If there is no information on the update, it means that it concerns only the update of documentation, translation or text.
- Fix memory leak on daemon
- Fixed a dependency installation issue that could occur on some installations
- Suppression de l’installation de 2 dépendances (
& asn1crypto
) qui ne sont plus utiles pour le plugin
- Interface modernization
- Debian 11 required
- Debian 12 Compatibility
- Jeedom v4.4.8 required
- Fixed the installation of dependencies on Jeedom v4.2
- Update of the dependencies script following the cryptography change
- Fixed a problem with buster dependencies
- Management of the dependencies of certain installations corrupted by third parties of cryptography in python 3 (restart the dependencies if you are faced with a problem)
- General optimizations
- New presentation of the list of objects
- Addition of the tag “V4 compatibility”
- Switch to python 3 (you probably need to restart the dependencies)
- Added RM4 management (read the documentation for the particularity)
- Added advanced RF learning with two stages, one to vary frequencies and find it and another to learn. It will increase learning compatibility
- Addition of the image of SC1
- Force yes on dependencies