GRDF plugin

Plugin allowing data recovery from communicating gas meters (Gazpar for example) via of a customer account GRDF.

This plugin is able to provide access to gas consumption readings as well as injection readings if applicable (professional meters only). He uses the official GRDF ADICT API.

Depending on the type of meter, 2 types of data can be recovered :

Still depending on the type of meter, the data available is not the same, as is their frequency of availability.

Meter type Published data Informative data Relief frequency Call frequency
6M (particuliers) Half-year data   Every 6 months from D+2 to D+3 after handover 1 to 2 times a month
1M (particuliers) Monthly data month M-1 Daily data :
- estimated
- final months M-1
Every month from D+2 to D+3 after the publication date (published & definitive information)
Every day from D+1 to D+3 (estimated information)
1 to 2 times a month (published)
1 time per day (informatives)
M.M. (professionnels) Monthly data month M-1 Daily data month M-1 Every month between D+2 after the publication date and the 7th Olympic Games of month M (published)
Every month between the 10th and 20th of month M (informatives)
1 to 14 times per month (published)
1 to 11 times per month (informatives)
Not a word (professionnels) Daily data :
- estimated
- final months M-1
  Every day from D+1 to D+2 (published estimated)
Every month between the 1st and 6th Olympics of month M (definitively published)
1 time per day


The counters 6M are supported plugin however they have normally all been replaced by counters 1M at the end of 2023.


Like any Jeedom plugin, the plugin GRDF must be activated after installation.

Plugin setup


Feel free to copy PCE identification number when it appears during this operation because it will be useful during the Jeedom equipment configuration step.

To begin, you must authorize the sharing of GRDF data with Jeedom by clicking on the image Authorize access to the GRDF account from the plugin configuration page :

Lien espace client GRDF

You are then redirected to this page on which you must provide information your identifiers in the Jeedom market then click on the button To validate :

Authentification compte Market Jeedom

Log in to your GRDF customer area then select a counter awaiting consent :

Sélection compteur GRDF

Select your consents then click on the button To validate :

Consentement GRDF

Once your consents have been validated, you have the possibility to give your consent for another PCE Or return to the Jeedom page confirming the end of the operation :

Validation GRDF


If you can’t access one of these pages, turn off the browser’s ad blocker.

Equipment configuration

To access the different equipment GRDF, you have to go to the menu Plugins → Energy → GRDF.


The button Add allows you to add a new counter.

Once the access authorizations have been validated, all that remains is to provide the identification number of the PCE concerned (spaces are automatically removed) then save the equipment.

The option Save the conversion coefficient allows you to note the ratio between the energy actually consumed (kWh) and the volume (m3).

Professional meters (MM or DD) have an additional configuration field allowing you to choose the type of measurement to be taken :


Orders are created automatically based on the frequency of data collection (day, month, semester) and their type (definitive or estimated).

Orders corresponding to estimated data are configured with a history purge of “-1 month” by default. The plugin is responsible for carrying out monthly and annual calculations when necessary, which is why it is advisable to enter the start date of access to gas consumption data on January 1 during the consent stage.

During the first backup of active and correctly configured equipment, the plugin will automatically integrate the histories available on the GRDF customer area since the start date of access to gas consumption data. This process is likely to last a long time, you can follow its progress from the menu Analysis → Logs (logs in debug).


Data is transmitted in kilowatt-hours (kWh) with a reading date of 6 a.m. They are not made available in real time but are recorded on their effective date in Jeedom.

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