How to make backups

There are two ways to save Jeedom and each has advantages and disadvantages.

It is possible to save from the Jeedom interface. This only concerns Jeedom software and its data. It has the advantage of being able to be made hot and the backup file can be exported to other media.

It is also possible to make a backup by making a disk image of the microSD card (mini and mini +). This way has the advantage of being a full backup of the system as well as of Jeedom and its data. By cons it must be done by turning off Jeedom and connecting the microSD card to another computer.

The best way to be quiet is to use both : Make a backup of the microSD card from time to time and schedule a regular backup of Jeedom.


The procedure for restoring the microSD card may be useful for restoring a default Jeedom from the image provided by the team see here.

Jeedom Backup / Restore

Documentation is already present to explain the Administration → Backups page. You will find it here.

Backup / Restore microSD card


These backups / restores are carried out from another computer in order to make a “clean image” of the SD card. We must first stop the mini +. To do this, switch Jeedom to expert mode in the user menu at the top right.

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And click on Turn off

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Then, you have to take the microSD card out of the mini + and connect it to your computer via an adapter / card reader /…

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You will have to start by downloading third-party software for example : Win32 Disk Imager



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Under MacOSX

To make your task easier, you can download the software ApplePi-Baker

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Under Linux



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