Thermostat management plugin


This plugin allows you to manage the thermostat in a room depending on the presence or absence of a person, the mode (day / night for example) and the window (s) / door (s) open (s))


The plugin has no specific configuration



You have here (except equipment name, active / inactive, visible / invisible…) :


Here you indicate the command for action and status of the thermostat


Here we will define the notion of presence in a room. This is done using a simple presence sensor but we wanted to avoid the rise in setpoints if we only go through the room. So we have parameters to specify what a presence is, the setpoint temperature to set and the delay before returning to the previous value. For example, if there has been a presence more than 70% of the time for the last 5 minutes, then set the setpoint to 20.5 and then if there is no one there for 10min then reset the setpoint to the original value


You indicate here your opening as well as the different parameters


Here you will just be able to create mode commands before the setpoint depending on the mode

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