Google Calendar plugin

The plugin Google calendar allows you to retrieve events from your Google calendars. It can also trigger an interaction during an event.


Create a Google Calendar device

On the Jeedom side, you need to create Google Calendar equipment.

Link the Google account to jeedom

Once the equipment has been created, you must click on the “Link” button then indicate your market identifiers then those of Google


For the moment Google has not yet validated Jeedom SAS’s access to Google Calendar so there is an alert (which is scary) “Google has not validated this application”, you must click on “Advanced settings” then “ Access (not secure)”, then “Continue”


The plugin only includes commands giving the title of events.


Jeedom can interpret the title of an event as an interaction and therefore trigger an action. To do this, you must activate the interactions on the equipment configuration page.

You can also indicate a return command by which jeedom will respond following the execution of the interaction.

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