# Remplacer Tools → Replace

This tool makes it possible to quickly replace equipment and controls, for example in the case of a change of plugin, or of a module.

Like the replacement options on the advanced configuration of a command, it replaces the commands in the scenarios and other, but also allows to transfer the properties of the equipment and the commands.


You can display only certain equipment for more readability, filtering by object or by plugin.

In the case of a replacement of equipment by equipment from another plugin, select the two plugins.



If none of these options is checked, the replacement amounts to using the function Replace this command with the command in advanced configuration.

The source equipment will also be replaced by the target equipment on the Design and the Views.

This equipment will also be replaced by the target equipment on Designs and Views.


The button Filter At the top right allows you to display all the equipment, following the filters by object and by plugin.

For each equipment :


When you indicate a target device on a source device, this target device is disabled in the list.

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