When opening a page (Dashboard, Scenarios, etc.) the focus is on the search field. You can therefore directly type a search without further action.
- Click on the clock (menu bar) : Open the Timeline.
- Click on the name of the Jeedom (menu bar) : Open Settings → System → Configuration.
- Click on ? (Toolbar) : Open help on the current page.
- Escape on a research field : Empty the search field and cancel it.
In edit mode:
- Drag n Drop on tiles to rearrange them.
- Resize on tile borders to resize them.
- Contextual menu (Right click) on the tiles.
- Ctrl Click on an icon expand : Adjusts the height of the object tiles not relative to the highest, but relative to the lowest.
- Ctrl Click on an info command : Opens all the history information of the tile in the history window.
- On an interaction, Ctrl S : To safeguard.
- On an interaction, Right click on a tab : Contextual menu to go directly to another interaction.
- Ctrl Click or Center Click on an interaction or in the context menu : Open the interaction in a new browser tab.
- On an object, Ctrl S : To safeguard.
- On an object, Right click on a tab : Contextual menu to go directly to another object.
- Ctrl Click or Center Click on an object or in the contextual menu : Open the object in a new browser tab.
- On a widget, Ctrl S : To safeguard.
- On a widget, Right click on a tab : Contextual menu to go directly to another widget.
- Ctrl Click or Click Center on a widget or in the context menu : Open the widget in a new browser tab.
- Ctrl Click or Center Click on a scenario or in the context menu : Open the scenario in a new browser tab.
On a scenario :
- Ctrl-S : To safeguard.
- Right click on a tab : Contextual menu to go directly to another scenario.
- Ctrl-L : Log display.
- Ctrl Shift Z : To cancel.
Ctrl Shift Y : Remake.
- Ctrl Click on Execute : Save and execute the scenario, then open the log.
- Ctrl Click on icon Copy this block : Cut this block.
- Ctrl Click on icon Paste a block : Replace this block.
- Ctrl Click on icon Delete this block : Delete block without confirmation.
- Ctrl Click on icon Hide this block : Hide or show all blocks.
In a Code block :
- Ctrl-F : Search in the code.
- Ctrl-G : Next search occurrence.
- Ctrl S on a plugin configuration : To safeguard.
- Ctrl Click or Click Center on a plugin : Open plugin management in a new browser tab.
- On a device, Ctrl S : To safeguard.
- On a device, Right click on a tab : Contextual menu to go directly to another device.
- Ctrl Click or Center Click on a device: Open the plugin equipment in a new browser tab.
- Ctrl S on editing a view : To safeguard.
- Ctrl S on a design : To safeguard.
- Ctrl Shift E on a design : Entering or leaving edit mode.
- Ctrl Click on icon Open (recherche) : Open all objects and equipment.
- Ctrl Click on icon Close (recherche) : Closes all objects and equipment.
Analysis / History
If several curves are displayed :
- Ctrl Click on a legend : Show only this history.
- Alt Click on a legend : Show all history.
History window
If several curves are displayed :
- Ctrl Click on a legend : Show only this history.
- Alt Click on a legend : Show all history.
- Ctrl Click on Save : Save and close window.
- Ctrl Click on Save : Save and close window.