Karotz plugin

This plugin allows you to control your Karotz (running under OpenKarotz). It goes from his ventral led, to his ears through sounds, speech synthesis and many others.


Jeedom plugin configuration :

Installation / Creation

In order to use the plugin, you must download, install and activate it like any Jeedom plugin.

Go to the Plugins / Communication menu, you will find the Karotz plugin.

You will arrive on the page which will list your equipment (you can have several Karotz) and which will allow you to create some.

Click on the Add button :

You will then arrive on the configuration page of your karotz.


You have nothing to do in this section. Orders will be created automatically.

All these commands are available via the scenarios.

TTS command

The TTS command can have several options separated by & :

Example :



How often is the information refreshed

The system retrieves the information every 30 minutes or after a request to change the rabbit’s color or state. You can click the Refresh command to refresh manually.

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