The Generic Type Plugin allows users to create their own generic types in Jeedom from an excel file, a JSON file or by hand.
It is necessary to enter a suffix of generic types in the plugin configuration (example : MAJEEDOM)
or a JSON file
"name": "Pump State (MAJEEDOM)",
"family": "PUMP (MAJEEDOM)",
"familyid": "PUMP _MAJEEDOM",
"type": "Info",
"subType": "binary",
"genTypePerso_type": true
"name": "Pump On (MAJEEDOM)",
"family": "PUMP (MAJEEDOM)",
"familyid": "PUMP _MAJEEDOM",
"type": "Action",
"subType": "other",
"genTypePerso_type": true
"name": "Pump Stop (MAJEEDOM)",
"family": "PUMP (MAJEEDOM)",
"familyid": "PUMP _MAJEEDOM",
"type": "Action",
"subType": "other",
"genTypePerso_type": true
"isHistorized": "0",
"historizeMode": "none",
"uniteValue": "°C"
"isHistorized": "0",
"historizeMode": "avg",
"historizeRound": "5",
"uniteValue": "kwh"
"isHistorized": "1",
"historizeMode": "avg",
"historizeRound": "10",
"uniteValue": "m3"
Export configuration in JSON : allows you to download the list of configurations in order to import it to another box for example.
Upload JSON/XLS fileX : allows you to download the list of previously imported XLSX/JSON files.
Delete everything : allows you to delete all generic types specific to the box.
Add : allows you to add a generic type manually.
Reverse : allows you to reverse the selection of generic types in the table.
Download : allows you to download the selected generic types or all (if no selection).
Delete : allows you to delete the selected generic type(s)).
Edit : allows you to modify the generic type