As a reminder if there is no information on the update, it means that it only concerns the updating of documentation, translation or text
- Fixed dependency installation bug with Jeedom 4.2
- Correction of a problem on the installation of dependencies
- New presentation of the list of objects
- Addition of the tag “V4 compatibility”
- Installation of nodejs 12 instead of 8
- Bug fix in the dependencies installation script
- Inversion of the widget for the stores (be careful to remove the store type equipment and restart the demon)
- Blind support
- Improvement of command names and generic type
- Adapting the interface to Jeedom V4
- Support PHP 7.3
- complete demon change
Important : following this update you must reinstall the dependencies and relaunch the demon
- Improved dependency script
- Temporary change due to the change brought about by the last IKEA update
- Adding plugs
- Improved management of status returns
- Correction bug auto detection of confs
- Add conf transform
- Name management with /
- Addition of LED panel 30x90
- Addition of the E26 980lm bulb
- The 1000lm bulb has two variants adding the conf