Management of plugin widgets

There are several possibilities to make custom widgets for plugins :

ToHtml function

Thereupon, nothing special, the toHtml function must return the widget in html, you have an example the

The important thing is especially the 1st lines :

$replace = $this->preToHtml($_version);
yew (!is_array ($ replace)) {
	return $ replace;

La fonction preToHtml renvoi :

Le système de template

Le système de template de widget dans le code est en fait exactement le même que celui sur la page Outils -> Widget de jeedom.

Vohere un exemple :

public static function templateWidget(){
	$return = array('info' => array('string' => array()));
	$return['info']['string']['state'] = array(
		'template' => 'tmplmultistate',
		'test' => array(
			array('operation' => '#value# == 2','state' => '<i class="icon maison-vacuum6"></i>'),
			array('operation' => '#value# == 3','state' => '<i class="fa fa-pause"></i>'),
			array('operation' => '#value# > 3 || #value# < 2','state' => '<i class="fa fa-home"></i>')
	return $ return;

Here, we will create a new widget based on the “tmplmultistate” template (you have the list of templates here it’s those with tmpl in their name), for an info type command and under string type.


Each template is for a given type and subtype, so you have to check that the template you want to use exists for the type and subtype

Then, since it is a template with several states, you have to define the icons according to the state. It is done in the test part of the table.

Example : for the first test, we say if the value of the command is worth 2 then it will be necessary to replace the tag #_state_# (in the html code of the template) by </i>

Another example based on another template could be :

public static function templateWidget(){
	$return = array('info' => array('string' => array()));
	$return['info']['binary']['toto'] = array(
		'template '=>' tmplicon',
		'replace '=> array(
			'#_icon_on_#' => '<i class=\'icon_green icon jeedom-porte-ferme\'></i>',
			'#_icon_off_#' => '<i class=\'icon_red icon jeedom-porte-ouverte\'></i>'
	return $ return;

Ici, je crée un widget toto basé sur le template “tmplicon” en type info et sous-type binaire. Quand il vaut 1 alors l’icône sera et quand il vaut 0, ça sera


Petite astuce, vous pouvez à la place d’une icône mettre une balise image (attention au chemin)

Ensuite, pour utiliser votre widget :


It is like for a normal widget except for the name of the widget which is in the form id_plugin::name_widget. For the 2nd example, it will be id_plugin::toto

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