As a reminder, if there is no information on the update, it means that it only concerns the update of documentation, translation or text.
- Added controls to turn the battery on and off
- Double IP correction
- Added APN information for a better 4G connection
- fixed error (The stream or file “/var/www/html/core/class/../../log/” could not be opened in append mode: failed to open stream: Is a directory)
- New module for hotspot with dhcp.
- Various code fixes and improvements
- Addition of LiXee-GSM to the USB rules (unplug then reconnect the equipment to see it with the new USB link)
- New interface for the mobile plugin.
- Hotspot
- 2 wifis available.
- LTE with SMS plugin support
- New SD card format
- Prioritization of connections.
- Set an IP address (Wifi and Ethernet)
- Changing the scenario of the Power button on the back of the box. (see documentation)
- LTE update for LTE request error while box not compatible.
- LocalHost patch (change of rights).
- Patch done function (flashing of the green led of the box solved).
- Added LTE function for boxes with LTE option.
- Addition of the LORA function for boxes with LORA option.
- Addition of Fixed usb (ttyUSBLUNA-Zigbee to use dnas the Zigbee plugin to no longer have to worry about usb changing.)
- New image Luna
- Localhost patch
- Drum patch
- USB patch fixed (LORA-zigbee fixed)
- SD partitioning.
- Lora activation for Luna with integrated Lora (Pro).
- Fix Localhost issue on the box.
- SD (management)
- Fix Luna Battery (management of Linux shutdown as well as the battery in the system).
- Spelling corrections (thanks FuraxWorld)
Addition of novelties :
- Wi-Fi connection
- LED (management)
- Battery (management)