Use opengarage

OpenGarage is a DIY type object but also available assembled on order and which is used in the garage.

It offers the activation of a relay (to open the garage) and a distance sensor to check the presence of the car.

Reading of OpenGarage states

In order to retrieve the status of the relay and the distance sensor, the url to use is http://addropengarage/jc

The result is a json. It is therefore necessary to use a Script type equipment and an info command of json type

For the state of the relay the name of the property of the json : door

For the distance sensor : dist

Action on OpenGarage

The address for relay activation is http://addropengarage/cc?dkey=xxxx&click=1

dkey is the key to the API, by default it’s opendoor

More informations

Full API documentation is available at Github

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