As a reminder if there is no information on the update, it means that it only concerns the updating of documentation, translation or text
- Fixed an issue with sending the stop command for roller shutters
- EnOcean roller shutter support
- Possibility of configuring the communication port with the IP (default 80)
- Support for custom equipment images (Jeedom 4.5)
- ATTENTION !!!!!! Change in behavior on the shutters, reversal of direction, the plugin no longer indicates the % closing but the % opening
- Checking the ipx return code during a command and if there is an error Jeedom will retry the command 150ms later
- Preparing for jeedom 4.4
- Adding a template
- PulseUP and pulseDOWN support for BSO blade management
- Correction of a bug on reading the value of the 0-10v extension
- Added support for 0-10v extension
- Optimisation
- Thermostat bug fix
- Correction of an error in the event url to give to the ipx800
- Bug fix on templates
- Compatible with php 7.3
- Addition of an automatic daily backup system for ipx800v4
- PWM support in single color only
- Suppression of the restarting of the daemon at each change on the equipment (it is now necessary when you modify an equipment to restart the daemon manually)
- Support for THL 9 to 14 probes
- Number correction for enOcean Analog sensors
- Adding the X-dimmer (don’t forget to configure the check plugin G for x-dimmer requests)
Addition of option on requests to the ipx800 (possibility of selecting the type of request to reduce the load)
Improved enOcean support
Correction of bugs on the recovery of information from
Addition of VR extension
Optimization of synchronization with the ipx800
Support for THL modules
Addition of a template engine for order generation