LoraPayload plugin

This plugin is a plugin allowing to link LoraWan payload commands and to create a device with commands while parsing the values.


Plugin configuration

You can check the state of dependencies here and relaunch them. In case of problems with the plugin always restart the dependencies even if OK in doubt.

The plugin

Go to the plugins / protocol menu to find the plugin.

On this page you can see the modules already included.

On the upper part of this page you have several buttons


When you click on one of your modules, you arrive on its configuration page :

On the right side you will find :

You also have two additional tabs:

Adding equipment

Just click on the Add button and choose a name.

Then you can configure the Parent object, activate the device, choose one or more categories, and make the device visible or not.

It is important on the right side to choose the type of equipment. This is what will allow us to know how to parse the frame.

The Payload tab is very important :

Once done you can save. Following this, the next time you receive a frame, the commands for your equipment will update

Sending orders

Some Lorawan modules have Action commands which can be used to send instructions to the modules via the Jeedom interface.

In the LoraPayload plugin’s Equipment tab :

The send command, when used with MQTT, is an MQTT command of type Action and sub-type Message. The topic is the topic dedicated to downlinks and the value of the command is #message#.


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