Jeedom has the possibility to be saved and restored from or from from different locations.
Accessible from Administration → Backups, this page allows the backup management.
You will find, on the left, the parameters and action buttons. On the right, this is the real-time status of the current action (backup or restoration), if you have launched one.
Backups : Allows you to start a backup manually and immediately (useful if you want to make a critical change. This will allow you to go back). You also have a button to start a backup without sending the archive to the cloud (requires subscription see below). Sending a cloud backup may take a while. This option thus avoids an excessive loss of time.
Backup location : Indicates the folder in which Jeedom copies backups. It is recommended not to change him. If you are on a relative path, its origin is where Jeedom is installed.
Number of day (s) of storage of backups : Number of backup days to keep. Once this period has passed, the backups will be deleted. Be careful not to put a number days too high, otherwise your file system may to be saturated.
Maximum total size of backups (MB) : Allows to limit the place taken by all of the backups in the folder backup. If this value is exceeded, Jeedom will delete the oldest backups until falling below the maximum size. It will however keep at least one backup.
Available backups : List of available backups.
Restore backup : Starts restoring the backup selected above.
Delete backup : Delete selected backup above, only in the local folder.
Send a backup : Allows you to send to the save an archive on the computer that you currently using (allows for example to restore an archive previously recovered on a new Jeedom or reinstallation).
Download backup : Lets download to your computer the backup archive selected above.
Sending backups : Instructs Jeedom to send the backups on the Market cloud, beware you must have got the subscription.
Send a backup : Allows you to send a backup archive located on your computer.
Available backups : List of backups cloud available.
Restore backup : Launches the restoration of a cloud backup.
Sending backups : Instructs Jeedom to send the backups on the samba share configured here Administration → Configuration → Updates tab.
Available backups : List of backups samba available.
Restore backup : Starts restoring the backup samba selected above.
Jeedom backups must absolutely fall into a dedicated folder only !!! It will delete everything that is not a jeedom backup from the folder
During a backup, Jeedom will backup all of its files and the database. This therefore contains all of your configuration (equipment, controls, history, scenarios, design, etc.).
In terms of protocols, only the Z-Wave (OpenZwave) is a bit different because it is not possible to save the inclusions. These are directly included in the controller, so you have to keep the same controller to find its Zwave modules.
The system on which Jeedom is installed is not backed up. Yes you have modified parameters of this system (in particular via SSH), it's up to you to find a way to recover them in case of problems. Similarly, the outbuildings are not either, so you will have to reinstall them after a restoration
Cloud backup allows Jeedom to send your backups directly on the Market. This allows you to restore them easily and be sure not to lose them. The Market keeps the last 6 backups. To subscribe just go to your page profile on the Market, then in the tab my backups. Vous can, from this page, retrieve a backup or buy a subscription (for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months).
You can customize the name of the backup files from of the tab My jeedoms, avoiding however the characters exotic.
Jeedom performs an automatic backup every day at the same hour. It is possible to modify this, from the "Engine tasks "(the task is named Jeedom backup), but it’s not recommended. Indeed, it is calculated in relation to the load of the Market.