No summary for method computeInfluxData() |
error | 2261 | Argument $_cmdId is missing from the Docblock of getInflux |
error | 2261 | No summary for method getInflux() |
error | 2297 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of pushInflux |
error | 2297 | No summary for method pushInflux() |
error | 2314 | No summary for method dropInfluxDatabase() |
error | 2327 | No summary for method dropInflux() |
error | 2342 | No summary for method historyInfluxAll() |
error | 2346 | Argument $_params is missing from the Docblock of sendHistoryInflux |
error | 2346 | No summary for method sendHistoryInflux() |
error | 2392 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of historyInflux |
error | 2392 | No summary for method historyInflux() |
error | 2408 | Argument $_response is missing from the Docblock of generateAskResponseLink |
error | 2408 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of generateAskResponseLink |
error | 2408 | Argument $_network is missing from the Docblock of generateAskResponseLink |
error | 2408 | No summary for method generateAskResponseLink() |
error | 2420 | Argument $_response is missing from the Docblock of askResponse |
error | 2420 | No summary for method askResponse() |
error | 2441 | Argument $_date is missing from the Docblock of emptyHistory |
error | 2441 | No summary for method emptyHistory() |
error | 2448 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of addHistoryValue |
error | 2448 | Argument $_datetime is missing from the Docblock of addHistoryValue |
error | 2448 | No summary for method addHistoryValue() |
error | 2458 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of getStatistique |
error | 2458 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of getStatistique |
error | 2458 | No summary for method getStatistique() |
error | 2465 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of getTemporalAvg |
error | 2465 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of getTemporalAvg |
error | 2465 | No summary for method getTemporalAvg() |
error | 2472 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of getTendance |
error | 2472 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of getTendance |
error | 2472 | No summary for method getTendance() |
error | 2476 | No summary for method getCmdValue() |
error | 2500 | Argument $_tag is missing from the Docblock of getHumanName |
error | 2500 | Argument $_prettify is missing from the Docblock of getHumanName |
error | 2500 | No summary for method getHumanName() |
error | 2514 | Argument $_dateStart is missing from the Docblock of getHistory |
error | 2514 | Argument $_dateEnd is missing from the Docblock of getHistory |
error | 2514 | Argument $_groupingType is missing from the Docblock of getHistory |
error | 2514 | Argument $_addFirstPreviousValue is missing from the Docblock of getHistory |
error | 2514 | No summary for method getHistory() |
error | 2518 | Argument $_time is missing from the Docblock of getLastHistory |
error | 2518 | Argument $_previous is missing from the Docblock of getLastHistory |
error | 2518 | No summary for method getLastHistory() |
error | 2534 | No summary for method getOldest() |
error | 2538 | Argument $_dateStart is missing from the Docblock of getPluralityHistory |
error | 2538 | Argument $_dateEnd is missing from the Docblock of getPluralityHistory |
error | 2538 | Argument $_period is missing from the Docblock of getPluralityHistory |
error | 2538 | Argument $_offset is missing from the Docblock of getPluralityHistory |
error | 2538 | No summary for method getPluralityHistory() |
error | 2542 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of widgetPossibility |
error | 2542 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of widgetPossibility |
error | 2542 | No summary for method widgetPossibility() |
error | 2595 | Argument $_sourceId is missing from the Docblock of migrateCmd |
error | 2595 | Argument $_targetId is missing from the Docblock of migrateCmd |
error | 2595 | No summary for method migrateCmd() |
error | 2731 | No summary for method export() |
error | 2766 | No summary for method getDirectUrlAccess() |
error | 2787 | Argument $_code is missing from the Docblock of checkAccessCode |
error | 2787 | No summary for method checkAccessCode() |
error | 2797 | No summary for method exportApi() |
error | 2803 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 2803 | Argument $_level is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 2803 | Argument $_drill is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 2803 | No summary for method getLinkData() |
error | 2848 | Argument $_array is missing from the Docblock of getUsedBy |
error | 2848 | No summary for method getUsedBy() |
error | 2872 | No summary for method getUse() |
error | 2876 | Argument $_user is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 2876 | No summary for method hasRight() |
error | 2886 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 2890 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 2894 | No summary for method getGeneric_type() |
error | 2898 | Argument $_generic_type is missing from the Docblock of setGeneric_type |
error | 2898 | No summary for method setGeneric_type() |
error | 2904 | No summary for method getType() |
error | 2908 | No summary for method getSubType() |
error | 2912 | No summary for method getEqType_name() |
error | 2916 | No summary for method getEqLogic_id() |
error | 2920 | No summary for method getIsHistorized() |
error | 2924 | No summary for method getUnite() |
error | 2928 | No summary for method getEqLogic() |
error | 2938 | No summary for method setEqLogic() |
error | 2943 | No summary for method getEventOnly() |
error | 2947 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 2947 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 2958 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 2971 | No summary for method setType() |
error | 2983 | No summary for method setSubType() |
error | 2992 | Argument $_eqLogic_id is missing from the Docblock of setEqLogic_id |
error | 2992 | No summary for method setEqLogic_id() |
error | 2998 | Argument $_isHistorized is missing from the Docblock of setIsHistorized |
error | 2998 | No summary for method setIsHistorized() |
error | 3004 | Argument $_unite is missing from the Docblock of setUnite |
error | 3004 | No summary for method setUnite() |
error | 3013 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getTemplate |
error | 3013 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getTemplate |
error | 3013 | No summary for method getTemplate() |
error | 3017 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setTemplate |
error | 3017 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setTemplate |
error | 3017 | No summary for method setTemplate() |
error | 3029 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 3029 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 3029 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 3033 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 3033 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 3033 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 3045 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 3045 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 3045 | No summary for method getDisplay() |
error | 3049 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 3049 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 3049 | No summary for method setDisplay() |
error | 3058 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getAlert |
error | 3058 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getAlert |
error | 3058 | No summary for method getAlert() |
error | 3062 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setAlert |
error | 3062 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setAlert |
error | 3062 | No summary for method setAlert() |
error | 3070 | No summary for method getCollectDate() |
error | 3077 | Argument $_collectDate is missing from the Docblock of setCollectDate |
error | 3077 | No summary for method setCollectDate() |
error | 3082 | No summary for method getValueDate() |
error | 3089 | Argument $_valueDate is missing from the Docblock of setValueDate |
error | 3089 | No summary for method setValueDate() |
error | 3094 | No summary for method getValue() |
error | 3098 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setValue |
error | 3098 | No summary for method setValue() |
error | 3104 | No summary for method getIsVisible() |
error | 3108 | Argument $isVisible is missing from the Docblock of setIsVisible |
error | 3108 | No summary for method setIsVisible() |
error | 3117 | No summary for method getOrder() |
error | 3124 | Argument $order is missing from the Docblock of setOrder |
error | 3124 | No summary for method setOrder() |
error | 3133 | No summary for method getLogicalId() |
error | 3137 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of setLogicalId |
error | 3137 | No summary for method setLogicalId() |
error | 3143 | No summary for method getEqType() |
error | 3147 | Argument $_eqType is missing from the Docblock of setEqType |
error | 3147 | No summary for method setEqType() |
error | 3153 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getCache |
error | 3153 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getCache |
error | 3153 | No summary for method getCache() |
error | 3158 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setCache |
error | 3158 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setCache |
error | 3158 | No summary for method setCache() |
error | 3163 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 3170 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 30 | No summary for property $id |
error | 31 | No summary for property $logicalId |
error | 32 | No summary for property $generic_type |
error | 33 | No summary for property $eqType |
error | 34 | No summary for property $name |
error | 35 | No summary for property $order |
error | 36 | No summary for property $type |
error | 37 | No summary for property $subType |
error | 38 | No summary for property $eqLogic_id |
error | 39 | No summary for property $isHistorized |
error | 40 | No summary for property $unite |
error | 41 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 42 | No summary for property $template |
error | 43 | No summary for property $display |
error | 44 | No summary for property $value |
error | 45 | No summary for property $isVisible |
error | 46 | No summary for property $alert |
error | 47 | No summary for property $_collectDate |
error | 48 | No summary for property $_valueDate |
error | 50 | No summary for property $_eqLogic |
error | 51 | No summary for property $_needRefreshWidget |
error | 52 | No summary for property $_needRefreshAlert |
error | 54 | No summary for property $_changed |
error | 55 | No summary for property $_templateArray |
error | 56 | No summary for property $_unite_conversion |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \viewZone |
error | 35 | No summary for method all() |
error | 41 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 41 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 51 | Argument $_view_id is missing from the Docblock of byView |
error | 51 | No summary for method byView() |
error | 61 | Argument $_view_id is missing from the Docblock of removeByViewId |
error | 61 | No summary for method removeByViewId() |
error | 72 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 76 | No summary for method save() |
error | 80 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 84 | No summary for method getviewData() |
error | 88 | No summary for method getView() |
error | 94 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 98 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 98 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 104 | No summary for method getView_id() |
error | 108 | Argument $_view_id is missing from the Docblock of setView_id |
error | 108 | No summary for method setView_id() |
error | 114 | No summary for method getType() |
error | 118 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of setType |
error | 118 | No summary for method setType() |
error | 124 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 128 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 128 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 134 | No summary for method getPosition() |
error | 138 | Argument $_position is missing from the Docblock of setPosition |
error | 138 | No summary for method setPosition() |
error | 144 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 144 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 144 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 148 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 148 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 148 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 155 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 159 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 159 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $view_id |
error | 27 | No summary for property $type |
error | 28 | No summary for property $name |
error | 29 | No summary for property $position |
error | 30 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 31 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \jeedom |
error | 30 | No summary for method minify() |
error | 48 | No summary for method getThemeConfig() |
error | 140 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of addRemoveHistory |
error | 140 | No summary for method addRemoveHistory() |
error | 153 | No summary for method deadCmd() |
error | 174 | No summary for method health() |
error | 514 | No summary for method sick() |
error | 520 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of getApiKey |
error | 520 | Argument $_mode is missing from the Docblock of getApiKey |
error | 520 | No summary for method getApiKey() |
error | 564 | Argument $_mode is missing from the Docblock of apiModeResult |
error | 564 | No summary for method apiModeResult() |
error | 595 | Argument $_apikey is missing from the Docblock of apiAccess |
error | 595 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of apiAccess |
error | 595 | No summary for method apiAccess() |
error | 625 | No summary for method isOk() |
error | 645 | Argument $_usb is missing from the Docblock of getUsbDetails |
error | 645 | Argument $_usbMapping is missing from the Docblock of getUsbDetails |
error | 645 | No summary for method getUsbDetails() |
error | 699 | Argument $_usbMapping is missing from the Docblock of getUsbLegacy |
error | 699 | No summary for method getUsbLegacy() |
error | 709 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of getUsbMapping |
error | 709 | Argument $_getGPIO is missing from the Docblock of getUsbMapping |
error | 709 | No summary for method getUsbMapping() |
error | 772 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of getBluetoothMapping |
error | 772 | No summary for method getBluetoothMapping() |
error | 803 | No summary for method consistency() |
error | 812 | Argument $_background is missing from the Docblock of backup |
error | 812 | No summary for method backup() |
error | 823 | No summary for method listBackup() |
error | 837 | Argument $_backup is missing from the Docblock of removeBackup |
error | 837 | No summary for method removeBackup() |
error | 845 | Argument $_backup is missing from the Docblock of restore |
error | 845 | Argument $_background is missing from the Docblock of restore |
error | 845 | No summary for method restore() |
error | 860 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of update |
error | 860 | No summary for method update() |
error | 875 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 875 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 875 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 901 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of checkValueInconfiguration |
error | 901 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of checkValueInconfiguration |
error | 901 | No summary for method checkValueInconfiguration() |
error | 920 | No summary for method version() |
error | 929 | No summary for method stop() |
error | 976 | No summary for method start() |
error | 1001 | No summary for method isStarted() |
error | 1009 | No summary for method isDateOk() |
error | 1037 | Argument $_event is missing from the Docblock of event |
error | 1037 | Argument $_forceSyncMode is missing from the Docblock of event |
error | 1037 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of event |
error | 1037 | No summary for method event() |
error | 1043 | No summary for method cron5() |
error | 1063 | No summary for method cron10() |
error | 1085 | No summary for method cron() |
error | 1215 | No summary for method cronDaily() |
error | 1247 | No summary for method cronHourly() |
error | 1296 | Argument $_replaces is missing from the Docblock of replaceTag |
error | 1296 | No summary for method replaceTag() |
error | 1363 | Argument $_cmd is missing from the Docblock of checkOngoingThread |
error | 1363 | No summary for method checkOngoingThread() |
error | 1367 | Argument $_cmd is missing from the Docblock of retrievePidThread |
error | 1367 | No summary for method retrievePidThread() |
error | 1373 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of versionAlias |
error | 1373 | Argument $_lightMode is missing from the Docblock of versionAlias |
error | 1373 | No summary for method versionAlias() |
error | 1383 | Argument $_input is missing from the Docblock of toHumanReadable |
error | 1383 | No summary for method toHumanReadable() |
error | 1387 | Argument $_input is missing from the Docblock of fromHumanReadable |
error | 1387 | No summary for method fromHumanReadable() |
error | 1391 | Argument $_input is missing from the Docblock of evaluateExpression |
error | 1391 | Argument $_scenario is missing from the Docblock of evaluateExpression |
error | 1391 | No summary for method evaluateExpression() |
error | 1399 | Argument $_calcul is missing from the Docblock of calculStat |
error | 1399 | Argument $_values is missing from the Docblock of calculStat |
error | 1399 | Argument $_round is missing from the Docblock of calculStat |
error | 1399 | No summary for method calculStat() |
error | 1411 | Argument $_string is missing from the Docblock of getTypeUse |
error | 1411 | No summary for method getTypeUse() |
error | 1515 | No summary for method getRemovehistory() |
error | 1525 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of massReplace |
error | 1525 | Argument $_eqlogics is missing from the Docblock of massReplace |
error | 1525 | Argument $_cmds is missing from the Docblock of massReplace |
error | 1525 | No summary for method massReplace() |
error | 1665 | No summary for method haltSystem() |
error | 1675 | No summary for method rebootSystem() |
error | 1685 | No summary for method forceSyncHour() |
error | 1692 | No summary for method cleanDatabase() |
error | 1699 | No summary for method cleanFileSytemRight() |
error | 1703 | No summary for method cleanFileSystemRight() |
error | 1711 | Argument $_dir is missing from the Docblock of checkSpaceLeft |
error | 1711 | No summary for method checkSpaceLeft() |
error | 1720 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of getTmpFolder |
error | 1720 | No summary for method getTmpFolder() |
error | 1735 | No summary for method getHardwareKey() |
error | 1744 | No summary for method getHardwareName() |
error | 1779 | Argument $_function is missing from the Docblock of isCapable |
error | 1779 | Argument $_forceRefresh is missing from the Docblock of isCapable |
error | 1779 | No summary for method isCapable() |
error | 1804 | No summary for method benchmark() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $jeedomConfiguration |
error | 26 | No summary for property $jeedom_encryption |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \report |
error | 26 | No summary for method clean() |
error | 33 | Argument $_url is missing from the Docblock of generate |
error | 33 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of generate |
error | 33 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of generate |
error | 33 | Argument $_format is missing from the Docblock of generate |
error | 33 | Argument $_parameter is missing from the Docblock of generate |
error | 33 | No summary for method generate() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \interactQuery |
error | 33 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 33 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 44 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of byQuery |
error | 44 | Argument $_interactDef_id is missing from the Docblock of byQuery |
error | 44 | No summary for method byQuery() |
error | 58 | Argument $_interactDef_id is missing from the Docblock of byInteractDefId |
error | 58 | No summary for method byInteractDefId() |
error | 69 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of searchQueries |
error | 69 | No summary for method searchQueries() |
error | 79 | Argument $_action is missing from the Docblock of searchActions |
error | 79 | No summary for method searchActions() |
error | 102 | No summary for method all() |
error | 109 | Argument $_interactDef_id is missing from the Docblock of removeByInteractDefId |
error | 109 | No summary for method removeByInteractDefId() |
error | 118 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of recognize |
error | 118 | No summary for method recognize() |
error | 226 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of getQuerySynonym |
error | 226 | Argument $_for is missing from the Docblock of getQuerySynonym |
error | 226 | No summary for method getQuerySynonym() |
error | 246 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of findInQuery |
error | 246 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of findInQuery |
error | 246 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of findInQuery |
error | 246 | No summary for method findInQuery() |
error | 321 | Argument $a is missing from the Docblock of cmp_objectName |
error | 321 | Argument $b is missing from the Docblock of cmp_objectName |
error | 321 | No summary for method cmp_objectName() |
error | 325 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of autoInteract |
error | 325 | Argument $_parameters is missing from the Docblock of autoInteract |
error | 325 | No summary for method autoInteract() |
error | 410 | Argument $_string is missing from the Docblock of autoInteractWordFind |
error | 410 | Argument $_word is missing from the Docblock of autoInteractWordFind |
error | 410 | No summary for method autoInteractWordFind() |
error | 417 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of pluginReply |
error | 417 | Argument $_parameters is missing from the Docblock of pluginReply |
error | 417 | No summary for method pluginReply() |
error | 440 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of warnMe |
error | 440 | Argument $_parameters is missing from the Docblock of warnMe |
error | 440 | No summary for method warnMe() |
error | 485 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of warnMeExecute |
error | 485 | No summary for method warnMeExecute() |
error | 505 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of tryToReply |
error | 505 | Argument $_parameters is missing from the Docblock of tryToReply |
error | 505 | No summary for method tryToReply() |
error | 607 | Argument $_lastCmd is missing from the Docblock of addLastInteract |
error | 607 | Argument $_identifier is missing from the Docblock of addLastInteract |
error | 607 | No summary for method addLastInteract() |
error | 615 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of contextualReply |
error | 615 | Argument $_parameters is missing from the Docblock of contextualReply |
error | 615 | Argument $_lastCmd is missing from the Docblock of contextualReply |
error | 615 | No summary for method contextualReply() |
error | 670 | Argument $_replace is missing from the Docblock of replaceForContextual |
error | 670 | Argument $_by is missing from the Docblock of replaceForContextual |
error | 670 | Argument $_in is missing from the Docblock of replaceForContextual |
error | 670 | No summary for method replaceForContextual() |
error | 674 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of brainReply |
error | 674 | Argument $_parameters is missing from the Docblock of brainReply |
error | 674 | No summary for method brainReply() |
error | 702 | Argument $_parameters is missing from the Docblock of dontUnderstand |
error | 702 | No summary for method dontUnderstand() |
error | 717 | No summary for method replyOk() |
error | 728 | Argument $_params is missing from the Docblock of doIn |
error | 728 | No summary for method doIn() |
error | 739 | No summary for method save() |
error | 750 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 754 | Argument $_parameters is missing from the Docblock of executeAndReply |
error | 754 | No summary for method executeAndReply() |
error | 912 | No summary for method getInteractDef() |
error | 918 | No summary for method getInteractDef_id() |
error | 922 | Argument $_interactDef_id is missing from the Docblock of setInteractDef_id |
error | 922 | No summary for method setInteractDef_id() |
error | 928 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 932 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 932 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 938 | No summary for method getQuery() |
error | 942 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of setQuery |
error | 942 | No summary for method setQuery() |
error | 948 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getActions |
error | 948 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getActions |
error | 948 | No summary for method getActions() |
error | 952 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setActions |
error | 952 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setActions |
error | 952 | No summary for method setActions() |
error | 959 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 963 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 963 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $interactDef_id |
error | 27 | No summary for property $query |
error | 28 | No summary for property $actions |
error | 29 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \history |
error | 33 | No summary for method checkCurrentValueAndHistory() |
error | 61 | Argument $histories is missing from the Docblock of exportToCSV |
error | 61 | No summary for method exportToCSV() |
error | 72 | Argument $_source_id is missing from the Docblock of copyHistoryToCmd |
error | 72 | Argument $_target_id is missing from the Docblock of copyHistoryToCmd |
error | 72 | No summary for method copyHistoryToCmd() |
error | 109 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of byCmdIdDatetime |
error | 109 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of byCmdIdDatetime |
error | 109 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of byCmdIdDatetime |
error | 109 | Argument $_oldValue is missing from the Docblock of byCmdIdDatetime |
error | 109 | No summary for method byCmdIdDatetime() |
error | 152 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of byCmdIdAtDatetime |
error | 152 | Argument $_time is missing from the Docblock of byCmdIdAtDatetime |
error | 152 | Argument $_previous is missing from the Docblock of byCmdIdAtDatetime |
error | 187 | Argument $_strcalcul is missing from the Docblock of byCmdIdAtDatetimeFromCalcul |
error | 187 | Argument $_time is missing from the Docblock of byCmdIdAtDatetimeFromCalcul |
error | 187 | Argument $_previous is missing from the Docblock of byCmdIdAtDatetimeFromCalcul |
error | 187 | No summary for method byCmdIdAtDatetimeFromCalcul() |
error | 355 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 355 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 355 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 355 | Argument $_groupingType is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 355 | Argument $_addFirstPreviousValue is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 355 | No summary for method all() |
error | 497 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of getOldestValue |
error | 497 | Argument $_limit is missing from the Docblock of getOldestValue |
error | 497 | No summary for method getOldestValue() |
error | 511 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of removes |
error | 511 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of removes |
error | 511 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of removes |
error | 511 | No summary for method removes() |
error | 534 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of getPlurality |
error | 534 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of getPlurality |
error | 534 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of getPlurality |
error | 534 | Argument $_period is missing from the Docblock of getPlurality |
error | 534 | Argument $_offset is missing from the Docblock of getPlurality |
error | 534 | No summary for method getPlurality() |
error | 613 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of getTemporalAvg |
error | 613 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of getTemporalAvg |
error | 613 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of getTemporalAvg |
error | 613 | No summary for method getTemporalAvg() |
error | 642 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of getStatistique |
error | 642 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of getStatistique |
error | 642 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of getStatistique |
error | 642 | No summary for method getStatistique() |
error | 702 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of getTendance |
error | 702 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of getTendance |
error | 702 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of getTendance |
error | 702 | No summary for method getTendance() |
error | 729 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of stateDuration |
error | 729 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of stateDuration |
error | 729 | No summary for method stateDuration() |
error | 754 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of lastStateDuration |
error | 754 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of lastStateDuration |
error | 754 | No summary for method lastStateDuration() |
error | 813 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of lastChangeStateDuration |
error | 813 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of lastChangeStateDuration |
error | 813 | No summary for method lastChangeStateDuration() |
error | 877 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of stateChanges |
error | 877 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of stateChanges |
error | 877 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of stateChanges |
error | 877 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of stateChanges |
error | 877 | No summary for method stateChanges() |
error | 925 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of emptyHistory |
error | 925 | Argument $_date is missing from the Docblock of emptyHistory |
error | 925 | No summary for method emptyHistory() |
error | 944 | Argument $_strcalcul is missing from the Docblock of getHistoryFromCalcul |
error | 944 | Argument $_dateStart is missing from the Docblock of getHistoryFromCalcul |
error | 944 | Argument $_dateEnd is missing from the Docblock of getHistoryFromCalcul |
error | 944 | Argument $_noCalcul is missing from the Docblock of getHistoryFromCalcul |
error | 944 | Argument $_groupingType is missing from the Docblock of getHistoryFromCalcul |
error | 944 | No summary for method getHistoryFromCalcul() |
error | 1009 | Argument $_cmd is missing from the Docblock of save |
error | 1009 | Argument $_direct is missing from the Docblock of save |
error | 1009 | No summary for method save() |
error | 1091 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 1097 | No summary for method getCmd_id() |
error | 1101 | No summary for method getCmd() |
error | 1105 | No summary for method getValue() |
error | 1109 | No summary for method getDatetime() |
error | 1113 | No summary for method getTableName() |
error | 1117 | Argument $_tableName is missing from the Docblock of setTableName |
error | 1117 | No summary for method setTableName() |
error | 1122 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of setCmd_id |
error | 1122 | No summary for method setCmd_id() |
error | 1128 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setValue |
error | 1128 | No summary for method setValue() |
error | 1134 | Argument $_datetime is missing from the Docblock of setDatetime |
error | 1134 | No summary for method setDatetime() |
error | 1140 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 1144 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 1144 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $cmd_id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $value |
error | 27 | No summary for property $datetime |
error | 28 | No summary for property $_changed |
error | 29 | No summary for property $_tableName |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 24 | No summary for class \user |
error | 40 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 40 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 155 | No summary for method connectToLDAP() |
error | 174 | Argument $_login is missing from the Docblock of byLogin |
error | 174 | No summary for method byLogin() |
error | 184 | Argument $_hash is missing from the Docblock of byHash |
error | 184 | No summary for method byHash() |
error | 198 | Argument $_login is missing from the Docblock of byLoginAndHash |
error | 198 | Argument $_hash is missing from the Docblock of byLoginAndHash |
error | 198 | No summary for method byLoginAndHash() |
error | 210 | Argument $_login is missing from the Docblock of byLoginAndPassword |
error | 210 | Argument $_password is missing from the Docblock of byLoginAndPassword |
error | 210 | No summary for method byLoginAndPassword() |
error | 226 | No summary for method all() |
error | 232 | Argument $_rights is missing from the Docblock of searchByRight |
error | 232 | No summary for method searchByRight() |
error | 244 | Argument $_search is missing from the Docblock of searchByOptions |
error | 244 | No summary for method searchByOptions() |
error | 254 | Argument $_profils is missing from the Docblock of byProfils |
error | 254 | Argument $_enable is missing from the Docblock of byProfils |
error | 254 | No summary for method byProfils() |
error | 267 | Argument $_enable is missing from the Docblock of byEnable |
error | 267 | No summary for method byEnable() |
error | 277 | No summary for method failedLogin() |
error | 284 | No summary for method removeBanIp() |
error | 289 | No summary for method isBan() |
error | 351 | No summary for method getAccessKeyForReport() |
error | 386 | Argument $_enable is missing from the Docblock of supportAccess |
error | 386 | No summary for method supportAccess() |
error | 416 | No summary for method deadCmd() |
error | 429 | No summary for method regenerateHash() |
error | 444 | No summary for method preInsert() |
error | 450 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 468 | No summary for method encrypt() |
error | 472 | No summary for method decrypt() |
error | 476 | No summary for method save() |
error | 480 | No summary for method preRemove() |
error | 486 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 491 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 499 | No summary for method is_Connected() |
error | 503 | Argument $_code is missing from the Docblock of validateTwoFactorCode |
error | 503 | No summary for method validateTwoFactorCode() |
error | 510 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 514 | No summary for method getLogin() |
error | 518 | No summary for method getPassword() |
error | 522 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 522 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 528 | Argument $_login is missing from the Docblock of setLogin |
error | 528 | No summary for method setLogin() |
error | 534 | Argument $_password is missing from the Docblock of setPassword |
error | 534 | No summary for method setPassword() |
error | 545 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 545 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 545 | No summary for method getOptions() |
error | 549 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 549 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 549 | No summary for method setOptions() |
error | 562 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getRights |
error | 562 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getRights |
error | 562 | No summary for method getRights() |
error | 566 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setRights |
error | 566 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setRights |
error | 566 | No summary for method setRights() |
error | 573 | No summary for method getEnable() |
error | 577 | Argument $_enable is missing from the Docblock of setEnable |
error | 577 | No summary for method setEnable() |
error | 583 | No summary for method getHash() |
error | 596 | Argument $_hash is missing from the Docblock of setHash |
error | 596 | No summary for method setHash() |
error | 602 | No summary for method getProfils() |
error | 606 | Argument $_profils is missing from the Docblock of setProfils |
error | 606 | No summary for method setProfils() |
error | 612 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 616 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 616 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 27 | No summary for property $id |
error | 28 | No summary for property $login |
error | 29 | No summary for property $profils |
error | 30 | No summary for property $password |
error | 31 | No summary for property $options |
error | 32 | No summary for property $rights |
error | 33 | No summary for property $enable |
error | 34 | No summary for property $hash |
error | 35 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 219 | Argument $_content is missing from the Docblock of __ |
error | 219 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of __ |
error | 219 | Argument $_backslash is missing from the Docblock of __ |
error | 219 | No summary for function \__() |
error | 38 | No summary for class \translate |
error | 49 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfig |
error | 49 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfig |
error | 49 | No summary for method getConfig() |
error | 59 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of getTranslation |
error | 59 | No summary for method getTranslation() |
error | 70 | Argument $_widget is missing from the Docblock of getWidgetTranslation |
error | 70 | No summary for method getWidgetTranslation() |
error | 80 | Argument $_content is missing from the Docblock of sentence |
error | 80 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of sentence |
error | 80 | Argument $_backslash is missing from the Docblock of sentence |
error | 80 | No summary for method sentence() |
error | 84 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of getPluginFromName |
error | 84 | No summary for method getPluginFromName() |
error | 98 | Argument $_content is missing from the Docblock of exec |
error | 98 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of exec |
error | 98 | Argument $_backslash is missing from the Docblock of exec |
error | 98 | No summary for method exec() |
error | 166 | Argument $_language is missing from the Docblock of getPathTranslationFile |
error | 166 | No summary for method getPathTranslationFile() |
error | 170 | Argument $_widgetName is missing from the Docblock of getWidgetPathTranslationFile |
error | 170 | No summary for method getWidgetPathTranslationFile() |
error | 174 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of loadTranslation |
error | 174 | No summary for method loadTranslation() |
error | 205 | No summary for method getLanguage() |
error | 212 | Argument $_langage is missing from the Docblock of setLanguage |
error | 212 | No summary for method setLanguage() |
error | 41 | No summary for property $translation |
error | 42 | No summary for property $language |
error | 43 | No summary for property $config |
error | 44 | No summary for property $pluginLoad |
error | 45 | No summary for property $widgetLoad |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \network |
error | 24 | No summary for method getUserLocation() |
error | 46 | No summary for method getClientIp() |
error | 59 | Argument $_mode is missing from the Docblock of getNetworkAccess |
error | 59 | Argument $_protocol is missing from the Docblock of getNetworkAccess |
error | 59 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getNetworkAccess |
error | 59 | Argument $_test is missing from the Docblock of getNetworkAccess |
error | 59 | No summary for method getNetworkAccess() |
error | 207 | Argument $_mode is missing from the Docblock of checkConf |
error | 207 | No summary for method checkConf() |
error | 245 | Argument $_mode is missing from the Docblock of test |
error | 245 | Argument $_timeout is missing from the Docblock of test |
error | 245 | No summary for method test() |
error | 283 | No summary for method dns_create() |
error | 429 | No summary for method dns_start() |
error | 444 | No summary for method dns_run() |
error | 463 | No summary for method dns_stop() |
error | 477 | Argument $host is missing from the Docblock of portOpen |
error | 477 | Argument $port is missing from the Docblock of portOpen |
error | 477 | No summary for method portOpen() |
error | 486 | No summary for method getInterfacesInfo() |
error | 490 | No summary for method cron10() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \view |
error | 35 | No summary for method all() |
error | 42 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 42 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 52 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of searchByUse |
error | 52 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of searchByUse |
error | 52 | No summary for method searchByUse() |
error | 73 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of copy |
error | 73 | No summary for method copy() |
error | 93 | Argument $_format is missing from the Docblock of report |
error | 93 | Argument $_parameters is missing from the Docblock of report |
error | 93 | No summary for method report() |
error | 109 | No summary for method presave() |
error | 115 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 119 | No summary for method save() |
error | 123 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 128 | No summary for method getviewZone() |
error | 132 | No summary for method removeviewZone() |
error | 136 | No summary for method getImgLink() |
error | 144 | No summary for method toArray() |
error | 150 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of toAjax |
error | 150 | Argument $_html is missing from the Docblock of toAjax |
error | 150 | No summary for method toAjax() |
error | 240 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 240 | Argument $_level is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 240 | Argument $_drill is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 240 | No summary for method getLinkData() |
error | 264 | Argument $_right is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 264 | Argument $_user is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 264 | No summary for method hasRight() |
error | 288 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 292 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 292 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 298 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 302 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 302 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 308 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getOrder |
error | 308 | No summary for method getOrder() |
error | 315 | Argument $_order is missing from the Docblock of setOrder |
error | 315 | No summary for method setOrder() |
error | 321 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 321 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 321 | No summary for method getDisplay() |
error | 325 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 325 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 325 | No summary for method setDisplay() |
error | 332 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getImage |
error | 332 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getImage |
error | 332 | No summary for method getImage() |
error | 336 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setImage |
error | 336 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setImage |
error | 336 | No summary for method setImage() |
error | 343 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 343 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 343 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 347 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 347 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 347 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 357 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 361 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 361 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $display |
error | 28 | No summary for property $order |
error | 29 | No summary for property $image |
error | 30 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 31 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 21 | No summary for class \system |
error | 37 | No summary for method loadCommand() |
error | 51 | No summary for method getDistrib() |
error | 68 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of get |
error | 68 | No summary for method get() |
error | 86 | No summary for method getCmdSudo() |
error | 96 | Argument $_port is missing from the Docblock of fuserk |
error | 96 | Argument $_protocol is missing from the Docblock of fuserk |
error | 96 | No summary for method fuserk() |
error | 104 | Argument $_find is missing from the Docblock of ps |
error | 104 | Argument $_without is missing from the Docblock of ps |
error | 104 | No summary for method ps() |
error | 143 | Argument $_find is missing from the Docblock of kill |
error | 143 | Argument $_kill9 is missing from the Docblock of kill |
error | 143 | No summary for method kill() |
error | 176 | Argument $arguments is missing from the Docblock of php |
error | 176 | Argument $_sudo is missing from the Docblock of php |
error | 176 | No summary for method php() |
error | 183 | No summary for method getArch() |
error | 197 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of getUpgradablePackage |
error | 197 | Argument $_forceRefresh is missing from the Docblock of getUpgradablePackage |
error | 197 | No summary for method getUpgradablePackage() |
error | 257 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of upgradePackage |
error | 257 | Argument $_package is missing from the Docblock of upgradePackage |
error | 257 | No summary for method upgradePackage() |
error | 307 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of getInstallPackage |
error | 307 | No summary for method getInstallPackage() |
error | 399 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of os_incompatible |
error | 399 | Argument $_package is missing from the Docblock of os_incompatible |
error | 399 | Argument $_info is missing from the Docblock of os_incompatible |
error | 399 | No summary for method os_incompatible() |
error | 417 | Argument $_packages is missing from the Docblock of checkAndInstall |
error | 417 | Argument $_fix is missing from the Docblock of checkAndInstall |
error | 417 | Argument $_foreground is missing from the Docblock of checkAndInstall |
error | 417 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of checkAndInstall |
error | 417 | Argument $_force is missing from the Docblock of checkAndInstall |
error | 417 | No summary for method checkAndInstall() |
error | 696 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of installPackageInProgress |
error | 696 | No summary for method installPackageInProgress() |
error | 719 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of launchScriptPackage |
error | 719 | No summary for method launchScriptPackage() |
error | 745 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of installPackage |
error | 745 | Argument $_package is missing from the Docblock of installPackage |
error | 745 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of installPackage |
error | 745 | No summary for method installPackage() |
error | 794 | Argument $_exec is missing from the Docblock of checkHasExec |
error | 794 | No summary for method checkHasExec() |
error | 802 | No summary for method getOsVersion() |
error | 813 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of checkInstallationLog |
error | 813 | No summary for method checkInstallationLog() |
error | 23 | No summary for property $_hasExec |
error | 24 | No summary for property $_os_version |
error | 25 | No summary for property $_installPackage |
error | 26 | No summary for property $_distrib |
error | 27 | No summary for property $_command |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \scenarioElement |
error | 35 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 35 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 45 | Argument $element_ajax is missing from the Docblock of saveAjaxElement |
error | 45 | No summary for method saveAjaxElement() |
error | 117 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 121 | No summary for method save() |
error | 126 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 136 | Argument $_scenario is missing from the Docblock of execute |
error | 136 | No summary for method execute() |
error | 287 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of getSubElement |
error | 287 | No summary for method getSubElement() |
error | 303 | Argument $_mode is missing from the Docblock of getAjaxElement |
error | 303 | No summary for method getAjaxElement() |
error | 381 | No summary for method getAllId() |
error | 396 | No summary for method resetRepeatIfStatus() |
error | 408 | No summary for method export() |
error | 458 | No summary for method copy() |
error | 468 | No summary for method getScenario() |
error | 482 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 486 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 486 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 492 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 496 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 496 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 502 | No summary for method getType() |
error | 506 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of setType |
error | 506 | No summary for method setType() |
error | 512 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 512 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 512 | No summary for method getOptions() |
error | 516 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 516 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 516 | No summary for method setOptions() |
error | 523 | No summary for method getOrder() |
error | 527 | Argument $_order is missing from the Docblock of setOrder |
error | 527 | No summary for method setOrder() |
error | 533 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 537 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 537 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $type |
error | 28 | No summary for property $options |
error | 29 | No summary for property $order |
error | 30 | No summary for property $_changed |
error | 31 | No summary for property $_subelement |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \scenario |
error | 69 | Argument $_string is missing from the Docblock of byString |
error | 69 | No summary for method byString() |
error | 81 | Argument $_group is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 179 | Argument $_asGroup is missing from the Docblock of allOrderedByGroupObjectName |
error | 225 | No summary for method schedule() |
error | 239 | No summary for method listGroup() |
error | 256 | No summary for method byTrigger() |
error | 276 | No summary for method byGenericTrigger() |
error | 297 | No summary for method byElement() |
error | 313 | No summary for method byObjectId() |
error | 341 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of check |
error | 341 | Name of argument $_options does not match with the DocBlock's name $_value in check() |
error | 341 | No summary for method check() |
error | 413 | No summary for method control() |
error | 437 | No summary for method doIn() |
error | 471 | No summary for method cleanTable() |
error | 508 | Argument $_needsReturn is missing from the Docblock of consystencyCheck |
error | 508 | No summary for method consystencyCheck() |
error | 575 | No summary for method byObjectNameGroupNameScenarioName() |
error | 622 | No summary for method toHumanReadable() |
error | 662 | No summary for method fromHumanReadable() |
error | 715 | No summary for method searchByUse() |
error | 760 | No summary for method searchByTrigger() |
error | 778 | No summary for method getTemplate() |
error | 789 | No summary for method testTrigger() |
error | 810 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of launch |
error | 810 | Name of argument $_options does not match with the DocBlock's name $_forceSyncMode in launch() |
error | 810 | No summary for method launch() |
error | 876 | No summary for method execute() |
error | 958 | No summary for method copy() |
error | 979 | No summary for method toHtml() |
error | 1029 | No summary for method emptyCacheWidget() |
error | 1040 | No summary for method getIcon() |
error | 1073 | No summary for method getLinkToConfiguration() |
error | 1080 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 1098 | No summary for method postInsert() |
error | 1103 | No summary for method save() |
error | 1117 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 1121 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 1141 | No summary for method removeData() |
error | 1159 | No summary for method setData() |
error | 1173 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getData |
error | 1173 | Argument $_private is missing from the Docblock of getData |
error | 1173 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getData |
error | 1173 | No summary for method getData() |
error | 1185 | No summary for method calculateScheduleDate() |
error | 1219 | No summary for method isDue() |
error | 1289 | No summary for method running() |
error | 1303 | No summary for method stop() |
error | 1344 | No summary for method getElement() |
error | 1375 | No summary for method export() |
error | 1472 | No summary for method getObject() |
error | 1484 | Argument $_object_name is missing from the Docblock of getHumanName |
error | 1484 | Name of argument $_object_name does not match with the DocBlock's name $_withoutScenarioName in getHumanName() |
error | 1484 | No summary for method getHumanName() |
error | 1537 | Argument $_user is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 1537 | Name of argument $_user does not match with the DocBlock's name $_right in hasRight() |
error | 1537 | No summary for method hasRight() |
error | 1559 | Argument $_partial is missing from the Docblock of persistLog |
error | 1559 | No summary for method persistLog() |
error | 1575 | No summary for method toArray() |
error | 1589 | No summary for method getLinkData() |
error | 1642 | No summary for method getUse() |
error | 1647 | Argument $_array is missing from the Docblock of getUsedBy |
error | 1647 | No summary for method getUsedBy() |
error | 1672 | No summary for method clearLog() |
error | 1676 | No summary for method resetRepeatIfStatus() |
error | 1687 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 1694 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 1698 | No summary for method getState() |
error | 1705 | No summary for method getIsActive() |
error | 1709 | No summary for method getGroup() |
error | 1713 | No summary for method getLastLaunch() |
error | 1721 | Name of argument $_id does not match with the DocBlock's name $id in setId() |
notice | 1721 | Parameter $id could not be found in setId() |
error | 1721 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 1731 | Name of argument $_name does not match with the DocBlock's name $name in setName() |
notice | 1731 | Parameter $name could not be found in setName() |
error | 1731 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 1745 | Name of argument $_isActive does not match with the DocBlock's name $isActive in setIsActive() |
notice | 1745 | Parameter $isActive could not be found in setIsActive() |
error | 1745 | No summary for method setIsActive() |
error | 1758 | Name of argument $_group does not match with the DocBlock's name $group in setGroup() |
notice | 1758 | Parameter $group could not be found in setGroup() |
error | 1758 | No summary for method setGroup() |
error | 1770 | No summary for method setState() |
error | 1781 | No summary for method setLastLaunch() |
error | 1785 | No summary for method getMode() |
error | 1793 | No summary for method setMode() |
error | 1799 | No summary for method getOrder() |
error | 1807 | No summary for method setOrder() |
error | 1816 | No summary for method getSchedule() |
error | 1824 | No summary for method setSchedule() |
error | 1833 | No summary for method getPID() |
error | 1837 | Argument $pid is missing from the Docblock of setPID |
error | 1837 | No summary for method setPID() |
error | 1841 | No summary for method getScenarioElement() |
error | 1845 | Argument $_scenarioElement is missing from the Docblock of setScenarioElement |
error | 1845 | No summary for method setScenarioElement() |
error | 1854 | No summary for method getTrigger() |
error | 1858 | Argument $_trigger is missing from the Docblock of setTrigger |
error | 1858 | No summary for method setTrigger() |
error | 1872 | No summary for method getLog() |
error | 1879 | No summary for method setLog() |
error | 1891 | No summary for method getTimeout() |
error | 1899 | Name of argument $_timeout does not match with the DocBlock's name $timeout in setTimeout() |
notice | 1899 | Parameter $timeout could not be found in setTimeout() |
error | 1899 | No summary for method setTimeout() |
error | 1908 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getObject_id |
error | 1908 | No summary for method getObject_id() |
error | 1919 | No summary for method getIsVisible() |
error | 1930 | No summary for method setObject_id() |
error | 1943 | No summary for method setIsVisible() |
error | 1954 | No summary for method getDisplay() |
error | 1963 | No summary for method setDisplay() |
error | 1973 | No summary for method getDescription() |
error | 1981 | Name of argument $_description does not match with the DocBlock's name $description in setDescription() |
notice | 1981 | Parameter $description could not be found in setDescription() |
error | 1981 | No summary for method setDescription() |
error | 1992 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 2001 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 2011 | No summary for method getRealTrigger() |
error | 2019 | No summary for method setRealTrigger() |
error | 2027 | No summary for method getRealTriggerValue() |
error | 2035 | No summary for method setRealTriggerValue() |
error | 2054 | No summary for method setReturn() |
error | 2092 | No summary for method setDo() |
error | 2097 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getCache |
error | 2097 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getCache |
error | 2097 | No summary for method getCache() |
error | 2106 | No summary for method setCache() |
error | 2110 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 2114 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 2114 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $isActive |
error | 28 | No summary for property $group |
error | 29 | No summary for property $mode |
error | 30 | No summary for property $schedule |
error | 31 | No summary for property $scenarioElement |
error | 32 | No summary for property $trigger |
error | 33 | No summary for property $_log |
error | 34 | No summary for property $timeout |
error | 35 | No summary for property $object_id |
error | 36 | No summary for property $isVisible |
error | 37 | No summary for property $display |
error | 38 | No summary for property $order |
error | 39 | No summary for property $description |
error | 40 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 41 | No summary for property $_templateArray |
error | 42 | No summary for property $_elements |
error | 43 | No summary for property $_changeState |
error | 44 | No summary for property $_realTrigger |
error | 45 | No summary for property $_realTriggerValue |
error | 47 | No summary for property $_return |
error | 48 | No summary for property $_tags |
error | 49 | No summary for property $_do |
error | 50 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 19 | No summary for class \jsonrpcClient |
error | 43 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 57 | No summary for method sendRequest() |
error | 109 | Argument $_request is missing from the Docblock of send |
error | 109 | Argument $_timeout is missing from the Docblock of send |
error | 109 | Argument $_file is missing from the Docblock of send |
error | 109 | Argument $_maxRetry is missing from the Docblock of send |
error | 109 | No summary for method send() |
error | 184 | No summary for method getError() |
error | 188 | No summary for method getResult() |
error | 192 | No summary for method getRawResult() |
error | 196 | No summary for method getErrorCode() |
error | 200 | No summary for method getErrorMessage() |
error | 204 | No summary for method getCb_function() |
error | 208 | No summary for method getCb_class() |
error | 212 | Argument $cb_function is missing from the Docblock of setCb_function |
error | 212 | No summary for method setCb_function() |
error | 217 | Argument $cb_class is missing from the Docblock of setCb_class |
error | 217 | No summary for method setCb_class() |
error | 222 | Argument $certificate_path is missing from the Docblock of setCertificate_path |
error | 222 | No summary for method setCertificate_path() |
error | 227 | No summary for method getCertificate_path() |
error | 231 | Argument $noSslCheck is missing from the Docblock of setDisable_ssl_verifiy |
error | 231 | No summary for method setDisable_ssl_verifiy() |
error | 236 | No summary for method getNoSslCheck() |
error | 240 | Argument $noSslCHeck is missing from the Docblock of setNoSslCheck |
error | 240 | No summary for method setNoSslCheck() |
error | 22 | No summary for property $errorCode |
error | 23 | No summary for property $errorMessage |
error | 24 | No summary for property $error |
error | 25 | No summary for property $result |
error | 26 | No summary for property $rawResult |
error | 27 | No summary for property $apikey |
error | 28 | No summary for property $options |
error | 29 | No summary for property $apiAddr |
error | 30 | No summary for property $cb_function |
error | 31 | No summary for property $cb_class |
error | 32 | No summary for property $certificate_path |
error | 33 | No summary for property $noSslCheck |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \note |
error | 32 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 32 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 42 | No summary for method all() |
error | 50 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 56 | No summary for method save() |
error | 61 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 65 | Argument $_search is missing from the Docblock of searchByString |
error | 65 | No summary for method searchByString() |
error | 77 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 81 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 85 | No summary for method getText() |
error | 89 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 89 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 95 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 95 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 101 | Argument $_text is missing from the Docblock of setText |
error | 101 | No summary for method setText() |
error | 107 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 111 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 111 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $text |
error | 28 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \viewData |
error | 35 | No summary for method all() |
error | 41 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 41 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 51 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of byTypeLinkId |
error | 51 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of byTypeLinkId |
error | 51 | No summary for method byTypeLinkId() |
error | 64 | Argument $_viewZone_id is missing from the Docblock of byviewZoneId |
error | 64 | No summary for method byviewZoneId() |
error | 75 | Argument $_search is missing from the Docblock of searchByConfiguration |
error | 75 | No summary for method searchByConfiguration() |
error | 85 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of removeByTypeLinkId |
error | 85 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of removeByTypeLinkId |
error | 85 | No summary for method removeByTypeLinkId() |
error | 95 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 99 | No summary for method save() |
error | 103 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 107 | No summary for method getviewZone() |
error | 113 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 117 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 117 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 123 | No summary for method getOrder() |
error | 127 | Argument $_order is missing from the Docblock of setOrder |
error | 127 | No summary for method setOrder() |
error | 133 | No summary for method getviewZone_id() |
error | 137 | Argument $_viewZone_id is missing from the Docblock of setviewZone_id |
error | 137 | No summary for method setviewZone_id() |
error | 143 | No summary for method getType() |
error | 147 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of setType |
error | 147 | No summary for method setType() |
error | 153 | No summary for method getLink_id() |
error | 157 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of setLink_id |
error | 157 | No summary for method setLink_id() |
error | 163 | No summary for method getLinkObject() |
error | 171 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 171 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 171 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 175 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 175 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 175 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 182 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 186 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 186 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $order |
error | 27 | No summary for property $viewZone_id |
error | 28 | No summary for property $type |
error | 29 | No summary for property $link_id |
error | 30 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 31 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \plan3dHeader |
error | 33 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 33 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 43 | No summary for method all() |
error | 73 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 77 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 83 | No summary for method save() |
error | 87 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 96 | No summary for method getPlan3d() |
error | 100 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 100 | Argument $_level is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 100 | Argument $_drill is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 100 | No summary for method getLinkData() |
error | 124 | Argument $_right is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 124 | Argument $_user is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 124 | No summary for method hasRight() |
error | 148 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 152 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 156 | No summary for method getOrder() |
error | 163 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 163 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 169 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 169 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 175 | Argument $_order is missing from the Docblock of setOrder |
error | 175 | No summary for method setOrder() |
error | 181 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 181 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 181 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 185 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 185 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 185 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 195 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 199 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 199 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 28 | No summary for property $order |
error | 29 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \eqLogic |
error | 53 | No summary for method getAllTags() |
error | 74 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 87 | Argument $_inputs is missing from the Docblock of cast |
error | 87 | No summary for method cast() |
error | 105 | Argument $_onlyEnable is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 105 | No summary for method all() |
error | 116 | Argument $_object_id is missing from the Docblock of byObjectId |
error | 116 | Argument $_onlyEnable is missing from the Docblock of byObjectId |
error | 116 | Argument $_onlyVisible is missing from the Docblock of byObjectId |
error | 116 | Argument $_eqType_name is missing from the Docblock of byObjectId |
error | 116 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of byObjectId |
error | 116 | Argument $_orderByName is missing from the Docblock of byObjectId |
error | 116 | Argument $_onlyHasCmds is missing from the Docblock of byObjectId |
error | 116 | No summary for method byObjectId() |
error | 171 | No summary for method byLogicalId() |
error | 197 | No summary for method byType() |
error | 215 | Argument $_category is missing from the Docblock of byCategorie |
error | 215 | No summary for method byCategorie() |
error | 229 | Argument $_eqType_name is missing from the Docblock of byTypeAndSearchConfiguration |
error | 229 | Argument $_configuration is missing from the Docblock of byTypeAndSearchConfiguration |
error | 229 | No summary for method byTypeAndSearchConfiguration() |
error | 260 | Argument $_eqType_name is missing from the Docblock of byTypeAndSearhConfiguration |
error | 260 | Argument $_configuration is missing from the Docblock of byTypeAndSearhConfiguration |
error | 260 | No summary for method byTypeAndSearhConfiguration() |
error | 265 | Argument $_search is missing from the Docblock of searchByString |
error | 265 | No summary for method searchByString() |
error | 275 | Argument $_configuration is missing from the Docblock of searchConfiguration |
error | 275 | Argument $_eqType_name is missing from the Docblock of searchConfiguration |
error | 275 | No summary for method searchConfiguration() |
error | 306 | Argument $_eqType_name is missing from the Docblock of listByTypeAndCmdType |
error | 306 | Argument $_typeCmd is missing from the Docblock of listByTypeAndCmdType |
error | 306 | Argument $subTypeCmd is missing from the Docblock of listByTypeAndCmdType |
error | 306 | No summary for method listByTypeAndCmdType() |
error | 336 | Argument $_object_id is missing from the Docblock of listByObjectAndCmdType |
error | 336 | Argument $_typeCmd is missing from the Docblock of listByObjectAndCmdType |
error | 336 | Argument $subTypeCmd is missing from the Docblock of listByObjectAndCmdType |
error | 336 | No summary for method listByObjectAndCmdType() |
error | 360 | No summary for method allType() |
error | 366 | No summary for method checkAlive() |
error | 411 | Argument $_timeout is missing from the Docblock of byTimeout |
error | 411 | Argument $_onlyEnable is missing from the Docblock of byTimeout |
error | 411 | No summary for method byTimeout() |
error | 424 | Argument $_object_name is missing from the Docblock of byObjectNameEqLogicName |
error | 424 | Argument $_eqLogic_name is missing from the Docblock of byObjectNameEqLogicName |
error | 424 | No summary for method byObjectNameEqLogicName() |
error | 447 | Argument $_input is missing from the Docblock of toHumanReadable |
error | 447 | No summary for method toHumanReadable() |
error | 483 | Argument $_input is missing from the Docblock of fromHumanReadable |
error | 483 | No summary for method fromHumanReadable() |
error | 544 | No summary for method clearCacheWidget() |
error | 550 | Argument $_nbLine is missing from the Docblock of generateHtmlTable |
error | 550 | Argument $_nbColumn is missing from the Docblock of generateHtmlTable |
error | 550 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of generateHtmlTable |
error | 550 | No summary for method generateHtmlTable() |
error | 588 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of batteryWidget |
error | 588 | No summary for method batteryWidget() |
error | 655 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of checkAndUpdateCmd |
error | 655 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of checkAndUpdateCmd |
error | 655 | Argument $_updateTime is missing from the Docblock of checkAndUpdateCmd |
error | 655 | No summary for method checkAndUpdateCmd() |
error | 685 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of copy |
error | 685 | No summary for method copy() |
error | 713 | No summary for method getTableName() |
error | 717 | No summary for method hasOnlyEventOnlyCmd() |
error | 721 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of preToHtml |
error | 721 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of preToHtml |
error | 721 | Argument $_noCache is missing from the Docblock of preToHtml |
error | 721 | No summary for method preToHtml() |
error | 862 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of toHtml |
error | 862 | No summary for method toHtml() |
error | 913 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of postToHtml |
error | 913 | Argument $_html is missing from the Docblock of postToHtml |
error | 913 | No summary for method postToHtml() |
error | 920 | No summary for method emptyCacheWidget() |
error | 929 | No summary for method getAlert() |
error | 942 | No summary for method getMaxCmdAlert() |
error | 959 | No summary for method getShowOnChild() |
error | 963 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 976 | Argument $_direct is missing from the Docblock of save |
error | 976 | No summary for method save() |
error | 1068 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 1072 | No summary for method getLinkToConfiguration() |
error | 1079 | Argument $_tag is missing from the Docblock of getHumanName |
error | 1079 | Argument $_prettify is missing from the Docblock of getHumanName |
error | 1079 | No summary for method getHumanName() |
error | 1105 | No summary for method getPrimaryCategory() |
error | 1114 | Argument $_message is missing from the Docblock of displayDebug |
error | 1114 | No summary for method displayDebug() |
error | 1120 | Argument $_pourcent is missing from the Docblock of batteryStatus |
error | 1120 | Argument $_datetime is missing from the Docblock of batteryStatus |
error | 1120 | No summary for method batteryStatus() |
error | 1213 | No summary for method refreshWidget() |
error | 1219 | Argument $_right is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 1219 | Argument $_user is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 1219 | No summary for method hasRight() |
error | 1241 | Argument $_sourceId is missing from the Docblock of migrateEqlogic |
error | 1241 | Argument $_targetId is missing from the Docblock of migrateEqlogic |
error | 1241 | Argument $_mode is missing from the Docblock of migrateEqlogic |
error | 1241 | No summary for method migrateEqlogic() |
error | 1345 | Argument $_configuration is missing from the Docblock of import |
error | 1345 | Argument $_dontRemove is missing from the Docblock of import |
error | 1345 | No summary for method import() |
error | 1445 | Argument $_withCmd is missing from the Docblock of export |
error | 1445 | No summary for method export() |
error | 1485 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of widgetPossibility |
error | 1485 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of widgetPossibility |
error | 1485 | No summary for method widgetPossibility() |
error | 1530 | No summary for method toArray() |
error | 1537 | No summary for method getImage() |
error | 1542 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 1542 | Argument $_level is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 1542 | Argument $_drill is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 1542 | No summary for method getLinkData() |
error | 1588 | No summary for method getUse() |
error | 1593 | Argument $_array is missing from the Docblock of getUsedBy |
error | 1593 | No summary for method getUsedBy() |
error | 1619 | Argument $_plugin_id is missing from the Docblock of deadCmdGeneric |
error | 1619 | No summary for method deadCmdGeneric() |
error | 1639 | No summary for method getUsage() |
error | 1666 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 1674 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 1682 | No summary for method getLogicalId() |
error | 1690 | No summary for method getObject_id() |
error | 1698 | No summary for method getObject() |
error | 1710 | No summary for method setObject() |
error | 1719 | No summary for method getEqType_name() |
error | 1728 | No summary for method getIsVisible() |
error | 1740 | No summary for method getIsEnable() |
error | 1815 | No summary for method searchCmdByConfiguration() |
error | 1819 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 1819 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 1825 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 1825 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 1835 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of setLogicalId |
error | 1835 | No summary for method setLogicalId() |
error | 1841 | Argument $object_id is missing from the Docblock of setObject_id |
error | 1841 | No summary for method setObject_id() |
error | 1848 | Argument $eqType_name is missing from the Docblock of setEqType_name |
error | 1848 | No summary for method setEqType_name() |
error | 1854 | Argument $_isVisible is missing from the Docblock of setIsVisible |
error | 1854 | No summary for method setIsVisible() |
error | 1863 | Argument $_isEnable is missing from the Docblock of setIsEnable |
error | 1863 | No summary for method setIsEnable() |
error | 1875 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 1875 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 1875 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 1879 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 1879 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 1879 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 1891 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 1891 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 1891 | No summary for method getDisplay() |
error | 1895 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 1895 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 1895 | No summary for method setDisplay() |
error | 1905 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getTimeout |
error | 1905 | No summary for method getTimeout() |
error | 1912 | Argument $_timeout is missing from the Docblock of setTimeout |
error | 1912 | No summary for method setTimeout() |
error | 1924 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getCategory |
error | 1924 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getCategory |
error | 1924 | No summary for method getCategory() |
error | 1931 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setCategory |
error | 1931 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setCategory |
error | 1931 | No summary for method setCategory() |
error | 1941 | No summary for method getGenericType() |
error | 1945 | Argument $_generic_type is missing from the Docblock of setGenericType |
error | 1945 | No summary for method setGenericType() |
error | 1951 | No summary for method getComment() |
error | 1955 | Argument $_comment is missing from the Docblock of setComment |
error | 1955 | No summary for method setComment() |
error | 1961 | No summary for method getTags() |
error | 1965 | Argument $_tags is missing from the Docblock of setTags |
error | 1965 | No summary for method setTags() |
error | 1972 | No summary for method getDebug() |
error | 1976 | Argument $_debug is missing from the Docblock of setDebug |
error | 1976 | No summary for method setDebug() |
error | 1987 | No summary for method getOrder() |
error | 1994 | Argument $_order is missing from the Docblock of setOrder |
error | 1994 | No summary for method setOrder() |
error | 2000 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getCache |
error | 2000 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getCache |
error | 2000 | No summary for method getCache() |
error | 2005 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setCache |
error | 2005 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setCache |
error | 2005 | No summary for method setCache() |
error | 2009 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getStatus |
error | 2009 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getStatus |
error | 2009 | No summary for method getStatus() |
error | 2014 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setStatus |
error | 2014 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setStatus |
error | 2014 | No summary for method setStatus() |
error | 2037 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 2041 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 2041 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $logicalId |
error | 28 | No summary for property $generic_type |
error | 29 | No summary for property $object_id |
error | 30 | No summary for property $eqType_name |
error | 31 | No summary for property $isVisible |
error | 32 | No summary for property $isEnable |
error | 33 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 34 | No summary for property $timeout |
error | 35 | No summary for property $category |
error | 36 | No summary for property $display |
error | 37 | No summary for property $order |
error | 38 | No summary for property $comment |
error | 39 | No summary for property $tags |
error | 40 | No summary for property $_debug |
error | 41 | No summary for property $_object |
error | 42 | No summary for property $_needRefreshWidget |
error | 43 | No summary for property $_timeoutUpdated |
error | 44 | No summary for property $_batteryUpdated |
error | 45 | No summary for property $_changed |
error | 47 | No summary for property $_cmds |
error | 49 | No summary for property $_templateArray |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \interactDef |
error | 41 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 41 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 51 | Argument $_group is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 51 | No summary for method all() |
error | 72 | Argument $_group is missing from the Docblock of listGroup |
error | 72 | No summary for method listGroup() |
error | 84 | Argument $_text is missing from the Docblock of generateTextVariant |
error | 84 | No summary for method generateTextVariant() |
error | 104 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of searchByQuery |
error | 104 | No summary for method searchByQuery() |
error | 114 | No summary for method regenerateInteract() |
error | 120 | Argument $_def is missing from the Docblock of getTagFromQuery |
error | 120 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of getTagFromQuery |
error | 120 | No summary for method getTagFromQuery() |
error | 148 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of sanitizeQuery |
error | 148 | No summary for method sanitizeQuery() |
error | 156 | No summary for method deadCmd() |
error | 185 | No summary for method cleanInteract() |
error | 196 | Argument $_search is missing from the Docblock of searchByUse |
error | 196 | No summary for method searchByUse() |
error | 235 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of checkQuery |
error | 235 | No summary for method checkQuery() |
error | 373 | No summary for method selectReply() |
error | 379 | No summary for method preInsert() |
error | 386 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 395 | No summary for method save() |
error | 403 | No summary for method postSave() |
error | 427 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 431 | No summary for method preRemove() |
error | 435 | No summary for method postRemove() |
error | 439 | No summary for method generateQueryVariant() |
error | 573 | Argument $_text is missing from the Docblock of generateSynonymeVariante |
error | 573 | Argument $_synonymes is missing from the Docblock of generateSynonymeVariante |
error | 573 | Argument $_deep is missing from the Docblock of generateSynonymeVariante |
error | 573 | No summary for method generateSynonymeVariante() |
error | 596 | No summary for method getLinkToConfiguration() |
error | 600 | No summary for method getHumanName() |
error | 607 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 607 | Argument $_level is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 607 | Argument $_drill is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 607 | No summary for method getLinkData() |
error | 633 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 637 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 637 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 643 | No summary for method getQuery() |
error | 647 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of setQuery |
error | 647 | No summary for method setQuery() |
error | 653 | No summary for method getReply() |
error | 657 | Argument $_reply is missing from the Docblock of setReply |
error | 657 | No summary for method setReply() |
error | 663 | No summary for method getPerson() |
error | 667 | Argument $_person is missing from the Docblock of setPerson |
error | 667 | No summary for method setPerson() |
error | 673 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 673 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 673 | No summary for method getOptions() |
error | 677 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 677 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 677 | No summary for method setOptions() |
error | 684 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getFiltres |
error | 684 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getFiltres |
error | 684 | No summary for method getFiltres() |
error | 688 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setFiltres |
error | 688 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setFiltres |
error | 688 | No summary for method setFiltres() |
error | 695 | No summary for method getEnable() |
error | 699 | Argument $_enable is missing from the Docblock of setEnable |
error | 699 | No summary for method setEnable() |
error | 705 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 709 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 709 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 715 | No summary for method getComment() |
error | 719 | Argument $_comment is missing from the Docblock of setComment |
error | 719 | No summary for method setComment() |
error | 725 | No summary for method getGroup() |
error | 729 | Argument $_group is missing from the Docblock of setGroup |
error | 729 | No summary for method setGroup() |
error | 735 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getActions |
error | 735 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getActions |
error | 735 | No summary for method getActions() |
error | 739 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setActions |
error | 739 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setActions |
error | 739 | No summary for method setActions() |
error | 746 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 746 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 746 | No summary for method getDisplay() |
error | 750 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 750 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 750 | No summary for method setDisplay() |
error | 757 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 761 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 761 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $filtres |
error | 28 | No summary for property $query |
error | 29 | No summary for property $reply |
error | 30 | No summary for property $person |
error | 31 | No summary for property $options |
error | 32 | No summary for property $enable |
error | 33 | No summary for property $group |
error | 34 | No summary for property $actions |
error | 35 | No summary for property $display |
error | 36 | No summary for property $comment |
error | 37 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \planHeader |
error | 34 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 34 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 44 | No summary for method all() |
error | 74 | Argument $_format is missing from the Docblock of report |
error | 74 | Argument $_parameters is missing from the Docblock of report |
error | 74 | No summary for method report() |
error | 87 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of copy |
error | 87 | No summary for method copy() |
error | 106 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 124 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 128 | No summary for method save() |
error | 132 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 137 | No summary for method displayImage() |
error | 154 | No summary for method getPlan() |
error | 158 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 158 | Argument $_level is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 158 | Argument $_drill is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 158 | No summary for method getLinkData() |
error | 182 | Argument $_right is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 182 | Argument $_user is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 182 | No summary for method hasRight() |
error | 206 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 210 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 214 | No summary for method getOrder() |
error | 221 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 221 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 227 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 227 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 233 | Argument $_order is missing from the Docblock of setOrder |
error | 233 | No summary for method setOrder() |
error | 239 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getImage |
error | 239 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getImage |
error | 239 | No summary for method getImage() |
error | 243 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setImage |
error | 243 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setImage |
error | 243 | No summary for method setImage() |
error | 250 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 250 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 250 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 254 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 254 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 254 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 264 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 268 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 268 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $image |
error | 28 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 29 | No summary for property $order |
error | 30 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \utils |
error | 30 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of attrChanged |
error | 30 | Argument $_old is missing from the Docblock of attrChanged |
error | 30 | Argument $_new is missing from the Docblock of attrChanged |
error | 30 | No summary for method attrChanged() |
error | 48 | No summary for method o2a() |
error | 84 | Argument $_object is missing from the Docblock of a2o |
error | 84 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of a2o |
error | 84 | No summary for method a2o() |
error | 117 | Argument $_class is missing from the Docblock of processJsonObject |
error | 117 | Argument $_ajaxList is missing from the Docblock of processJsonObject |
error | 117 | Argument $_dbList is missing from the Docblock of processJsonObject |
error | 117 | No summary for method processJsonObject() |
error | 149 | Argument $_attr is missing from the Docblock of setJsonAttr |
error | 149 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setJsonAttr |
error | 149 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setJsonAttr |
error | 149 | No summary for method setJsonAttr() |
error | 168 | Argument $_attr is missing from the Docblock of getJsonAttr |
error | 168 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getJsonAttr |
error | 168 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getJsonAttr |
error | 168 | No summary for method getJsonAttr() |
error | 199 | No summary for method getEncryptionPassword() |
error | 209 | Argument $plaintext is missing from the Docblock of encrypt |
error | 209 | Argument $password is missing from the Docblock of encrypt |
error | 209 | No summary for method encrypt() |
error | 228 | Argument $ciphertext is missing from the Docblock of decrypt |
error | 228 | Argument $password is missing from the Docblock of decrypt |
error | 228 | No summary for method decrypt() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $properties |
error | 26 | No summary for property $jeedom_encryption |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \plan |
error | 37 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 37 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 47 | Argument $_planHeader_id is missing from the Docblock of byPlanHeaderId |
error | 47 | No summary for method byPlanHeaderId() |
error | 57 | Argument $_link_type is missing from the Docblock of byLinkTypeLinkId |
error | 57 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of byLinkTypeLinkId |
error | 57 | No summary for method byLinkTypeLinkId() |
error | 69 | Argument $_link_type is missing from the Docblock of byLinkTypeLinkIdPlanHeaderId |
error | 69 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of byLinkTypeLinkIdPlanHeaderId |
error | 69 | Argument $_planHeader_id is missing from the Docblock of byLinkTypeLinkIdPlanHeaderId |
error | 69 | No summary for method byLinkTypeLinkIdPlanHeaderId() |
error | 83 | Argument $_link_type is missing from the Docblock of removeByLinkTypeLinkIdPlanHeaderId |
error | 83 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of removeByLinkTypeLinkIdPlanHeaderId |
error | 83 | Argument $_planHeader_id is missing from the Docblock of removeByLinkTypeLinkIdPlanHeaderId |
error | 83 | No summary for method removeByLinkTypeLinkIdPlanHeaderId() |
error | 96 | No summary for method all() |
error | 102 | Argument $_search is missing from the Docblock of searchByDisplay |
error | 102 | No summary for method searchByDisplay() |
error | 112 | Argument $_search is missing from the Docblock of searchByConfiguration |
error | 112 | Argument $_not is missing from the Docblock of searchByConfiguration |
error | 112 | No summary for method searchByConfiguration() |
error | 126 | No summary for method preInsert() |
error | 135 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 144 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 148 | No summary for method save() |
error | 152 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 164 | No summary for method copy() |
error | 174 | No summary for method getLink() |
error | 191 | No summary for method execute() |
error | 207 | Argument $_action is missing from the Docblock of doAction |
error | 207 | No summary for method doAction() |
error | 226 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of getHtml |
error | 226 | No summary for method getHtml() |
error | 347 | No summary for method getPlanHeader() |
error | 353 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 357 | No summary for method getLink_type() |
error | 361 | No summary for method getLink_id() |
error | 365 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getPosition |
error | 365 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getPosition |
error | 365 | No summary for method getPosition() |
error | 369 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 369 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 369 | No summary for method getDisplay() |
error | 373 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getCss |
error | 373 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getCss |
error | 373 | No summary for method getCss() |
error | 377 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 377 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 383 | Argument $_link_type is missing from the Docblock of setLink_type |
error | 383 | No summary for method setLink_type() |
error | 389 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of setLink_id |
error | 389 | No summary for method setLink_id() |
error | 395 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setPosition |
error | 395 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setPosition |
error | 395 | No summary for method setPosition() |
error | 402 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 402 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 402 | No summary for method setDisplay() |
error | 409 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setCss |
error | 409 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setCss |
error | 409 | No summary for method setCss() |
error | 416 | No summary for method getPlanHeader_id() |
error | 420 | Argument $_planHeader_id is missing from the Docblock of setPlanHeader_id |
error | 420 | No summary for method setPlanHeader_id() |
error | 426 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 426 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 426 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 430 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 430 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 430 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 437 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 441 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 441 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $planHeader_id |
error | 27 | No summary for property $link_type |
error | 28 | No summary for property $link_id |
error | 29 | No summary for property $position |
error | 30 | No summary for property $display |
error | 31 | No summary for property $css |
error | 32 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 33 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \cron |
error | 43 | Argument $_order is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 97 | No summary for method searchClassAndFunction() |
error | 118 | No summary for method clean() |
error | 192 | Argument $_date is missing from the Docblock of convertDateToCron |
error | 192 | No summary for method convertDateToCron() |
error | 217 | No summary for method postInsert() |
error | 235 | Argument $halt_before is missing from the Docblock of remove |
error | 258 | Argument $_noErrorReport is missing from the Docblock of run |
error | 307 | No summary for method stop() |
error | 317 | No summary for method halt() |
error | 404 | No summary for method getNextRunDate() |
error | 427 | No summary for method toArray() |
error | 438 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 442 | No summary for method getClass() |
error | 446 | No summary for method getFunction() |
error | 450 | No summary for method getLastRun() |
error | 454 | No summary for method getState() |
error | 458 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getEnable |
error | 458 | No summary for method getEnable() |
error | 465 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getPID |
error | 465 | No summary for method getPID() |
error | 469 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 469 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 475 | Argument $_enable is missing from the Docblock of setEnable |
error | 475 | No summary for method setEnable() |
error | 481 | Argument $_class is missing from the Docblock of setClass |
error | 481 | No summary for method setClass() |
error | 487 | Argument $_function is missing from the Docblock of setFunction |
error | 487 | No summary for method setFunction() |
error | 493 | Argument $lastRun is missing from the Docblock of setLastRun |
error | 493 | No summary for method setLastRun() |
error | 497 | Argument $state is missing from the Docblock of setState |
error | 497 | No summary for method setState() |
error | 501 | Argument $pid is missing from the Docblock of setPID |
error | 501 | No summary for method setPID() |
error | 505 | No summary for method getSchedule() |
error | 509 | Argument $_schedule is missing from the Docblock of setSchedule |
error | 509 | No summary for method setSchedule() |
error | 515 | No summary for method getDeamon() |
error | 519 | Argument $_deamons is missing from the Docblock of setDeamon |
error | 519 | No summary for method setDeamon() |
error | 525 | No summary for method getTimeout() |
error | 533 | Argument $_timeout is missing from the Docblock of setTimeout |
error | 533 | No summary for method setTimeout() |
error | 539 | No summary for method getDeamonSleepTime() |
error | 547 | Argument $_deamonSleepTime is missing from the Docblock of setDeamonSleepTime |
error | 547 | No summary for method setDeamonSleepTime() |
error | 553 | No summary for method getOption() |
error | 557 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getOnce |
error | 557 | No summary for method getOnce() |
error | 564 | Argument $_option is missing from the Docblock of setOption |
error | 564 | No summary for method setOption() |
error | 571 | Argument $_once is missing from the Docblock of setOnce |
error | 571 | No summary for method setOnce() |
error | 577 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getCache |
error | 577 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getCache |
error | 577 | No summary for method getCache() |
error | 582 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setCache |
error | 582 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setCache |
error | 582 | No summary for method setCache() |
error | 586 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 590 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 590 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $enable |
error | 27 | No summary for property $class |
error | 28 | No summary for property $function |
error | 29 | No summary for property $schedule |
error | 30 | No summary for property $timeout |
error | 31 | No summary for property $deamon |
error | 32 | No summary for property $deamonSleepTime |
error | 33 | No summary for property $option |
error | 34 | No summary for property $once |
error | 35 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \scenarioExpression |
error | 36 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 36 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 46 | No summary for method all() |
error | 52 | Argument $_scenarioSubElementId is missing from the Docblock of byscenarioSubElementId |
error | 52 | No summary for method byscenarioSubElementId() |
error | 63 | Argument $_expression is missing from the Docblock of searchExpression |
error | 63 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of searchExpression |
error | 63 | Argument $_and is missing from the Docblock of searchExpression |
error | 63 | No summary for method searchExpression() |
error | 81 | Argument $_element_id is missing from the Docblock of byElement |
error | 81 | No summary for method byElement() |
error | 92 | Argument $_expression is missing from the Docblock of getExpressionOptions |
error | 92 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of getExpressionOptions |
error | 92 | No summary for method getExpressionOptions() |
error | 125 | Argument $_action is missing from the Docblock of humanAction |
error | 125 | No summary for method humanAction() |
error | 176 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of sun |
error | 176 | No summary for method sun() |
error | 192 | Argument $_period is missing from the Docblock of getDatesFromPeriod |
error | 192 | No summary for method getDatesFromPeriod() |
error | 212 | Argument $_sValue is missing from the Docblock of randText |
error | 212 | No summary for method randText() |
error | 231 | Argument $_scenario is missing from the Docblock of scenario |
error | 231 | No summary for method scenario() |
error | 250 | Argument $_eqLogic_id is missing from the Docblock of eqEnable |
error | 250 | No summary for method eqEnable() |
error | 259 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of average |
error | 259 | Argument $_period is missing from the Docblock of average |
error | 259 | No summary for method average() |
error | 301 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of averageBetween |
error | 301 | Argument $_startDate is missing from the Docblock of averageBetween |
error | 301 | Argument $_endDate is missing from the Docblock of averageBetween |
error | 301 | No summary for method averageBetween() |
error | 315 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of averageTemporal |
error | 315 | Argument $_period is missing from the Docblock of averageTemporal |
error | 315 | No summary for method averageTemporal() |
error | 326 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of averageTemporalBetween |
error | 326 | Argument $_startDate is missing from the Docblock of averageTemporalBetween |
error | 326 | Argument $_endDate is missing from the Docblock of averageTemporalBetween |
error | 326 | No summary for method averageTemporalBetween() |
error | 336 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of max |
error | 336 | Argument $_period is missing from the Docblock of max |
error | 336 | No summary for method max() |
error | 377 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of min |
error | 377 | Argument $_period is missing from the Docblock of min |
error | 377 | No summary for method min() |
error | 418 | Argument $_from_color is missing from the Docblock of color_gradient |
error | 418 | Argument $_to_color is missing from the Docblock of color_gradient |
error | 418 | Argument $_min is missing from the Docblock of color_gradient |
error | 418 | Argument $_max is missing from the Docblock of color_gradient |
error | 418 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of color_gradient |
error | 418 | No summary for method color_gradient() |
error | 456 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of maxBetween |
error | 456 | Argument $_startDate is missing from the Docblock of maxBetween |
error | 456 | Argument $_endDate is missing from the Docblock of maxBetween |
error | 456 | No summary for method maxBetween() |
error | 470 | Argument $_condition is missing from the Docblock of wait |
error | 470 | Argument $_timeout is missing from the Docblock of wait |
error | 470 | No summary for method wait() |
error | 487 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of minBetween |
error | 487 | Argument $_startDate is missing from the Docblock of minBetween |
error | 487 | Argument $_endDate is missing from the Docblock of minBetween |
error | 487 | No summary for method minBetween() |
error | 501 | No summary for method median() |
error | 530 | No summary for method avg() |
error | 558 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of tendance |
error | 558 | Argument $_period is missing from the Docblock of tendance |
error | 558 | Argument $_threshold is missing from the Docblock of tendance |
error | 558 | No summary for method tendance() |
error | 588 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of lastStateDuration |
error | 588 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of lastStateDuration |
error | 588 | No summary for method lastStateDuration() |
error | 592 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of age |
error | 592 | No summary for method age() |
error | 601 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of stateChanges |
error | 601 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of stateChanges |
error | 601 | Argument $_period is missing from the Docblock of stateChanges |
error | 601 | No summary for method stateChanges() |
error | 628 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of stateChangesBetween |
error | 628 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of stateChangesBetween |
error | 628 | Argument $_startDate is missing from the Docblock of stateChangesBetween |
error | 628 | Argument $_endDate is missing from the Docblock of stateChangesBetween |
error | 628 | No summary for method stateChangesBetween() |
error | 651 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of duration |
error | 651 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of duration |
error | 651 | Argument $_period is missing from the Docblock of duration |
error | 651 | Argument $_unit is missing from the Docblock of duration |
error | 651 | Argument $_operator is missing from the Docblock of duration |
error | 651 | No summary for method duration() |
error | 711 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of durationBetween |
error | 711 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of durationBetween |
error | 711 | Argument $_startDate is missing from the Docblock of durationBetween |
error | 711 | Argument $_endDate is missing from the Docblock of durationBetween |
error | 711 | Argument $_unit is missing from the Docblock of durationBetween |
error | 711 | No summary for method durationBetween() |
error | 767 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of lastBetween |
error | 767 | Argument $_startDate is missing from the Docblock of lastBetween |
error | 767 | Argument $_endDate is missing from the Docblock of lastBetween |
error | 767 | No summary for method lastBetween() |
error | 781 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of statistics |
error | 781 | Argument $_calc is missing from the Docblock of statistics |
error | 781 | Argument $_period is missing from the Docblock of statistics |
error | 781 | No summary for method statistics() |
error | 799 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of statisticsBetween |
error | 799 | Argument $_calc is missing from the Docblock of statisticsBetween |
error | 799 | Argument $_startDate is missing from the Docblock of statisticsBetween |
error | 799 | Argument $_endDate is missing from the Docblock of statisticsBetween |
error | 799 | No summary for method statisticsBetween() |
error | 811 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of variable |
error | 811 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of variable |
error | 811 | No summary for method variable() |
error | 821 | Argument $_genericType is missing from the Docblock of genericType |
error | 821 | Argument $_object is missing from the Docblock of genericType |
error | 821 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of genericType |
error | 821 | No summary for method genericType() |
error | 844 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of stateDuration |
error | 844 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of stateDuration |
error | 844 | No summary for method stateDuration() |
error | 848 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of lastChangeStateDuration |
error | 848 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of lastChangeStateDuration |
error | 848 | No summary for method lastChangeStateDuration() |
error | 852 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of odd |
error | 852 | No summary for method odd() |
error | 857 | Argument $_scenario_id is missing from the Docblock of lastScenarioExecution |
error | 857 | No summary for method lastScenarioExecution() |
error | 865 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of collectDate |
error | 865 | Argument $_format is missing from the Docblock of collectDate |
error | 865 | No summary for method collectDate() |
error | 877 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of valueDate |
error | 877 | Argument $_format is missing from the Docblock of valueDate |
error | 877 | No summary for method valueDate() |
error | 886 | Argument $_eqLogic_id is missing from the Docblock of lastCommunication |
error | 886 | Argument $_format is missing from the Docblock of lastCommunication |
error | 886 | No summary for method lastCommunication() |
error | 894 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of value |
error | 894 | No summary for method value() |
error | 902 | Argument $_rangeLower is missing from the Docblock of randomColor |
error | 902 | Argument $_rangeHighter is missing from the Docblock of randomColor |
error | 902 | No summary for method randomColor() |
error | 928 | Argument $_during is missing from the Docblock of triggerChange |
error | 928 | Argument $_scenario is missing from the Docblock of triggerChange |
error | 928 | No summary for method triggerChange() |
error | 951 | Argument $_scenario is missing from the Docblock of triggerId |
error | 951 | No summary for method triggerId() |
error | 958 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of trigger |
error | 958 | Argument $_scenario is missing from the Docblock of trigger |
error | 958 | No summary for method trigger() |
error | 970 | Argument $_scenario is missing from the Docblock of triggerValue |
error | 970 | No summary for method triggerValue() |
error | 977 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of round |
error | 977 | Argument $_decimal is missing from the Docblock of round |
error | 977 | No summary for method round() |
error | 990 | Argument $_time is missing from the Docblock of time_op |
error | 990 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of time_op |
error | 990 | No summary for method time_op() |
error | 1015 | Argument $_time is missing from the Docblock of time_between |
error | 1015 | Argument $_start is missing from the Docblock of time_between |
error | 1015 | Argument $_end is missing from the Docblock of time_between |
error | 1015 | No summary for method time_between() |
error | 1027 | Argument $_date1 is missing from the Docblock of time_diff |
error | 1027 | Argument $_date2 is missing from the Docblock of time_diff |
error | 1027 | Argument $_format is missing from the Docblock of time_diff |
error | 1027 | Argument $_rnd is missing from the Docblock of time_diff |
error | 1027 | No summary for method time_diff() |
error | 1080 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of time |
error | 1080 | No summary for method time() |
error | 1103 | Argument $_time is missing from the Docblock of formatTime |
error | 1103 | No summary for method formatTime() |
error | 1116 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of name |
error | 1116 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of name |
error | 1116 | No summary for method name() |
error | 1139 | Argument $_expression is missing from the Docblock of getRequestTags |
error | 1139 | No summary for method getRequestTags() |
error | 1243 | No summary for method tag() |
error | 1257 | Argument $_expression is missing from the Docblock of setTags |
error | 1257 | Argument $_scenario is missing from the Docblock of setTags |
error | 1257 | Argument $_quote is missing from the Docblock of setTags |
error | 1257 | Argument $_nbCall is missing from the Docblock of setTags |
error | 1257 | No summary for method setTags() |
error | 1363 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of createAndExec |
error | 1363 | Argument $_cmd is missing from the Docblock of createAndExec |
error | 1363 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of createAndExec |
error | 1363 | No summary for method createAndExec() |
error | 1377 | No summary for method checkBackground() |
error | 1387 | Argument $scenario is missing from the Docblock of execute |
error | 1387 | No summary for method execute() |
error | 1987 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 1991 | No summary for method save() |
error | 1997 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 2001 | No summary for method getAllId() |
error | 2024 | Argument $_scenarioSubElement_id is missing from the Docblock of copy |
error | 2024 | No summary for method copy() |
error | 2039 | No summary for method emptyOptions() |
error | 2043 | No summary for method resetRepeatIfStatus() |
error | 2053 | No summary for method export() |
error | 2097 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 2101 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 2101 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 2107 | No summary for method getType() |
error | 2111 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of setType |
error | 2111 | No summary for method setType() |
error | 2117 | No summary for method getScenarioSubElement_id() |
error | 2121 | No summary for method getSubElement() |
error | 2125 | Argument $_scenarioSubElement_id is missing from the Docblock of setScenarioSubElement_id |
error | 2125 | No summary for method setScenarioSubElement_id() |
error | 2131 | No summary for method getSubtype() |
error | 2135 | Argument $_subtype is missing from the Docblock of setSubtype |
error | 2135 | No summary for method setSubtype() |
error | 2141 | No summary for method getExpression() |
error | 2145 | Argument $_expression is missing from the Docblock of setExpression |
error | 2145 | No summary for method setExpression() |
error | 2152 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 2152 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 2152 | No summary for method getOptions() |
error | 2156 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 2156 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 2156 | No summary for method setOptions() |
error | 2163 | No summary for method getOrder() |
error | 2167 | Argument $_order is missing from the Docblock of setOrder |
error | 2167 | No summary for method setOrder() |
error | 2173 | Argument $_scenario is missing from the Docblock of setLog |
error | 2173 | Argument $log is missing from the Docblock of setLog |
error | 2173 | No summary for method setLog() |
error | 2179 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 2183 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 2183 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $scenarioSubElement_id |
error | 27 | No summary for property $type |
error | 28 | No summary for property $subtype |
error | 29 | No summary for property $expression |
error | 30 | No summary for property $options |
error | 31 | No summary for property $order |
error | 32 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \event |
error | 30 | No summary for method getFileDescriptorLock() |
error | 42 | Argument $_event is missing from the Docblock of add |
error | 42 | Argument $_option is missing from the Docblock of add |
error | 42 | No summary for method add() |
error | 60 | Argument $_event is missing from the Docblock of adds |
error | 60 | Argument $_values is missing from the Docblock of adds |
error | 60 | No summary for method adds() |
error | 81 | Argument $_events is missing from the Docblock of cleanEvent |
error | 81 | No summary for method cleanEvent() |
error | 120 | Argument $a is missing from the Docblock of orderEvent |
error | 120 | Argument $b is missing from the Docblock of orderEvent |
error | 120 | No summary for method orderEvent() |
error | 124 | Argument $_datetime is missing from the Docblock of changes |
error | 124 | Argument $_longPolling is missing from the Docblock of changes |
error | 124 | Argument $_filter is missing from the Docblock of changes |
error | 124 | No summary for method changes() |
error | 146 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of filterEvent |
error | 146 | Argument $_filter is missing from the Docblock of filterEvent |
error | 146 | No summary for method filterEvent() |
error | 164 | Argument $_datetime is missing from the Docblock of changesSince |
error | 164 | No summary for method changesSince() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $limit |
error | 26 | No summary for property $_fd |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \scenarioSubElement |
error | 37 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 37 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 47 | Argument $_scenarioElementId is missing from the Docblock of byScenarioElementId |
error | 47 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of byScenarioElementId |
error | 47 | No summary for method byScenarioElementId() |
error | 66 | Argument $_scenario is missing from the Docblock of execute |
error | 66 | No summary for method execute() |
error | 86 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 90 | No summary for method save() |
error | 94 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 101 | No summary for method getExpression() |
error | 109 | No summary for method getAllId() |
error | 124 | Argument $_scenarioElement_id is missing from the Docblock of copy |
error | 124 | No summary for method copy() |
error | 137 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 141 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 141 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 147 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 151 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 151 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 157 | No summary for method getType() |
error | 161 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of setType |
error | 161 | No summary for method setType() |
error | 167 | No summary for method getScenarioElement_id() |
error | 171 | No summary for method getElement() |
error | 175 | Argument $_scenarioElement_id is missing from the Docblock of setScenarioElement_id |
error | 175 | No summary for method setScenarioElement_id() |
error | 181 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 181 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 181 | No summary for method getOptions() |
error | 185 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 185 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 185 | No summary for method setOptions() |
error | 192 | No summary for method getOrder() |
error | 196 | Argument $_order is missing from the Docblock of setOrder |
error | 196 | No summary for method setOrder() |
error | 202 | No summary for method getSubtype() |
error | 206 | Argument $_subtype is missing from the Docblock of setSubtype |
error | 206 | No summary for method setSubtype() |
error | 212 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 216 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 216 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $scenarioElement_id |
error | 28 | No summary for property $type |
error | 29 | No summary for property $subtype |
error | 30 | No summary for property $options |
error | 31 | No summary for property $order |
error | 32 | No summary for property $_expression |
error | 33 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \ajax |
error | 27 | Argument $_allowGetAction is missing from the Docblock of init |
error | 27 | No summary for method init() |
error | 36 | No summary for method getToken() |
error | 40 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of success |
error | 40 | No summary for method success() |
error | 45 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of error |
error | 45 | Argument $_errorCode is missing from the Docblock of error |
error | 45 | No summary for method error() |
error | 50 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of getResponse |
error | 50 | Argument $_errorCode is missing from the Docblock of getResponse |
error | 50 | No summary for method getResponse() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \dataStore |
error | 34 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 34 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 50 | No summary for method byTypeLinkIdKey() |
error | 65 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of byTypeLinkId |
error | 65 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of byTypeLinkId |
error | 65 | No summary for method byTypeLinkId() |
error | 80 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of removeByTypeLinkId |
error | 80 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of removeByTypeLinkId |
error | 80 | No summary for method removeByTypeLinkId() |
error | 90 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 110 | No summary for method save() |
error | 115 | No summary for method postSave() |
error | 128 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 132 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 132 | Argument $_level is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 132 | Argument $_drill is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 132 | No summary for method getLinkData() |
error | 164 | Argument $_array is missing from the Docblock of getUsedBy |
error | 164 | No summary for method getUsedBy() |
error | 185 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 189 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 189 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 195 | No summary for method getType() |
error | 199 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of setType |
error | 199 | No summary for method setType() |
error | 205 | No summary for method getLink_id() |
error | 209 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of setLink_id |
error | 209 | No summary for method setLink_id() |
error | 215 | No summary for method getKey() |
error | 219 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setKey |
error | 219 | No summary for method setKey() |
error | 225 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getValue |
error | 225 | No summary for method getValue() |
error | 232 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setValue |
error | 232 | No summary for method setValue() |
error | 241 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 245 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 245 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $type |
error | 27 | No summary for property $link_id |
error | 28 | No summary for property $key |
error | 29 | No summary for property $value |
error | 30 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \plugin |
error | 58 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 58 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 157 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of forceDisablePlugin |
error | 157 | No summary for method forceDisablePlugin() |
error | 168 | Argument $_pluginId is missing from the Docblock of getPluginPath |
error | 168 | No summary for method getPluginPath() |
error | 172 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of getPathById |
error | 172 | No summary for method getPathById() |
error | 176 | No summary for method getPathToConfigurationById() |
error | 184 | Argument $_activateOnly is missing from the Docblock of listPlugin |
error | 184 | Argument $_orderByCategory is missing from the Docblock of listPlugin |
error | 184 | Argument $_translate is missing from the Docblock of listPlugin |
error | 184 | Argument $_nameOnly is missing from the Docblock of listPlugin |
error | 184 | No summary for method listPlugin() |
error | 261 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of getTranslation |
error | 261 | Argument $_language is missing from the Docblock of getTranslation |
error | 261 | No summary for method getTranslation() |
error | 279 | Argument $a is missing from the Docblock of orderPlugin |
error | 279 | Argument $b is missing from the Docblock of orderPlugin |
error | 279 | No summary for method orderPlugin() |
error | 288 | No summary for method heartbeat() |
error | 325 | No summary for method cron() |
error | 356 | No summary for method cron5() |
error | 387 | No summary for method cron10() |
error | 418 | No summary for method cron15() |
error | 449 | No summary for method cron30() |
error | 480 | No summary for method cronDaily() |
error | 511 | No summary for method cronHourly() |
error | 542 | No summary for method start() |
error | 558 | No summary for method stop() |
error | 574 | No summary for method checkDeamon() |
error | 600 | Argument $_format is missing from the Docblock of report |
error | 600 | Argument $_parameters is missing from the Docblock of report |
error | 600 | No summary for method report() |
error | 616 | No summary for method isActive() |
error | 626 | Argument $_function is missing from the Docblock of callInstallFunction |
error | 626 | Argument $_direct is missing from the Docblock of callInstallFunction |
error | 626 | No summary for method callInstallFunction() |
error | 657 | Argument $_refresh is missing from the Docblock of dependancy_info |
error | 657 | No summary for method dependancy_info() |
error | 737 | Argument $_force is missing from the Docblock of dependancy_install |
error | 737 | No summary for method dependancy_install() |
error | 800 | Argument $_mode is missing from the Docblock of dependancy_changeAutoMode |
error | 800 | No summary for method dependancy_changeAutoMode() |
error | 809 | Argument $_mode is missing from the Docblock of deamon_changeAutoMode |
error | 809 | No summary for method deamon_changeAutoMode() |
error | 820 | No summary for method deamon_info() |
error | 859 | Argument $_forceRestart is missing from the Docblock of deamon_start |
error | 859 | Argument $_auto is missing from the Docblock of deamon_start |
error | 859 | No summary for method deamon_start() |
error | 908 | No summary for method deamon_stop() |
error | 924 | Argument $_state is missing from the Docblock of setIsEnable |
error | 924 | No summary for method setIsEnable() |
error | 1026 | Argument $_function is missing from the Docblock of launch |
error | 1026 | Argument $_callInstallFunction is missing from the Docblock of launch |
error | 1026 | No summary for method launch() |
error | 1049 | No summary for method getUpdate() |
error | 1053 | No summary for method getPathImgIcon() |
error | 1069 | No summary for method getLogList() |
error | 1084 | No summary for method getLinkToConfiguration() |
error | 1088 | Argument $separator is missing from the Docblock of getConfigForCommunity |
error | 1088 | No summary for method getConfigForCommunity() |
error | 1103 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 1107 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 1111 | No summary for method getDescription() |
error | 1121 | No summary for method getSpecialAttributes() |
error | 1125 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of getInfo |
error | 1125 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getInfo |
error | 1125 | No summary for method getInfo() |
error | 1144 | No summary for method getAuthor() |
error | 1148 | No summary for method getRequire() |
error | 1152 | No summary for method getCategory() |
error | 1156 | No summary for method getLicense() |
error | 1160 | No summary for method getFilepath() |
error | 1164 | No summary for method getInstallation() |
error | 1168 | No summary for method getIndex() |
error | 1172 | No summary for method getInclude() |
error | 1176 | No summary for method getDisplay() |
error | 1180 | Argument $display is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 1180 | No summary for method setDisplay() |
error | 1185 | No summary for method getMobile() |
error | 1189 | Argument $mobile is missing from the Docblock of setMobile |
error | 1189 | No summary for method setMobile() |
error | 1194 | No summary for method getEventjs() |
error | 1198 | Argument $eventjs is missing from the Docblock of setEventjs |
error | 1198 | No summary for method setEventjs() |
error | 1203 | No summary for method getHasDependency() |
error | 1207 | Argument $hasDependency is missing from the Docblock of setHasDependency |
error | 1207 | No summary for method setHasDependency() |
error | 1212 | No summary for method getHasOwnDeamon() |
error | 1216 | Argument $hasOwnDeamon is missing from the Docblock of setHasOwnDeamony |
error | 1216 | No summary for method setHasOwnDeamony() |
error | 1221 | No summary for method getHasTtsEngine() |
error | 1225 | Argument $hasTtsEngine is missing from the Docblock of setHasTtsEngine |
error | 1225 | No summary for method setHasTtsEngine() |
error | 1230 | No summary for method getMaxDependancyInstallTime() |
error | 1234 | Argument $maxDependancyInstallTime is missing from the Docblock of setMaxDependancyInstallTime |
error | 1234 | No summary for method setMaxDependancyInstallTime() |
error | 1239 | No summary for method getIssue() |
error | 1243 | Argument $issue is missing from the Docblock of setIssue |
error | 1243 | No summary for method setIssue() |
error | 1248 | No summary for method getChangelog() |
error | 1255 | Argument $changelog is missing from the Docblock of setChangelog |
error | 1255 | No summary for method setChangelog() |
error | 1260 | No summary for method getDocumentation() |
error | 1267 | Argument $documentation is missing from the Docblock of setDocumentation |
error | 1267 | No summary for method setDocumentation() |
error | 1272 | No summary for method getChangelog_beta() |
error | 1279 | Argument $changelog_beta is missing from the Docblock of setChangelog_beta |
error | 1279 | No summary for method setChangelog_beta() |
error | 1284 | No summary for method getDocumentation_beta() |
error | 1291 | Argument $documentation_beta is missing from the Docblock of setDocumentation_beta |
error | 1291 | No summary for method setDocumentation_beta() |
error | 1296 | No summary for method getSource() |
error | 1306 | No summary for method getWhiteListFolders() |
error | 1310 | Argument $paths is missing from the Docblock of setWhiteListFolders |
error | 1310 | No summary for method setWhiteListFolders() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $description |
error | 28 | No summary for property $license |
error | 29 | No summary for property $installation |
error | 30 | No summary for property $author |
error | 31 | No summary for property $require |
error | 32 | No summary for property $category |
error | 33 | No summary for property $filepath |
error | 34 | No summary for property $index |
error | 35 | No summary for property $display |
error | 36 | No summary for property $mobile |
error | 37 | No summary for property $eventjs |
error | 38 | No summary for property $hasDependency |
error | 39 | No summary for property $hasTtsEngine |
error | 40 | No summary for property $maxDependancyInstallTime |
error | 41 | No summary for property $hasOwnDeamon |
error | 42 | No summary for property $issue |
error | 43 | No summary for property $changelog |
error | 44 | No summary for property $documentation |
error | 45 | No summary for property $changelog_beta |
error | 46 | No summary for property $documentation_beta |
error | 47 | No summary for property $source |
error | 48 | No summary for property $whiteListFolders |
error | 49 | No summary for property $specialAttributes |
error | 50 | No summary for property $info |
error | 51 | No summary for property $include |
error | 52 | No summary for property $functionality |
error | 53 | No summary for property $_cache |
error | 54 | No summary for property $_enable |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \historyArch |
error | 24 | No summary for property $_tableName |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \widgets |
error | 37 | No summary for method all() |
error | 44 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 44 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 54 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of byTypeSubtypeAndName |
error | 54 | Argument $_subtype is missing from the Docblock of byTypeSubtypeAndName |
error | 54 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of byTypeSubtypeAndName |
error | 54 | No summary for method byTypeSubtypeAndName() |
error | 68 | No summary for method listTemplate() |
error | 117 | Argument $_template is missing from the Docblock of getTemplateConfiguration |
error | 117 | No summary for method getTemplateConfiguration() |
error | 142 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of replacement |
error | 142 | Argument $_replace is missing from the Docblock of replacement |
error | 142 | Argument $_by is missing from the Docblock of replacement |
error | 142 | No summary for method replacement() |
error | 160 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 166 | No summary for method preUpdate() |
error | 198 | No summary for method save() |
error | 203 | No summary for method postSave() |
error | 215 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 231 | No summary for method getUsedBy() |
error | 240 | No summary for method emptyTest() |
error | 246 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 250 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 254 | No summary for method getType() |
error | 258 | No summary for method getSubtype() |
error | 262 | No summary for method getTemplate() |
error | 266 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getReplace |
error | 266 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getReplace |
error | 266 | No summary for method getReplace() |
error | 270 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getTest |
error | 270 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getTest |
error | 270 | No summary for method getTest() |
error | 274 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 274 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 280 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 280 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 287 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of setType |
error | 287 | No summary for method setType() |
error | 293 | Argument $_subtype is missing from the Docblock of setSubtype |
error | 293 | No summary for method setSubtype() |
error | 299 | Argument $_template is missing from the Docblock of setTemplate |
error | 299 | No summary for method setTemplate() |
error | 305 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setReplace |
error | 305 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setReplace |
error | 305 | No summary for method setReplace() |
error | 312 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setTest |
error | 312 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setTest |
error | 312 | No summary for method setTest() |
error | 319 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 319 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 319 | No summary for method getDisplay() |
error | 323 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 323 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 323 | No summary for method setDisplay() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $type |
error | 28 | No summary for property $subtype |
error | 29 | No summary for property $template |
error | 30 | No summary for property $replace |
error | 31 | No summary for property $test |
error | 32 | No summary for property $display |
error | 33 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 28 | No summary for class \log |
error | 40 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfig |
error | 40 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfig |
error | 40 | No summary for method getConfig() |
error | 50 | Argument $_log is missing from the Docblock of getLogger |
error | 50 | No summary for method getLogger() |
error | 73 | Argument $_log is missing from the Docblock of getLogLevel |
error | 73 | No summary for method getLogLevel() |
error | 91 | Argument $_level is missing from the Docblock of convertLogLevel |
error | 91 | No summary for method convertLogLevel() |
error | 106 | Name of argument $_log does not match with the DocBlock's name $_type in add() |
error | 106 | Name of argument $_type does not match with the DocBlock's name $_message in add() |
error | 106 | Argument $_message is missing from the Docblock of add |
error | 106 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of add |
error | 106 | Name of argument $_logicalId does not match with the DocBlock's name $_message in add() |
error | 127 | Argument $_log is missing from the Docblock of chunk |
error | 127 | No summary for method chunk() |
error | 148 | Argument $_path is missing from the Docblock of chunkLog |
error | 148 | No summary for method chunkLog() |
error | 173 | Argument $_log is missing from the Docblock of getPathToLog |
error | 173 | No summary for method getPathToLog() |
error | 180 | Argument $_log is missing from the Docblock of authorizeClearLog |
error | 180 | Argument $_subPath is missing from the Docblock of authorizeClearLog |
error | 189 | Argument $_log is missing from the Docblock of clear |
error | 198 | No summary for method clearAll() |
error | 207 | Argument $_log is missing from the Docblock of remove |
error | 223 | No summary for method removeAll() |
error | 454 | Argument $_filtre is missing from the Docblock of liste |
error | 454 | No summary for method liste() |
error | 500 | Argument $e is missing from the Docblock of exception |
error | 500 | No summary for method exception() |
error | 35 | No summary for property $logger |
error | 36 | No summary for property $config |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \cache |
error | 35 | No summary for method getFolder() |
error | 39 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of set |
error | 39 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of set |
error | 39 | Argument $_lifetime is missing from the Docblock of set |
error | 39 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of set |
error | 39 | No summary for method set() |
error | 53 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of delete |
error | 53 | No summary for method delete() |
error | 60 | Argument $_details is missing from the Docblock of stats |
error | 60 | No summary for method stats() |
error | 101 | No summary for method getCache() |
error | 150 | No summary for method byKey() |
error | 160 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of exist |
error | 160 | No summary for method exist() |
error | 164 | No summary for method flush() |
error | 170 | No summary for method flushWidget() |
error | 185 | No summary for method search() |
error | 189 | No summary for method persist() |
error | 212 | No summary for method isPersistOk() |
error | 226 | No summary for method restore() |
error | 251 | No summary for method clean() |
error | 389 | No summary for method save() |
error | 398 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 405 | No summary for method hasExpired() |
error | 411 | No summary for method getKey() |
error | 415 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of setKey |
error | 415 | No summary for method setKey() |
error | 420 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getValue |
error | 420 | No summary for method getValue() |
error | 424 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of setValue |
error | 424 | No summary for method setValue() |
error | 429 | No summary for method getLifetime() |
error | 433 | Argument $lifetime is missing from the Docblock of setLifetime |
error | 433 | No summary for method setLifetime() |
error | 438 | No summary for method getDatetime() |
error | 442 | Argument $datetime is missing from the Docblock of setDatetime |
error | 442 | No summary for method setDatetime() |
error | 447 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 447 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 447 | No summary for method getOptions() |
error | 451 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 451 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 451 | No summary for method setOptions() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $cache |
error | 27 | No summary for property $key |
error | 28 | No summary for property $value |
error | 29 | No summary for property $lifetime |
error | 30 | No summary for property $datetime |
error | 31 | No summary for property $options |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \message |
error | 43 | Argument $_channel is missing from the Docblock of add |
error | 43 | Name of argument $_channel does not match with the DocBlock's name $_writeMessage in add() |
error | 43 | No summary for method add() |
error | 54 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of removeAll |
error | 54 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of removeAll |
error | 54 | Argument $_search is missing from the Docblock of removeAll |
error | 54 | No summary for method removeAll() |
error | 75 | No summary for method nbMessage() |
error | 82 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 82 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 92 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of byPluginLogicalId |
error | 92 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of byPluginLogicalId |
error | 92 | No summary for method byPluginLogicalId() |
error | 104 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of removeByPluginLogicalId |
error | 104 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of removeByPluginLogicalId |
error | 104 | No summary for method removeByPluginLogicalId() |
error | 115 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of byPlugin |
error | 115 | No summary for method byPlugin() |
error | 126 | No summary for method listPlugin() |
error | 132 | No summary for method all() |
error | 142 | Argument $_writeMessage is missing from the Docblock of save |
error | 142 | Argument $_channel is missing from the Docblock of save |
error | 142 | No summary for method save() |
error | 228 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 234 | No summary for method toArray() |
error | 241 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 245 | No summary for method getDate() |
error | 249 | No summary for method getPlugin() |
error | 253 | Argument $display is missing from the Docblock of getMessage |
error | 253 | No summary for method getMessage() |
error | 261 | Argument $display is missing from the Docblock of getAction |
error | 261 | No summary for method getAction() |
error | 269 | No summary for method getOccurrences() |
error | 273 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 273 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 279 | Argument $_date is missing from the Docblock of setDate |
error | 279 | No summary for method setDate() |
error | 285 | Argument $_plugin is missing from the Docblock of setPlugin |
error | 285 | No summary for method setPlugin() |
error | 291 | Argument $_message is missing from the Docblock of setMessage |
error | 291 | No summary for method setMessage() |
error | 297 | Argument $_action is missing from the Docblock of setAction |
error | 297 | No summary for method setAction() |
error | 303 | No summary for method getLogicalId() |
error | 307 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of setLogicalId |
error | 307 | No summary for method setLogicalId() |
error | 314 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 318 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 318 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $date |
error | 27 | No summary for property $logicalId |
error | 28 | No summary for property $plugin |
error | 29 | No summary for property $message |
error | 30 | No summary for property $action |
error | 31 | No summary for property $_changed |
error | 32 | No summary for property $occurrences |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \timeline |
error | 37 | No summary for method all() |
error | 43 | Argument $_startTime is missing from the Docblock of byDateRange |
error | 43 | Argument $_endTime is missing from the Docblock of byDateRange |
error | 43 | No summary for method byDateRange() |
error | 58 | Argument $_folder is missing from the Docblock of getLength |
error | 58 | No summary for method getLength() |
error | 74 | Argument $_folder is missing from the Docblock of byFolder |
error | 74 | Argument $_start is missing from the Docblock of byFolder |
error | 74 | Argument $_offset is missing from the Docblock of byFolder |
error | 74 | No summary for method byFolder() |
error | 100 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 100 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 110 | Argument $_all is missing from the Docblock of clean |
error | 110 | No summary for method clean() |
error | 142 | No summary for method listFolder() |
error | 165 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 174 | No summary for method save() |
error | 179 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 183 | Argument $_user is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 183 | No summary for method hasRight() |
error | 201 | No summary for method getDisplay() |
error | 267 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 271 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 275 | No summary for method getLink_id() |
error | 279 | No summary for method getType() |
error | 283 | No summary for method getFolder() |
error | 287 | No summary for method getSubtype() |
error | 291 | No summary for method getDatetime() |
error | 295 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 295 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getOptions |
error | 295 | No summary for method getOptions() |
error | 299 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 299 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 305 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 305 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 311 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of setType |
error | 311 | No summary for method setType() |
error | 317 | Argument $_folder is missing from the Docblock of setFolder |
error | 317 | No summary for method setFolder() |
error | 324 | Argument $_subtype is missing from the Docblock of setSubtype |
error | 324 | No summary for method setSubtype() |
error | 330 | Argument $_datetime is missing from the Docblock of setDatetime |
error | 330 | No summary for method setDatetime() |
error | 336 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 336 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setOptions |
error | 336 | No summary for method setOptions() |
error | 343 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of setLink_id |
error | 343 | No summary for method setLink_id() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $type |
error | 28 | No summary for property $folder |
error | 29 | No summary for property $subtype |
error | 30 | No summary for property $link_id |
error | 31 | No summary for property $datetime |
error | 32 | No summary for property $options |
error | 33 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \plan3d |
error | 38 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 38 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 48 | Argument $_plan3dHeader_id is missing from the Docblock of byPlan3dHeaderId |
error | 48 | No summary for method byPlan3dHeaderId() |
error | 58 | Argument $_link_type is missing from the Docblock of byLinkTypeLinkId |
error | 58 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of byLinkTypeLinkId |
error | 58 | No summary for method byLinkTypeLinkId() |
error | 70 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of byName3dHeaderId |
error | 70 | Argument $_plan3dHeader_id is missing from the Docblock of byName3dHeaderId |
error | 70 | No summary for method byName3dHeaderId() |
error | 82 | Argument $_link_type is missing from the Docblock of byLinkTypeLinkId3dHeaderId |
error | 82 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of byLinkTypeLinkId3dHeaderId |
error | 82 | Argument $_plan3dHeader_id is missing from the Docblock of byLinkTypeLinkId3dHeaderId |
error | 82 | No summary for method byLinkTypeLinkId3dHeaderId() |
error | 96 | Argument $_link_type is missing from the Docblock of removeByLinkTypeLinkId3dHeaderId |
error | 96 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of removeByLinkTypeLinkId3dHeaderId |
error | 96 | Argument $_plan3dHeader_id is missing from the Docblock of removeByLinkTypeLinkId3dHeaderId |
error | 96 | No summary for method removeByLinkTypeLinkId3dHeaderId() |
error | 109 | No summary for method all() |
error | 115 | Argument $_search is missing from the Docblock of searchByDisplay |
error | 115 | No summary for method searchByDisplay() |
error | 125 | Argument $_search is missing from the Docblock of searchByConfiguration |
error | 125 | Argument $_not is missing from the Docblock of searchByConfiguration |
error | 125 | No summary for method searchByConfiguration() |
error | 139 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 143 | No summary for method preInsert() |
error | 149 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 178 | No summary for method save() |
error | 182 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 186 | No summary for method getLink() |
error | 203 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of getHtml |
error | 203 | No summary for method getHtml() |
error | 216 | No summary for method additionalData() |
error | 319 | No summary for method getPlan3dHeader() |
error | 325 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 329 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 333 | No summary for method getLink_type() |
error | 337 | No summary for method getLink_id() |
error | 341 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getPosition |
error | 341 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getPosition |
error | 341 | No summary for method getPosition() |
error | 345 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 345 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 345 | No summary for method getDisplay() |
error | 349 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getCss |
error | 349 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getCss |
error | 349 | No summary for method getCss() |
error | 353 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 353 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 359 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 359 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 365 | Argument $_link_type is missing from the Docblock of setLink_type |
error | 365 | No summary for method setLink_type() |
error | 371 | Argument $_link_id is missing from the Docblock of setLink_id |
error | 371 | No summary for method setLink_id() |
error | 377 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setPosition |
error | 377 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setPosition |
error | 377 | No summary for method setPosition() |
error | 384 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 384 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 384 | No summary for method setDisplay() |
error | 391 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setCss |
error | 391 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setCss |
error | 391 | No summary for method setCss() |
error | 398 | No summary for method getPlan3dHeader_id() |
error | 402 | Argument $_plan3dHeader_id is missing from the Docblock of setPlan3dHeader_id |
error | 402 | No summary for method setPlan3dHeader_id() |
error | 408 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 408 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 408 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 412 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 412 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 412 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 419 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 423 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 423 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $plan3dHeader_id |
error | 28 | No summary for property $link_type |
error | 29 | No summary for property $link_id |
error | 30 | No summary for property $position |
error | 31 | No summary for property $display |
error | 32 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 33 | No summary for property $css |
error | 34 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 21 | No summary for class \jsonrpc |
error | 38 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 56 | Argument $_code is missing from the Docblock of makeError |
error | 56 | Argument $_message is missing from the Docblock of makeError |
error | 56 | No summary for method makeError() |
error | 74 | Argument $_result is missing from the Docblock of makeSuccess |
error | 74 | No summary for method makeSuccess() |
error | 91 | No summary for method getStartTime() |
error | 95 | No summary for method getApplicationName() |
error | 99 | No summary for method getJsonrpc() |
error | 103 | No summary for method getMethod() |
error | 107 | No summary for method getParams() |
error | 111 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 115 | Argument $applicationName is missing from the Docblock of setApplicationName |
error | 115 | No summary for method setApplicationName() |
error | 120 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getAdditionnalParams |
error | 120 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getAdditionnalParams |
error | 120 | No summary for method getAdditionnalParams() |
error | 124 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setAdditionnalParams |
error | 124 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setAdditionnalParams |
error | 124 | No summary for method setAdditionnalParams() |
error | 24 | No summary for property $jsonrpc |
error | 25 | No summary for property $method |
error | 26 | No summary for property $params |
error | 27 | No summary for property $id |
error | 28 | No summary for property $startTime |
error | 29 | No summary for property $applicationName |
error | 30 | No summary for property $additionnalParams |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 21 | No summary for class \DB |
error | 35 | No summary for method initConnection() |
error | 44 | No summary for method getLastInsertId() |
error | 48 | No summary for method getConnection() |
error | 66 | Argument $_procName is missing from the Docblock of CallStoredProc |
error | 66 | Argument $_params is missing from the Docblock of CallStoredProc |
error | 66 | Argument $_fetch_type is missing from the Docblock of CallStoredProc |
error | 66 | Argument $_className is missing from the Docblock of CallStoredProc |
error | 66 | Argument $_fetch_opt is missing from the Docblock of CallStoredProc |
error | 66 | No summary for method CallStoredProc() |
error | 81 | Argument $_query is missing from the Docblock of Prepare |
error | 81 | Argument $_params is missing from the Docblock of Prepare |
error | 81 | Argument $_fetchType is missing from the Docblock of Prepare |
error | 81 | Argument $_fetch_param is missing from the Docblock of Prepare |
error | 81 | Argument $_fetch_opt is missing from the Docblock of Prepare |
error | 81 | No summary for method Prepare() |
error | 127 | No summary for method __clone() |
error | 131 | No summary for method optimize() |
error | 140 | No summary for method beginTransaction() |
error | 144 | No summary for method commit() |
error | 148 | No summary for method rollBack() |
error | 159 | Argument $_direct is missing from the Docblock of save |
error | 159 | Name of argument $_direct does not match with the DocBlock's name $object in save() |
error | 159 | Argument $_replace is missing from the Docblock of save |
error | 159 | Name of argument $_replace does not match with the DocBlock's name $object in save() |
error | 240 | Argument $object is missing from the Docblock of refresh |
error | 240 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 368 | Argument $_table is missing from the Docblock of checksum |
error | 368 | No summary for method checksum() |
error | 408 | Argument $object is missing from the Docblock of getTableName |
error | 421 | No summary for method getFields() |
error | 527 | Argument $_class is missing from the Docblock of buildField |
error | 527 | Argument $_prefix is missing from the Docblock of buildField |
error | 527 | No summary for method buildField() |
error | 543 | Argument $_database is missing from the Docblock of compareAndFix |
error | 543 | Argument $_table is missing from the Docblock of compareAndFix |
error | 543 | Argument $_verbose is missing from the Docblock of compareAndFix |
error | 543 | Argument $_loop is missing from the Docblock of compareAndFix |
error | 543 | No summary for method compareAndFix() |
error | 615 | Argument $_database is missing from the Docblock of compareDatabase |
error | 615 | No summary for method compareDatabase() |
error | 623 | Argument $_table is missing from the Docblock of compareTable |
error | 623 | No summary for method compareTable() |
error | 737 | Argument $indexes is missing from the Docblock of prepareIndexCompare |
error | 737 | No summary for method prepareIndexCompare() |
error | 756 | Argument $_ref_field is missing from the Docblock of compareField |
error | 756 | Argument $_real_field is missing from the Docblock of compareField |
error | 756 | Argument $_table_name is missing from the Docblock of compareField |
error | 756 | No summary for method compareField() |
error | 781 | Argument $_ref_index is missing from the Docblock of compareIndex |
error | 781 | Argument $_real_index is missing from the Docblock of compareIndex |
error | 781 | Argument $_table_name is missing from the Docblock of compareIndex |
error | 781 | Argument $_forceRebuild is missing from the Docblock of compareIndex |
error | 781 | No summary for method compareIndex() |
error | 802 | Argument $_field is missing from the Docblock of buildDefinitionField |
error | 802 | No summary for method buildDefinitionField() |
error | 818 | Argument $_index is missing from the Docblock of buildDefinitionIndex |
error | 818 | Argument $_table_name is missing from the Docblock of buildDefinitionIndex |
error | 818 | No summary for method buildDefinitionIndex() |
error | 29 | No summary for property $connection |
error | 30 | No summary for property $lastConnection |
error | 31 | No summary for property $fields |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \update |
error | 40 | Argument $_filter is missing from the Docblock of checkAllUpdate |
error | 40 | Argument $_findNewObject is missing from the Docblock of checkAllUpdate |
error | 40 | No summary for method checkAllUpdate() |
error | 89 | No summary for method listRepo() |
error | 107 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of repoById |
error | 107 | No summary for method repoById() |
error | 118 | Argument $_filter is missing from the Docblock of updateAll |
error | 118 | No summary for method updateAll() |
error | 149 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 149 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 159 | Argument $_status is missing from the Docblock of byStatus |
error | 159 | No summary for method byStatus() |
error | 169 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of byLogicalId |
error | 169 | No summary for method byLogicalId() |
error | 179 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of byType |
error | 179 | No summary for method byType() |
error | 189 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of byTypeAndLogicalId |
error | 189 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of byTypeAndLogicalId |
error | 189 | No summary for method byTypeAndLogicalId() |
error | 205 | Argument $_filter is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 205 | No summary for method all() |
error | 217 | No summary for method nbNeedUpdate() |
error | 229 | No summary for method findNewUpdateObject() |
error | 269 | No summary for method listCoreUpdate() |
error | 275 | No summary for method getInfo() |
error | 285 | No summary for method doUpdate() |
error | 373 | No summary for method deleteObjet() |
error | 420 | No summary for method preInstallUpdate() |
error | 445 | Argument $_infos is missing from the Docblock of postInstallUpdate |
error | 445 | No summary for method postInstallUpdate() |
error | 492 | No summary for method getLastAvailableVersion() |
error | 505 | No summary for method checkUpdate() |
error | 546 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 559 | No summary for method save() |
error | 563 | No summary for method postSave() |
error | 569 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 573 | No summary for method postRemove() |
error | 577 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 583 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 587 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 591 | No summary for method getStatus() |
error | 595 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 595 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 595 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 599 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 599 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 605 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 605 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 611 | Argument $_status is missing from the Docblock of setStatus |
error | 611 | No summary for method setStatus() |
error | 620 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 620 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 620 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 627 | No summary for method getType() |
error | 631 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of setType |
error | 631 | No summary for method setType() |
error | 637 | No summary for method getLocalVersion() |
error | 641 | No summary for method getRemoteVersion() |
error | 645 | Argument $_localVersion is missing from the Docblock of setLocalVersion |
error | 645 | No summary for method setLocalVersion() |
error | 651 | Argument $_remoteVersion is missing from the Docblock of setRemoteVersion |
error | 651 | No summary for method setRemoteVersion() |
error | 657 | No summary for method getLogicalId() |
error | 661 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of setLogicalId |
error | 661 | No summary for method setLogicalId() |
error | 667 | No summary for method getSource() |
error | 671 | Argument $_source is missing from the Docblock of setSource |
error | 671 | No summary for method setSource() |
error | 678 | No summary for method getUpdateDate() |
error | 682 | Argument $_updateDate is missing from the Docblock of setUpdateDate |
error | 682 | No summary for method setUpdateDate() |
error | 688 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 692 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 692 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $type |
error | 27 | No summary for property $logicalId |
error | 28 | No summary for property $name |
error | 29 | No summary for property $localVersion |
error | 30 | No summary for property $remoteVersion |
error | 31 | No summary for property $status |
error | 32 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 33 | No summary for property $source |
error | 34 | No summary for property $updateDate |
error | 35 | No summary for property $_changeUpdate |
error | 36 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \listener |
error | 34 | No summary for method clean() |
error | 59 | No summary for method all() |
error | 65 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 65 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 75 | Argument $_class is missing from the Docblock of byClass |
error | 75 | No summary for method byClass() |
error | 92 | No summary for method byClassAndFunction() |
error | 116 | No summary for method searchClassFunctionOption() |
error | 137 | No summary for method byClassFunctionAndEvent() |
error | 151 | Argument $_class is missing from the Docblock of removeByClassFunctionAndEvent |
error | 151 | Argument $_function is missing from the Docblock of removeByClassFunctionAndEvent |
error | 151 | Argument $_event is missing from the Docblock of removeByClassFunctionAndEvent |
error | 151 | Argument $_option is missing from the Docblock of removeByClassFunctionAndEvent |
error | 151 | No summary for method removeByClassFunctionAndEvent() |
error | 169 | Argument $_event is missing from the Docblock of searchEvent |
error | 169 | No summary for method searchEvent() |
error | 185 | Argument $_event is missing from the Docblock of check |
error | 185 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of check |
error | 185 | Argument $_datetime is missing from the Docblock of check |
error | 185 | No summary for method check() |
error | 194 | Argument $_event is missing from the Docblock of backgroundCalculDependencyCmd |
error | 194 | No summary for method backgroundCalculDependencyCmd() |
error | 203 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 212 | Argument $_event is missing from the Docblock of run |
error | 212 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of run |
error | 212 | Argument $_datetime is missing from the Docblock of run |
error | 212 | No summary for method run() |
error | 229 | Argument $_event is missing from the Docblock of execute |
error | 229 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of execute |
error | 229 | Argument $_datetime is missing from the Docblock of execute |
error | 229 | No summary for method execute() |
error | 263 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 269 | Argument $_once is missing from the Docblock of save |
error | 269 | No summary for method save() |
error | 277 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 281 | No summary for method emptyEvent() |
error | 285 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of addEvent |
error | 285 | Argument $_type is missing from the Docblock of addEvent |
error | 285 | No summary for method addEvent() |
error | 305 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 309 | No summary for method getEvent() |
error | 313 | No summary for method getClass() |
error | 317 | No summary for method getFunction() |
error | 321 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getOption |
error | 321 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getOption |
error | 321 | No summary for method getOption() |
error | 325 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 325 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 331 | Argument $_event is missing from the Docblock of setEvent |
error | 331 | No summary for method setEvent() |
error | 338 | Argument $_class is missing from the Docblock of setClass |
error | 338 | No summary for method setClass() |
error | 344 | Argument $_function is missing from the Docblock of setFunction |
error | 344 | No summary for method setFunction() |
error | 350 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setOption |
error | 350 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setOption |
error | 350 | No summary for method setOption() |
error | 357 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 361 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 361 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $event |
error | 27 | No summary for property $class |
error | 28 | No summary for property $function |
error | 29 | No summary for property $option |
error | 30 | No summary for property $_changed |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | No summary for class \jeeObject |
error | 39 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of byId |
error | 39 | No summary for method byId() |
error | 52 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of byName |
error | 52 | No summary for method byName() |
error | 62 | Argument $_onlyVisible is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 62 | Argument $_byPosition is missing from the Docblock of all |
error | 62 | No summary for method all() |
error | 77 | Argument $_all is missing from the Docblock of rootObject |
error | 77 | Argument $_onlyVisible is missing from the Docblock of rootObject |
error | 77 | No summary for method rootObject() |
error | 113 | Argument $_input is missing from the Docblock of toHumanReadable |
error | 113 | No summary for method toHumanReadable() |
error | 149 | Argument $_input is missing from the Docblock of fromHumanReadable |
error | 149 | No summary for method fromHumanReadable() |
error | 194 | Argument $_object is missing from the Docblock of buildTree |
error | 194 | Argument $_visible is missing from the Docblock of buildTree |
error | 194 | No summary for method buildTree() |
error | 216 | Argument $_none is missing from the Docblock of getUISelectList |
error | 216 | No summary for method getUISelectList() |
error | 227 | Argument $_restrict is missing from the Docblock of fullData |
error | 227 | Argument $_user is missing from the Docblock of fullData |
error | 227 | No summary for method fullData() |
error | 258 | Argument $_search is missing from the Docblock of searchConfiguration |
error | 258 | No summary for method searchConfiguration() |
error | 268 | No summary for method deadCmd() |
error | 289 | Argument $_cmd_id is missing from the Docblock of checkSummaryUpdate |
error | 289 | No summary for method checkSummaryUpdate() |
error | 372 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getGlobalSummary |
error | 372 | No summary for method getGlobalSummary() |
error | 395 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of getGlobalHtmlSummary |
error | 395 | No summary for method getGlobalHtmlSummary() |
error | 466 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of getGlobalArraySummary |
error | 466 | No summary for method getGlobalArraySummary() |
error | 541 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of createSummaryToVirtual |
error | 541 | No summary for method createSummaryToVirtual() |
error | 709 | Argument $_cmd is missing from the Docblock of actionOnSummary |
error | 709 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of actionOnSummary |
error | 709 | No summary for method actionOnSummary() |
error | 726 | No summary for method cronDaily() |
error | 736 | No summary for method orderEqLogicByUsage() |
error | 759 | Argument $_cmd is missing from the Docblock of summaryAction |
error | 759 | Argument $_options is missing from the Docblock of summaryAction |
error | 759 | No summary for method summaryAction() |
error | 775 | No summary for method getTableName() |
error | 779 | Argument $_fathers is missing from the Docblock of checkTreeConsistency |
error | 779 | No summary for method checkTreeConsistency() |
error | 794 | No summary for method preSave() |
error | 816 | No summary for method refresh() |
error | 820 | Argument $_direct is missing from the Docblock of save |
error | 820 | No summary for method save() |
error | 873 | Argument $_visible is missing from the Docblock of getChild |
error | 873 | No summary for method getChild() |
error | 890 | No summary for method getChilds() |
error | 899 | Argument $_onlyEnable is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogic |
error | 899 | Argument $_onlyVisible is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogic |
error | 899 | Argument $_eqType_name is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogic |
error | 899 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogic |
error | 899 | Argument $_searchOnchild is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogic |
error | 899 | No summary for method getEqLogic() |
error | 917 | Argument $_summary is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogicsFromSummary |
error | 917 | Argument $_onlyEnable is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogicsFromSummary |
error | 917 | Argument $_onlyVisible is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogicsFromSummary |
error | 917 | Argument $_eqType_name is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogicsFromSummary |
error | 917 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogicsFromSummary |
error | 917 | No summary for method getEqLogicsFromSummary() |
error | 950 | Argument $_summary is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogicBySummary |
error | 950 | Argument $_onlyEnable is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogicBySummary |
error | 950 | Argument $_onlyVisible is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogicBySummary |
error | 950 | Argument $_eqType_name is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogicBySummary |
error | 950 | Argument $_logicalId is missing from the Docblock of getEqLogicBySummary |
error | 950 | No summary for method getEqLogicBySummary() |
error | 982 | Argument $_onlyEnable is missing from the Docblock of getScenario |
error | 982 | Argument $_onlyVisible is missing from the Docblock of getScenario |
error | 982 | No summary for method getScenario() |
error | 986 | No summary for method preRemove() |
error | 1011 | No summary for method remove() |
error | 1016 | No summary for method getFather() |
error | 1020 | No summary for method parentNumber() |
error | 1036 | Argument $_tag is missing from the Docblock of getHumanName |
error | 1036 | Argument $_prettify is missing from the Docblock of getHumanName |
error | 1036 | No summary for method getHumanName() |
error | 1052 | No summary for method cleanSummary() |
error | 1067 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getSummary |
error | 1067 | Argument $_raw is missing from the Docblock of getSummary |
error | 1067 | No summary for method getSummary() |
error | 1127 | Argument $_version is missing from the Docblock of getHtmlSummary |
error | 1127 | No summary for method getHtmlSummary() |
error | 1182 | Argument $_data is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 1182 | Argument $_level is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 1182 | Argument $_drill is missing from the Docblock of getLinkData |
error | 1182 | No summary for method getLinkData() |
error | 1218 | No summary for method getUse() |
error | 1223 | No summary for method getImgLink() |
error | 1231 | No summary for method toArray() |
error | 1237 | Argument $_right is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 1237 | Argument $_user is missing from the Docblock of hasRight |
error | 1237 | No summary for method hasRight() |
error | 1261 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 1265 | No summary for method getName() |
error | 1269 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getFather_id |
error | 1269 | No summary for method getFather_id() |
error | 1276 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getIsVisible |
error | 1276 | No summary for method getIsVisible() |
error | 1283 | Argument $_id is missing from the Docblock of setId |
error | 1283 | No summary for method setId() |
error | 1289 | Argument $_name is missing from the Docblock of setName |
error | 1289 | No summary for method setName() |
error | 1296 | Argument $_father_id is missing from the Docblock of setFather_id |
error | 1296 | No summary for method setFather_id() |
error | 1303 | Argument $_isVisible is missing from the Docblock of setIsVisible |
error | 1303 | No summary for method setIsVisible() |
error | 1309 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getPosition |
error | 1309 | No summary for method getPosition() |
error | 1316 | Argument $_position is missing from the Docblock of setPosition |
error | 1316 | No summary for method setPosition() |
error | 1322 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 1322 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getConfiguration |
error | 1322 | No summary for method getConfiguration() |
error | 1326 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 1326 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setConfiguration |
error | 1326 | No summary for method setConfiguration() |
error | 1333 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 1333 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getDisplay |
error | 1333 | No summary for method getDisplay() |
error | 1337 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 1337 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setDisplay |
error | 1337 | No summary for method setDisplay() |
error | 1344 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getCache |
error | 1344 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getCache |
error | 1344 | No summary for method getCache() |
error | 1349 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setCache |
error | 1349 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setCache |
error | 1349 | No summary for method setCache() |
error | 1353 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of getImage |
error | 1353 | Argument $_default is missing from the Docblock of getImage |
error | 1353 | No summary for method getImage() |
error | 1357 | Argument $_key is missing from the Docblock of setImage |
error | 1357 | Argument $_value is missing from the Docblock of setImage |
error | 1357 | No summary for method setImage() |
error | 1364 | No summary for method getChanged() |
error | 1368 | Argument $_changed is missing from the Docblock of setChanged |
error | 1368 | No summary for method setChanged() |
error | 25 | No summary for property $id |
error | 26 | No summary for property $name |
error | 27 | No summary for property $father_id |
error | 28 | No summary for property $isVisible |
error | 29 | No summary for property $position |
error | 30 | No summary for property $configuration |
error | 31 | No summary for property $display |
error | 32 | No summary for property $image |
error | 33 | No summary for property $_child |
error | 34 | No summary for property $_changed |
error | 35 | No summary for property $_summaryChanged |