As a reminder if there is no information on the update, it means that it only concerns the updating of documentation, translation or text
- Improved V3 firmware support
- Addition of information from tele-info
- Bug correction on Index_TORE (thanks @Math)
- Addition of the TI API (tele-info)
- Addition of the status API
- Bug fix if rt2 is restarted
- New presentation of the list of objects
- Addition of the tag “V4 compatibility”
- Suppression of the restarting of the daemon at each change on the equipment (it is now necessary when you modify an equipment to restart the daemon manually)
- Support for Pilot Wire (please note the latest firmware version of RT2,2.00.34 B1)
- Bug fix
- Adjustment of the update frequency possible (in seconds)
- Addition of sub-station management
- Addition of an automatic backup system every day of rt2
- Correction of the management of pilot wires