As a reminder if there is no information on the update, it means that it only concerns the updating of documentation, translation or text
- Minimum core version required: 4.2
- Updated list of commands for Jeedom v4.3
- Minor fixes & optimizations in the equipment management screen
- Correction of a warning during backups
- Doorbell support (you have to redo the connection between Jeedom and Netatmo)
- Possibility to disable the automatic update of camera ip in the camera plugin
- Possibility to control the lighting of the camera Presence
- Ability to change the monitoring status
- Support for door opening sensors
- Support for presence cameras
- Siren support (just status feedback)
- Complete overhaul of the communication engine with Netatmo
- Fire detector support
- Renaming in netatmo security
Important : this version is a complete rewrite of the plugin, so there is an impact on the widgets (which is now standard in the core, major change in the display of it). It is strongly recommended to delete the equipment created and to redo a synchronization
- Correction of the Netatmo framework (new data returned by Netatmo not taken into account in their code)
- Correction of the image bug