As a reminder if there is no information on the update, it means that it only concerns the updating of documentation, translation or text
- Jeedom v4.2 compatibility
- This update requires Jeedom 4.2 to work.
- Add plugin for Kodi Matrix
- General optimizations
- New presentation of the list of objects
- Addition of the tag “V4 compatibility”
- Change of Kodi addon for playerid cases not reassembled by kodi
- V4 equipment page
- Partial management Kodi18 (in the process of being changed for the addons part on the Kodi side)
- Addition of covers Rewrite of the Text scrolling event part for the Favicon type title Redesign of the config page Removal of the concept of playerID Redesign of the mobile widget Code improvement Bug fixes Update of the Kodi addon (send json, more ‘ids)
- removal of / before plugins
- Addition of debug for volume
- Clearer conf page for orders
- Filter custom orders only