Nimbus plugin

This plugin allows you to control and have all the info for your Nimbus.

nimbus screenshot1 nimbus screenshot2 nimbus screenshot3


Jeedom plugin configuration :

In order to use the plugin, you must download, install and activate it like any Jeedom plugin.

Following this you will need to enter your credentials (wink account + API):

config plugin

Go to the plugins / Communication menu, there you will find the nimbus plugin :

You will arrive on the page which will list your equipment (you can have several nimbus) and which will allow you to create some

nimbus screenshot4

Click on the Add button :

You will then arrive on the configuration page of your nimbus :

config nimbus

On this page you will find several sections :


In this section you will find all jeedom configurations. Namely the name of your equipment, the object to which you want to associate it, the category (preferably multimedia), if you want the equipment to be active or not, and finally if you want it to be visible on the dashboard.

This section is useful if and only if you have several nimbus. You will need to enter the equipment number (1, 2 or 3 for example). You can leave this field empty if you have only one nimbus which will surely be your case.

This section will allow you to customize the display of your nimbus on the dashboard. You can choose among several funds. You can also choose the needle color and the text color.

nimbus screenshot6


This section will fill in by itself when saving your equipment. There you will find realtive information to your nimbus (serial number, mac address, name, id)

You have nothing to do in this section. Orders will be created automatically.


Information on the dashboard :

nimbus screenshot1

The widget is divided into 4 dials representing the 4 dials of your nimbus.

nimbus screenshot5

This screen allows you to manually change the text, the needle position or both. It allows you to see when you change the value already displayed.

The actions

Actions accessible via scenario :

Several actions are accessible via scenario :


The Demo action is independent and launches the technical demo.

All the other actions work in the same way on the principle.

This is a message command which allows you to pass two parameters:

The two are separable that means you can :

There is one order per screen, one order all, one order Phrasing :





If you want to continuously display information from your home automation. Create a scheduled scenario every 5 minutes (for example).


In this example, you just need to replace what is in the hook with your commands. And every 5 minutes your screens will be updated with the correct values


The system retrieves information every hour. You can click the Refresh command to refresh manually.

Make sure you have created the config file by saving your info in the general config of the plugin.

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