This tutorial presents you :
To allow you to contribute to Jeedom, you will need to propose the modifications (PR : Pull Request).
We will discuss in this tutorial how to create a GitHub account, in order to be able to report bugs (issue in GitHub language), or even propose corrections (Pull Request or PR in github language) for the whole Jeedom project, including its free plugins or documentation, or any other github project in which you would like to participate.
Go to Github and click on the sign up button. You should therefore be on a page similar to the one below and must therefore enter a nickname, an email and a password and then click on Create an account
So you arrive on a 2nd page as below and you do not change anything, you click on Keep on going
You are registered and on the configuration page of your account options. I advise you to check the email address in order to be able to recover your account if you forget your password for example but also in order to be able to submit modifications. I also let you discover the other options if you are curious.
Fork - Why - How
Fork is to copy a project into your github space, in order to be able to modify the code and documentation files, then submit a Pull Request to the original project, which will then be studied by the developer (s) of said project
Now that you have a Github account and you are identified with your verified email address, if you go here you are on the jeedom project, on the right there is a fork button allowing you to copy it into your github space.
In my case, I therefore want to push a modification on the file history.class.php This file is located in the core of jeedom and more precisely here : core / class /
In order to search the file, position yourself in the text block of the file that you have just opened in edit mode with the pencil and press “Ctrl + F” to activate the search. You paste or specify the text you are looking for (a significant element and a line only, not a whole block all at once). Validate with “Enter” to start the search.
If you do not click in the window containing the text or the code you are looking for, the browser search will open and in my case, on Google chrome, it does not know how to search in the code or documentation directly.
So I delete the block then I replace it.
Then on the lower part we find this : 1. Explicit title is indicated if possible 2. We enter a slightly more precise description (in my case, it would be too long, the link to the forum will be more meaningful) 3. We make sure it is ticked like this 4. On commit = Submit change
The commit done above only concerns the fork of the project in your GitHub space. To submit changes to the original project, you must perform a PR (Pull Request)
It is important to clearly explain the changes submitted so that the developer (s) of the original project understand and can validate your request.
It’s over. You have to wait until your PR is validated.
NB: Only users with a push right on Jeedom can validate the PR.
To make sure that your modification is in the list, you can click on Pull Requests
We obtain the list of PR awaiting validation. We can clearly see ours