As a reminder if there is no information on the update, it means that it only concerns the updating of documentation, translation or text
Significant plugin redesign: a very large part of the plugin has been rewritten including all communication with Sonos (daemon) and certain functionalities have been modified and no longer work as before, notably group management.
Requires Jeedom 4.4.8
Debian 11 and 12 compatible! Probably Debian 10 but not tested and no support possible on this version
See also this topic on community for more details
- Added automatic sync every hour to correct possible desynchronizations
- Adding an info command Next alarm on each Sonos giving the date of the next alarm programmed on this speaker
- Optimized the display of the cover of the current reading
- Optimization on reading favorites
- Add order Mic status which indicates whether the microphone is activated or not on Sonos equipped with a microphone
- Adding an info command Battery on Sonos equipped with a battery indicating the battery charge percentage
- Adding an info command Loading on Sonos equipped with a battery indicating whether charging is in progress or not
- Adding commands Loudness status, Loudness on, Loudness off
- Adding commands Crossfade status, Crossfade on, Fade off
- Adding commands Touch controls status, Touch controls on, Touch controls off
- Adding commands Balance (action/cursor) and Balance status which manages the balance according to a value between -100 (far left) and 100 (far right))
- Adding commands Graves (action/cursor) and Serious status which manages the bass according to a value between -10 and 10
- Adding commands Highs (action/cursor) and Acute status which manages the treble according to a value between -10 and 10
- Adding the command Party mode which allows you to group all Sonos together
- Adding an order Play mp3 radio to play an mp3 radio directly via a URL (accessible on the internet for example)
- Adding commands Turn up the volume And Decrease the volume from 1%
- Adding an order Volume transition which is very useful for managing volume level transitions. 3 possible modes: LINEAR, ALARM, AUTOPLAY. See documentation for more information.
- Adding commands The gift, Led off And Status LED to check the status indicator
- Fix daemon crash if no Sonos is discovered
- Improved Debian 10 / Python 3.7 compatibility
- Documentation update
- Cleaning up accents in share names (not supported by the plugin)
- Removing the dependency on PicoTTS (the plugin uses jeedom’s global TTS engine)
- Added Sonos Beam Gen 2
- Preparing for Jeedom 4.4
- Added Sonos Move 2
- Added Ikea Symfonisk Floor Lamp
- Update command list for Jeedom v4.3
- Added Sonos Ray
- Support for the new SYMFONISK loudspeaker
- Added compatibility with the new SYMFONISK speaker
- Added compatibility with the new Sonos one
- Addition of the Sonos Five
- Adding Sonos Roam
- Adding Symfonisk Framework
- Immediate volume update in case of change by Jeedom, thank you @Domochip
- New presentation of the list of objects
- Addition of the tag “V4 compatibility”
- Support for Sonos One S22
- Support for Sonos Move
- Code optimization in case of Sonos not connected
- Bug fix if a sound system cannot be reached
- Improvement in recovery from TTS
- Sonos port support
- Improved dependency installation script
- Improvement of the dependency installation script (may allow to correct in some cases the problems of TTS)
- Ikea SYMFONISK lamp speaker support
- Support for Ikea SYMFONISK bookshelf speaker
- Support for one gen2 sonos
- Fixed bugs in case the sound systems were added manually
- Complete rewrite of the plugin
- Support for the new Sonos API
- Support for Beam and One sound systems
- Bug number correction
- Global optimizations
- Compatible PHP7 only
- Some features had to be removed
- Added management of sonos favorites
- Support for Sonos One and Playbase
- Tongue correction with picotts
- Adding a “line entry” command”
- Update of sound communication library
- Optimized loading of playlists
- Addition of picotts for local TTS generation
- Correction of the play / pause button when updating the widget