If there is no information on the update, it means that it concerns only the update of documentation, translation or text.
- transition to stable version
- Updated calls to be compatible with the V5 Enedis Data-Connect API
- Added option to disable hourly data
- Removed dependencies already needed for core
- The widget template color settings are now in the equipment configuration, Display tab, Widget section
- transition to stable version
- Updated command list for Jeedom v4.3
- Fixed a production data display bug in case of multiple widgets on the page
- Optimization of calls to Enedis servers
- Removal of the “Maximum Power Production” command”
- Fixed a bug on data collection on January 1st
- Addition of an indicator on the widget to know if the data is up to date (green = OK, red = KO, orange = some data KO)
- Correction to prevent auto-programming from being stopped in rare cases
- Implementation of an auto-programming system
- Possibility of integrating histories on demand
- Better data processing and integration
- Reorganization of configuration settings, files and documentation
- Added dependency management to confirm the presence of
absent on some installations
- New plugin icon more in line with Enedis prerogatives
- Complete rewrite of the plugin which now uses the Enedis Data-Connect API
- Adding the command Max power / day
- Possibility of recovering consumption, production or both measurements at the same time
- Automatic generation of histories for the last 3 years when creating orders
- Rewriting of dashboard & mobile widget templates
- Added the possibility to choose the background color of the widget template (or transparent)
- Documentation rewrite
- Fixed a display bug in mobile view without the widget template.
- Addition of the template for dashboard version.
- Addition of the template for mobile version.
- Optimization of the number of calls to Enedis servers.
- Retrieval of information at a random minute so as not to overload the Enedis servers.
- Provision of the plugin in beta version.