As a reminder if there is no information on the update, it means that it only concerns the updating of documentation, translation or text
- Documentation update
- Cleaning up accents in share names (not supported by the plugin)
- Removing the dependency on PicoTTS (the plugin uses jeedom’s global TTS engine)
- Added Sonos Beam Gen 2
- Preparing for Jeedom 4.4
- Added Sonos Move 2
- Added Ikea Symfonisk Floor Lamp
- Update command list for Jeedom v4.3
- Added Sonos Ray
- Support for the new SYMFONISK loudspeaker
- Added compatibility with the new SYMFONISK speaker
- Added compatibility with the new Sonos one
- Addition of the Sonos Five
- Adding Sonos Roam
- Adding Symfonisk Framework
- Immediate volume update in case of change by Jeedom, thank you @Domochip
- New presentation of the list of objects
- Addition of the tag “V4 compatibility”
- Support for Sonos One S22
- Support for Sonos Move
- Code optimization in case of Sonos not connected
- Bug fix if a sound system cannot be reached
- Improvement in recovery from TTS
- Sonos port support
- Improved dependency installation script
- Improvement of the dependency installation script (may allow to correct in some cases the problems of TTS)
- Ikea SYMFONISK lamp speaker support
- Support for Ikea SYMFONISK bookshelf speaker
- Support for one gen2 sonos
- Fixed bugs in case the sound systems were added manually
- Complete rewrite of the plugin
- Support for the new Sonos API
- Support for Beam and One sound systems
- Bug number correction
- Global optimizations
- Compatible PHP7 only
- Some features had to be removed
- Added management of sonos favorites
- Support for Sonos One and Playbase
- Tongue correction with picotts
- Adding a “line entry” command”
- Update of sound communication library
- Optimized loading of playlists
- Addition of picotts for local TTS generation
- Correction of the play / pause button when updating the widget