This plugin is used for advanced management of an access system, using the following functionalities :
All screenshots are taken under a theme, if the appearance of your Jeedom is not exactly the same do not worry.
After installing your plugin, you must activate it.
If you use KNX, in the group Setup fill in the fields.
After activating the plugin you should see it in Plugins → Security → Access management. If this is not the case, do not hesitate to refresh your page (Ctrl+F5
or Cmd+R
In the default view of the plugin, you can add a bagde, a user, a time slot or a door.
Below, different tabs allow you to easily find each of the elements. The search bar will help sorting in each category to find an item more easily.
On the Dashboard a history of the last 20 events is available.
Add to create a door. The field allows you to define the name of the door.
In the list Type, select Door / Reader.
Equipment configuration allows to configure the door.
Equipment rights is used to assign specific time slots to the door during which users will not need their badges to pass.
Add rights allows you to select an already existing time slot to assign it to your door.
All users connected to the selected time zone will be able to pass through this door during the times set on it.
The button - removes the time slot.
Add used to create a user. The field allows you to define the user name.
In the list Type, indicate User.
User settings is used to configure.
Several fields are customizable. You can indicate :
The button To copy takes the value of Username, of User first name and from’User ID to assign them to Name of equipment, which you can see in the tab Device.
The button Send allows you to transmit the profile photo you want for your user.
The button Download upload user photo. The file will be named according to the values indicated in the fields Username and User first name (separated by a dash).
Groups configuration used to assign your user to a group.
Check a box to select the corresponding group.
The tab User rights used to assign specific rights to the user.
Add rights, allows to select a door and a time range which will be assigned to the selected user. Two options are available : Refuse and Accept for action.
The new rights assigned are visible in the tab User rights. The minus button (-) removes rights.
Use the button Add to create a group. The field allows you to define the group name.
In the type list, select Group.
The tab Group rights used to assign specific rights to your group.
Add rights, allows you to select a door and a time range which will be assigned to the selected group. Two options are available Refuse and Accept for action.
In the tab Group rights the new rights affected will be visible. The button - removes rights.
Use the button Add to create a time range. The field allows you to define the name of the time slot.
In the type list, select Time slots.
The tab Time slot configuration allows to configure a new time slot.
- To configure a time slot, left click on the boxes that interest you according to the day and time.
A box turns blue when it is active.
By default, the boxes are active every day from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. To deactivate a box, right click on it. This will then go transparent.- By default public holidays are taken into account, be sure to deselect the blue boxes on the line “Holidays”.
- Slide the scroll bar to the right at the bottom of the table to see more schedules.
Important step : to access this part, it is important to carry out an adjustment upstream. Go to Plugins → Plugins management, IN My plugins, Click on Access management.
In the game Panel check Show desktop panel then click on Save.
Once the change has been made, a new section in the menu Home is available. However, if it does not appear, be sure to refresh your page.
Home → access management to access advanced search. The default view shows the last 20 recorded events.
The left-hand part allows you to determine the search criteria.
In the upper part of the table, below each column title, the different fields allow you to perform a second search that will sort the results.