Neatmo Security plugin

Plugin to retrieve information from Netatmo Security equipment

Plugin configuration

Once the plugin is installed, you need to enter your Netatmo connection information :

Retrieving connection information

Pour intégrer votre Welcome, vous devez posséder un client_id et unclient_secret généré sur le site

Pour créer un compte >

Once on click on start :


Then on “create an app”


Identify yourself, with your email and password


Fill in the “Name” and “Description” fields (whatever you put it doesn’t matter) :


Then at the very bottom of the page check the box “I accept the terms of use” then click on “Create”


Retrieve the information “CLient id” and “Secret client” and copy them in the configuration part of the plugin in Jeedom (see previous chapter)


Equipment configuration

The configuration of Netatmo devices is accessible from the plugin menu -> Security -> Netatmo Security

Once you click on a device you will find here all the configuration of your equipment :

Below you find the list of orders :


I do not have the events in real time but after 15min

To have a real-time return of events (fire alarm triggering, person passing in front of the camera, etc.) you MUST ABSOLUTELY have your jeedom have an external URL in https with a valid certificate on port 443 (and only this port the). It is an obligation imposed by netatmo

I cannot deactivate / activate surveillance

Attention if you put a code this function is not possible by the jeedom plugin

I have an error of type “Incorrect string value: ‘\ xF0 \ x9F \ x98 \ x98 “when synchronizing

Check that you do not have a non-standard character (smiley type) on the name of a camera or a person

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