As a reminder if there is no information on the update, it means that it only concerns the updating of documentation, translation or text
- Fixed a bug on fashion type equipment
- Correction on Thermostat type equipment
- Fixed a bug on the humidity value feedback
- Fixed a bug with Jeedom 4.4
- Version only compatible with Jeedom 4.4 or more
- Preparing for jeedom 4.4
- Improved light support
- Bugfix
- Display of active devices only
- Added Soundbar type
- Fixed a bug on authentication in standalone mode (thanks @bad)
- Improved color temperature management (thanks @apern)
- Bugfix
- Fixed a bug on the feedback from the Sensors (be careful still no display in Google Home or voice feedback, you have to wait for Google to finish the implementation)
- Addition of Eco mode management for thermostats, thanks @Corentin3011
- Optimization of the api key rotation process
- Better management of link graphs when an equipment/command/scenario is used in Google Smarthome
- Updating the doc
- Possibility to ban any request from Google based on a condition
- Possibility of not having a code when requesting to unlock a lock
- Addition of new type of equipment
- Possibility of activating the automatic rotation of the API key
- Bugfix
- Fixed bugs on alarm activation feedback
- Improved thermostats support (not coming from the thermostat plugin)
- Improvement of the configuration window for Google Smarthome devices
- Bugfix
You MUST ABSOLUTELY request equipment synchronization and send the configuration back to the market from Jeedom for the plugin to work
This update is major and may have bugs despite the many tests performed. We will do everything to correct them as quickly as possible
- Redesign of the plugin to support more types (be careful there may be regressions not seen during the test phase)
- Addition of many types
- Add many actions / info
- Correction of a return problem if there is a code for the order and it is bad
- Added option to ask google for confirmation when ordering.
- Suppression of a false error message when saving
- Default activation of local home execution
- Switching to new servers (update required to be able to add / remove new equipment)
- Improved installation of outbuildings
- Correction of a bug on equipment synchronization
- Bugfix
- Miscellaneous optimization
- Improved support for thermostats (possibility to choose any heating / cold / off command)
- Color temperature support
- Preparing for synchronization support without cache
- Improved fan support (on / off now only)
- Addition of hood support
- Updating the doc
- Automatic sending of the configuration to the market during installation
- Bugfix
- Updating the doc
- Addition of information on the subscription status to voice services
- Updating the doc
- Bugfix
- Add type
- Possibility of having information on the generic type required when clicking on the NOK label
- Important : from 01/06/2019 the voice services become chargeable, you can see your status on your profile page on the market, tab my services
- Inversion of the inversion of the panes (to agree with google)
- Bugfix
- support for new types of equipment
- various improvements
- Support of modes on the alarm on the Jeedom side (not yet working on the Google side…)
- Added inversion on shutters and blinds
- Adding TVs (requires jeedom 3.3.x or more)
- Addition of volume control and media command (stop, pause, play, next, previous) for the speaker type (requires jeedom 3.3.x or more)
- Correction of a problem of non-deactivation of the transmission when deactivating an equipment
- Documentation update
- Add an option to reverse the opening / closing of the shutters
- Addition of options for the thermostat
- Report state support
- Support of a confirmation during an action (attention validation mode is bugged on Google side, code mode works)
- Adding sensors (not yet working, no Google listed doc)
- Adding blinds
- Adding windows (not yet working, no Google listed doc)
- Adding doors (not yet working, no Google listed doc)
- Support of the shutters (attention it is not official on the Google side)