As a reminder if there is no information on the update, it means that it only concerns the updating of documentation, translation or text
- Fixed a bug on jeedom 4.4
- Please note the plugin is only jeedom 4 compatible.4 or more
- Fixed a warning on the taAutosize function
- Optimization of the api key rotation process
- Possibility to prohibit any request from Alexa based on a condition
- Addition of new types
- Improved lock type”
- Fixed a bug on the thermostat
- Fixed a bug on devices using Controller Mode
- Fixed a bug on the display of NOK equipment
- Redesign of the plugin
- Addition of new type
Following the update, you must redo an equipment detection from Alexa (remember to check the configuration page of the equipment sent to Alexa that the types are correct, there are things to adapt following the update)
- Fixed a bug on scenes when renaming an order / equipment / item
- Possibility to choose the thermostat mode (only with a thermostat from the jeedom thermostat plugin and if the modes are called heat, cool, off, auto, eco)
- Possibility of activating the automatic rotation of the API key
- Bugfix
- Correction of a problem with the shutter descent control
- Fixed a problem with lighting the lamps
- Improved shutter support
- Improved interface
- Modes are now handled
- Correction of concerns about equipment discovery
- Preparing for synchronization support without cache
- Correction of a bug on thermostats
- Correction of an icon problem
- Bug correction on the management of multiple generic type of type state
- Automatic sending of information to the market when installing the plugin
- Updating the doc
- Improved shutter support
- Possibility to reverse the direction of the flaps
- Bug fix
- Possibility of having information on the generic type required when clicking on the NOK label
- Updating the doc
- Addition of information and a link to the Voice Assistant service
- Shutter support
- Support of sensors (movement, contact, temperature)
- Bugfix
- Important : from 01/06/2019 the voice services become chargeable, you can see your status on your profile page on the market, tab my services
- New device synchronization method
- Correction of a bug on the panes
- Updating the doc
- Correction of many bugs on status returns (light, outlet, temperature, thermostat…)
- Bug correction on sockets, shutters…
- Improved management of equipment names
- Possibility to nick a device
- Correction of a bug indicating a server problem
- Correction of a bug when sending the configuration
- Correction of a bug during the temperature request