This plugin makes it possible to manage the tenda W301A terminals.
It enables wifi and deactivates it.
We will now configure a device. To do so, click on '’Plugins / Communication / tenda terminal W301A’’
Then click on the button at the top left “'’Add equipment’’”
Then enter the name of the equipment (ex. Terminal 1)
Then define :
'’Parent object’’
'’Category ‘‘(optionnelle)
'’Activate ‘‘(check, otherwise the equipment will not be usable)
'’Visible ‘‘(optional if you do not want to make it visible on the Dashboard)
'’IP adress’’
Data is refreshed every minute.
It is first necessary to temporarily activate Jeedom debugging (Configuration menu ⇒ Logs & messages configuration ⇒ Activate + Log level = Debug).
This plugin is free so that everyone can simply enjoy it. If you still want to donate to the plugin developer, please ask me for a link by MP on the forum.
It is entirely possible via Github