
Tools → Objects

The Objects allow you to define the tree structure of your home automation.

All the equipment you create must belong to an object and are therefore more easily identifiable. We then say that the object is the relative equipment.

To give free choice to personalization, you can name these objects as you wish. Usually, we will define the different parts of his house, like the name of the rooms (this is also the recommended configuration).



You have two options :


The overview allows you to view all the objects in Jeedom, as well as their configuration :

My objects

Once you have created an object, it will appear in this part.


You can open an object by doing :

  • Click on one of them.
  • Ctrl Clic or Clic Center to open it in a new browser tab.

You have a search engine to filter the display of objects. The Escape key cancels the search. To the right of the search field, three buttons found in several places in Jeedom:

Once on the configuration of an object, you have a contextual menu with the Right Click on the tabs of the object. You can also use a Ctrl Click or Center Click to directly open another object in a new browser tab.

Object tab

By clicking on an object, you access its configuration page. Whatever changes you make, don't forget to save your changes.

Here are the different characteristics to configure an object :

Settings :

Display :


You can change the display order of objects in the Dashboard, through the Home Automation Summary (tools -> home automation summary), select your object with the mouse with drag/drop to give it a new place.


You can see a graph representing all the elements of Jeedom attached to this object by clicking on the button Connections, top right.


When a device is created and no parent has been defined, it will have as parent : None.

Summary tabs

See abstracts documentation.

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