IPX800v4 plugin

This plugin allows you to manage an IPX 800 v4

Plugin configuration

After downloading the plugin, you just need to activate it and check the boxes that apply to you for requests to IPX800v4 (example check X-Dimmer if you have an X-dimmer). You can also choose the frequency of requests to lighten the load on ipx800v4


After each modification of the frequency or requests you have to restart the daemon so that it is taken into account


To lighten the load, it is recommended to uncheck ALL type requests and just check the APIs that concern you (you will find details in the API documentation for IPX800v4)


You can see on this page the status of the daemon monitoring the IPX800

Equipment configuration

The configuration of IPX800 devices is accessible from the menu plugin then home automation protocol :

Here you find all the configuration of your equipment :

The default plugin does not create anything, it will be up to you to do so by depending on your configuration but you will be guide.



You have the types of action :

You have the types of actuators :


Certain type of actuator can be hidden depending on the type of action

Then depending on the type of action and the actuator you have several parameters which can be :


You have different types (depending on your extensions) :

For each type jeedom will ask you the number of the desired information

Push information from IPX to Jeedom

To avoid making information refresh in Jeedom or too frequent interrogations (which can harm the ipx800) it is possible to ask the IPX800 to push the information towards Jeedom (attention it is not possible for all input / output types)

Here is the syntax to use in an IPX push to :

Then it will make you a scene by type (entry, relay …) with :


To help you there is a template that allows you to create certain types of orders at once and faster.

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