As a reminder, if there is no information on the update, it is because it concerns only the update of documentation, translation or text
- Fix une fuite de mémoire sur le démon
- Plusieurs corrections de bugs mineurs
- Optimisation du code
- Compatibilité Debian 12
- Debian 11 requis
- Jeedom v4.4.8 requis
- Fix for CPU usage
- Threading for reading data
- Optimisation du code
- Fix possible Null Values
- Fix OnOff commands
- Modal Addition for Bacnet Points Management (rename commands by their bacnet attributes Description)
- Add List Control if Action/List command (see documentation)
- Addition of Writing Priority field on command (see end of documentation)
- Changes for Network Scan and Bacnet Points
- Back State v4.2
- Log All button on Orders tab
- Choice Subnet Mask in Plugin Configuration
- Choice of Devices to scan when adding new equipment
- Scan time optimization
- Changing LogicalId and Select All Buttons for Info and Writes commands.
- Addition of pagination system to order creation