Calendar plugin

The plugin Agenda allows you to manage calendars and trigger actions at the start and / or end of an event.


Plugin configuration

This plugin does not require any special configuration and must simply be activated after installation.

Equipment configuration

The equipment is accessible from the menu Plugins → Organization → Agenda.

On this page you will find the list of your Agendas. Click on an agenda to access the configuration of the corresponding equipment :

The tab Agenda allows you to display an agenda type view including all events. You can move around in the calendar, choose to display it by year, month, week, day or weekly schedule. Clicking on an event opens the editing window for the event concerned.


Creation of an event

To create a new event, click on the button Add event from the configuration page of the agenda to which the event must be attached or on the button Duplicate from the configuration window of an event belonging to the same agenda.

Event configuration

The event creation / configuration window allows you to define the parameters, actions and recurrence specific to each event. On the first tab, you find :

At the top right of the event editing window are 3 buttons:

Start / end actions

In this tab, you will be able to define the actions to be performed at the start and / or at the end of the event. To add an action, just click on the button + Start / end action, you can add as many actions as you want.

Ajouter des actions

The actions can be standard Jeedom commands or scenario specific commands.


It is possible to change the order of actions by dragging and dropping.

Programming of events

It is in this tab that you can find all the time management of your event :


The options Exclude by date and Exclude by calendar are only accessible if event repetition is activated.

Repetition of events

Repetition will allow you to configure the occurrences of your events exactly as you wish :


Public holidays only concern metropolitan France.

Diary, orders and scenario

A diary has several commands :


It is possible to use the “In progress” command as a scenario trigger. Each information update will trigger the execution of the scenario, so it is preferable to use this command in a scenario programmed with a test on the value.


Attention it is important not to make repeated event that overlaps itself, this kind of case is not managed by the plugin. Example an event that lasts 48 hours and repeats every day.


The api is based on the jsonrpc api, it offers the following methods for the plugin:


Input parameters /Aucun/

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "event::getAllCalendarAndEvents",
    "params": {
        "apikey": "0EVJcR8UyTBlhUFYbcpumplfAMWBc2aYHtNAc0RPFdeIrlnXBRhnSNqiiQdrR5dt",
        "plugin": "calendar"

Example of result

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 99999,
  "result": [
      "id": "641",
      "name": "labo",
      "logicalId": "",
      "generic_type": null,
      "object_id": null,
      "eqType_name": "calendar",
      "isVisible": "0",
      "isEnable": "1",
      "configuration": {
        "createtime": "2023-03-16 14:40:50",
        "nbWidgetDay": 7
      "timeout": null,
      "category": [],
      "display": {
        "backGraph::info": 0
      "order": "9999",
      "comment": null,
      "tags": null,
      "status": {
        "lastCommunication": "2023-03-17 11:02:46",
        "timeout": 0,
        "warning": 0,
        "danger": 0
      "cache": [],
      "events": [
          "id": "2",
          "eqLogic_id": "641",
          "cmd_param": {
            "eventName": "My event",
            "noDisplayOnDashboard": "0",
            "icon": "",
            "color": "#2980b9",
            "transparent": "0",
            "text_color": "#ffffff",
            "start": [],
            "end": [],
            "in_progress": 1
          "startDate": "2023-03-17 10:30:00",
          "endDate": "2023-03-17 14:30:00",
          "repeat": {
            "includeDate": "",
            "includeDateFromCalendar": "",
            "excludeDate": "",
            "excludeDateFromCalendar": "",
            "enable": "0",
            "mode": "simple",
            "positionAt": "first",
            "day": "monday",
            "freq": 0,
            "unite": "days",
            "excludeDay": {
              "1": "1",
              "2": "1",
              "3": "1",
              "4": "1",
              "5": "1",
              "6": "1",
              "7": "1"
            "nationalDay": "all"
          "until": null
          "id": "3",
          "eqLogic_id": "641",
          "cmd_param": {
            "eventName": "My event 2",
            "noDisplayOnDashboard": "0",
            "icon": "",
            "color": "#2980b9",
            "transparent": "0",
            "text_color": "#ffffff",
            "start": [],
            "end": [],
            "in_progress": 0
          "startDate": "2023-03-17 11:30:00",
          "endDate": "2023-03-17 11:45:00",
          "repeat": {
            "includeDate": "",
            "includeDateFromCalendar": "",
            "excludeDate": "",
            "excludeDateFromCalendar": "",
            "enable": "0",
            "mode": "simple",
            "positionAt": "first",
            "day": "monday",
            "freq": 0,
            "unite": "days",
            "excludeDay": {
              "1": "1",
              "2": "1",
              "3": "1",
              "4": "1",
              "5": "1",
              "6": "1",
              "7": "1"
            "nationalDay": "all"
          "until": null
          "id": "4",
          "eqLogic_id": "641",
          "cmd_param": {
            "eventName": "My event",
            "noDisplayOnDashboard": "0",
            "icon": "",
            "color": "#2980b9",
            "transparent": "0",
            "text_color": "#ffffff",
            "start": [],
            "end": [],
            "in_progress": 0
          "startDate": "2023-03-18 10:30:00",
          "endDate": "2023-03-18 14:30:00",
          "repeat": {
            "includeDate": "",
            "includeDateFromCalendar": "",
            "excludeDate": "",
            "excludeDateFromCalendar": "",
            "enable": "0",
            "mode": "simple",
            "positionAt": "first",
            "day": "monday",
            "freq": 0,
            "unite": "days",
            "excludeDay": {
              "1": "1",
              "2": "1",
              "3": "1",
              "4": "1",
              "5": "1",
              "6": "1",
              "7": "1"
            "nationalDay": "all"
          "until": null
          "id": "5",
          "eqLogic_id": "641",
          "cmd_param": {
            "eventName": "My event",
            "noDisplayOnDashboard": "0",
            "icon": "",
            "color": "#2980b9",
            "transparent": "0",
            "text_color": "#ffffff",
            "start": [],
            "end": [],
            "in_progress": 0
          "startDate": "2023-03-18 10:40:00",
          "endDate": "2023-03-18 14:50:00",
          "repeat": {
            "includeDate": "",
            "includeDateFromCalendar": "",
            "excludeDate": "",
            "excludeDateFromCalendar": "",
            "enable": "0",
            "mode": "simple",
            "positionAt": "first",
            "day": "monday",
            "freq": 0,
            "unite": "days",
            "excludeDay": {
              "1": "1",
              "2": "1",
              "3": "1",
              "4": "1",
              "5": "1",
              "6": "1",
              "7": "1"
            "nationalDay": "all"
          "until": null


Input parameters

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "event::getAllEvents",
    "params": {
        "apikey": "0EVJcR8UyTBlhUFYbcpumplfAMWBc2aYHtNAc0RPFdeIrlnXBRhnSNqiiQdrR5dt",
        "plugin": "calendar",
        "eqLogic_id": 641

Example of result

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 99999,
  "result": [
      "id": "2",
      "eqLogic_id": "641",
      "cmd_param": {
        "eventName": "My event",
        "noDisplayOnDashboard": "0",
        "icon": "",
        "color": "#2980b9",
        "transparent": "0",
        "text_color": "#ffffff",
        "start": [],
        "end": [],
        "in_progress": 0
      "startDate": "2023-03-17 10:30:00",
      "endDate": "2023-03-17 14:30:00",
      "repeat": {
        "includeDate": "",
        "includeDateFromCalendar": "",
        "excludeDate": "",
        "excludeDateFromCalendar": "",
        "enable": "0",
        "mode": "simple",
        "positionAt": "first",
        "day": "monday",
        "freq": 0,
        "unite": "days",
        "excludeDay": {
          "1": "1",
          "2": "1",
          "3": "1",
          "4": "1",
          "5": "1",
          "6": "1",
          "7": "1"
        "nationalDay": "all"
      "until": null
      "id": "3",
      "eqLogic_id": "641",
      "cmd_param": {
        "eventName": "My event 2",
        "noDisplayOnDashboard": "0",
        "icon": "",
        "color": "#2980b9",
        "transparent": "0",
        "text_color": "#ffffff",
        "start": [],
        "end": [],
        "in_progress": 0
      "startDate": "2023-03-17 11:30:00",
      "endDate": "2023-03-17 11:45:00",
      "repeat": {
        "includeDate": "",
        "includeDateFromCalendar": "",
        "excludeDate": "",
        "excludeDateFromCalendar": "",
        "enable": "0",
        "mode": "simple",
        "positionAt": "first",
        "day": "monday",
        "freq": 0,
        "unite": "days",
        "excludeDay": {
          "1": "1",
          "2": "1",
          "3": "1",
          "4": "1",
          "5": "1",
          "6": "1",
          "7": "1"
        "nationalDay": "all"
      "until": null


Input parameters

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "event::byId",
    "params": {
        "apikey": "0EVJcR8UyTBlhUFYbcpumplfAMWBc2aYHtNAc0RPFdeIrlnXBRhnSNqiiQdrR5dt",
        "plugin": "calendar",
        "event_id": 5

Example of result

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 99999,
  "result": {
    "id": "5",
    "eqLogic_id": "641",
    "cmd_param": {
      "eventName": "My event changed again",
      "noDisplayOnDashboard": "0",
      "icon": "",
      "color": "#2980b9",
      "transparent": "0",
      "text_color": "#ffffff",
      "start": [
          "options": {
            "enable": "1",
            "background": "0"
          "cmd": "#2507#"
          "options": {
            "enable": "1",
            "background": "0",
            "level": "success",
            "message": "salut"
          "cmd": "alert"
      "end": [
          "options": {
            "enable": "1",
            "background": "0"
          "cmd": "#2507#"
      "in_progress": 0
    "startDate": "2023-03-18 10:19:00",
    "endDate": "2023-03-18 11:50:00",
    "repeat": {
      "includeDate": "",
      "includeDateFromCalendar": "",
      "excludeDate": "",
      "excludeDateFromCalendar": "",
      "enable": "0",
      "mode": "simple",
      "positionAt": "first",
      "day": "monday",
      "freq": 0,
      "unite": "days",
      "excludeDay": {
        "1": "1",
        "2": "1",
        "3": "1",
        "4": "1",
        "5": "1",
        "6": "1",
        "7": "1"
      "nationalDay": "all"
    "until": null


Input parameters

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "event::save",
    "params": {
        "apikey": "0EVJcR8UyTBlhUFYbcpumplfAMWBc2aYHtNAc0RPFdeIrlnXBRhnSNqiiQdrR5dt",
        "plugin": "calendar",
        "event":    {
  "eqLogic_id": "641",
  "id": "5",
  "cmd_param": {
    "eventName": "My event changed again",
    "noDisplayOnDashboard": "0",
    "icon": "",
    "color": "#2980b9",
    "transparent": "0",
    "text_color": "#ffffff",
    "start": [
        "options": {
          "enable": "1",
          "background": "0"
        "cmd": "#[Aucun][ 00:15:bc:00:31:01:01:79][Sirene Off]#"
        "options": {
          "enable": "1",
          "background": "0",
          "level": "success",
          "message": "salut"
        "cmd": "alert"
    "end": [
        "options": {
          "enable": "1",
          "background": "0"
        "cmd": "#[Aucun][ 00:15:bc:00:31:01:01:79][Sirene Off]#"
  "startDate": "2023-03-18 10:19:00",
  "endDate": "2023-03-18 11:50:00",
  "repeat": {
    "includeDate": "",
    "includeDateFromCalendar": "",
    "excludeDate": "",
    "excludeDateFromCalendar": "",
    "enable": "0",
    "mode": "simple",
    "positionAt": "first",
    "day": "monday",
    "freq": "0",
    "unite": "days",
    "excludeDay": {
      "1": "1",
      "2": "1",
      "3": "1",
      "4": "1",
      "5": "1",
      "6": "1",
      "7": "1"
    "nationalDay": "all"
  "until": ""

Example of result

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 99999,
  "result": {
    "id": null,
    "eqLogic_id": "641",
    "cmd_param": {
      "eventName": "My event changed again",
      "noDisplayOnDashboard": "0",
      "icon": "",
      "color": "#2980b9",
      "transparent": "0",
      "text_color": "#ffffff",
      "start": [
          "options": {
            "enable": "1",
            "background": "0"
          "cmd": "#2507#"
          "options": {
            "enable": "1",
            "background": "0",
            "level": "success",
            "message": "salut"
          "cmd": "alert"
      "end": [
          "options": {
            "enable": "1",
            "background": "0"
          "cmd": "#2507#"
      "in_progress": 0
    "startDate": "2023-03-18 10:19:00",
    "endDate": "2023-03-18 11:50:00",
    "repeat": {
      "includeDate": "",
      "includeDateFromCalendar": "",
      "excludeDate": "",
      "excludeDateFromCalendar": "",
      "enable": "0",
      "mode": "simple",
      "positionAt": "first",
      "day": "monday",
      "freq": 0,
      "unite": "days",
      "excludeDay": {
        "1": "1",
        "2": "1",
        "3": "1",
        "4": "1",
        "5": "1",
        "6": "1",
        "7": "1"
      "nationalDay": "all"
    "until": null


Input parameters

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "event::remove",
    "params": {
        "apikey": "0EVJcR8UyTBlhUFYbcpumplfAMWBc2aYHtNAc0RPFdeIrlnXBRhnSNqiiQdrR5dt",
        "plugin": "calendar",
        "event_id": 5

Example of result

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 99999,
  "result": "success"
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