GreenIQ plugin

Plugin to control automatic watering using the GreenIQ box. It is possible to define the type of operation for the 6 solenoid outputs :

greeniq screenshot1


In order to use your GreenIQ with Jeedom, you must request a Client ID and a Secret Client. The request is made by email to, the response is made very quickly, normally within 24 hours.

You must also have the login / password provided on the small card that comes with the GreenIQ.

Once the codes are obtained, you must enter them in the plugin like this : greeniq1


A lot of information is available in the widget : 1. Valve 2 status. Configuration status 3. % progress 4. Watering end time


The configuration of each valve is also possible and 3 actions are available :

  1. Auto : watering of the zone is triggered according to the GreenIQ programming
  2. Off : watering is disabled
  3. We : watering is started (duration 3h)


The system retrieves information every 5 minutes.

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