
Settings → System → Configuration

This is where most of the configuration parameters are found. Although many, a majority of parameters are configured by default.

General tab

In this tab we find general information about Jeedom :

Below, several parameters that centralize information that can be used by plugins, avoiding having to enter them in each plugin.

Interface tab

In this tab you will find the display customization parameters.



Background images



Networks tab

It is absolutely necessary to correctly configure this important part of Jeedom otherwise a lot of plugins may not work. There are two ways to access Jeedom : L’Internal access (from the same local network as Jeedom) and l’External access (from another network, especially from the Internet).


This part is just there to explain to Jeedom its environment : changing the port or IP in this tab will not change Jeedom's port or IP actually. For that you have to connect in SSH and edit the file / etc / network / interfaces for IP and the files etc / apache2 / sites-available / default and etc / apache2 / sites-available / default_ssl (for HTTPS). However, in the event of improper handling of your Jeedom, the Jeedom team cannot be held responsible and may refuse any request for support.


If you are in HTTPS the port is 443 (default) and in HTTP the port is 80 (default). To use HTTPS from outside, a letsencrypt plugin is now available on the market.


To find out if you need to set a value in the field Complement, look, when you log into Jeedom in your internet browser, if you need to add / Jeedom (or whatever) after the IP.


If you cannot get Jeedom DNS to work, look at the configuration of the firewall and parental filter of your Internet box (on livebox you need for example the firewall at medium level).

  • Lifetime of sessions (hour) : lifetime of PHP sessions, it is not recommended to touch this parameter.

Logs tab





Below you will find a table for finely managing the log level of essential elements of Jeedom as well as that of plugins.

Summaries tab

See abstracts documentation.

Equipment tab


Many command can be logged. Thus, in Analysis → History, you get graphs representing their use. This tab allows you to set global parameters for command logging.


If you want to use InfluxDB for the moment you have to install the InfluxDB library yourself, Jeedom no longer does it because it is no longer maintained (we plan to migrate to the new version but this will not happen right away). To do the installation manually here is how to do it : cd /var/www/html;composer require influxdb/influxdb-php from configuration then OS/DB tab then the OS administration console

Command history


The first parameter Display widget statistics is possible but disabled by default because it significantly extends the display time of the dashboard. If you activate this option, by default, Jeedom relies on data from the past 24 hours to calculate these statistics. The trend calculation method is based on the least squares calculation (see here for the detail).


Reports tab

Configure the generation and management of reports

Links tab

Configure link graphics. These links allow you to see, in the form of a graph, the relationships between objects, equipment, objects, etc.

Interactions tab

This tab allows you to set global parameters concerning the interactions that you will find in Tools → Interactions.


To activate the interaction log, go to the Settings → System → Configuration tab : Logs, then check Debug in the bottom list. Attention : the logs will then be very verbose !


Here you have three parameters :

Automatic, contextual & warning interaction


By default Jeedom will answer you by the same channel as the one you used to ask it to notify you. If it does not find one, it will then use the default command specified in this tab : Default return command.

Here are the different options available :

Security tab



The list of banned IPs is at the bottom of this page. You will find the IP, the ban date and the scheduled ban end date.

Update / Market Tab

Jeedom update


The repositories are storage (and service) spaces to be able to move backups, recover plugins, recover the core of Jeedom, etc.


Deposit used to activate the sending of plugins by files.


Deposit used to connect Jeedom to Github.


Deposit used to connect Jeedom to the market, it is strongly advised to use this deposit. Attention : any request for support may be refused if you use a deposit other than this one.


Deposit allowing to automatically send a backup of Jeedom on a Samba share (ex : Synology NAS).


If the path to your samba backup folder is : \\ \ Backups \ Home automation \ Jeedom Then IP =, Sharing = // / Backups, Path = Home automation / Jeedom


When validating the Samba share, as described above, a new form of backup appears in the Settings → System → Backups section of Jeedom. By activating it, Jeedom will send it automatically during the next backup. A test is possible by performing a manual backup.


You may need to install the smbclient package for the repository to work.


The Samba protocol has several versions, the v1 is compromised in terms of security and on some NAS you can force the client to use v2 or v3 to connect. So if you have an error protocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_INVAID_NETWORK_RESPONSE there is a good chance that on the NAS side the restriction is in place. You must then modify the / etc / samba / smb file on your Jeedom OS.conf and add these two lines to it : client max protocol = SMB3 client min protocol = SMB2 The Jeedom side smbclient will then use v2 where v3 and by putting SMB3 to both only SMB3. So it's up to you to adapt according to restrictions on the NAS or other Samba server


Jeedom must be the only one to write in this folder and it must be empty by default (i.e. before the configuration and the sending of the first backup, the folder must not contain any file or folder).


Cache tab

Allows monitoring and acting on the Jeedom cache :


Any change of cache engine results in a reset of it so you then have to wait for the modules to send back the information to find everything

API tab

Here you find the list of the different API keys available in your Jeedom. Core has two API keys :

For each API plugin key, as well as for HTTP, JsonRPC and TTS APIs, you can define their scope :

For each plugin API key you can prohibit them from core methods (general) to limit them to their only embedded method (be careful some plugins like mobile or jeelink absolutely need core methods)

Onglet >_OS/DB


This tab is reserved for experts. If you modify Jeedom with one of these two solutions, the support may refuse to help you.

System Checks

System Tools

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