As a reminder if there is no information on the update, it means that it only concerns the updating of documentation, translation or text
- Debian 12 Compatibility
- Minimum jeedom version required: 4.4.8
- Added a new command Send message to allowing you to send an SMS to a personalized number without having to create the contact’s order. This allows you to send an sms to a number obtained via an info command from another device under Jeedom for example. Attention, no verification of the number is carried out, you must provide the numbers in international format.
- Disabling flow control when connecting to the modem to avoid problems with certain modems (for example lixee modem)
- Added two new options: Allow messages from unknown numbers & Automatically add unknown numbers; see docs.
- Fix an issue with some gsm keys returning incorrect characters when starting the daemon.
- Update command list for Jeedom v4.3
- Migrating daemon to python3
- General optimizations
- New presentation of the list of objects
- Addition of the tag “V4 compatibility”
- Switching to the jeedom v4 interface
- Improved verification of the sender number
- Correction of a bug if the log level is none