
The update center allows you to update all Jeedom features, including core software, plugins, widgets, etc. Other extension management functions are available (delete, reinstall, check, etc)

The Update Center page

It is accessible from the menu Administration → Updating center jour.

You will find, on the left, all the functionalities of Jeedom and on the right part Information who describes what he happened, when you launched an update.

Functions at the top of the page.

At the top of the table are the control buttons. Jeedom se periodically connect with the Market to see if any updates are available (the date of the last check is indicated at the top left of the table). If you want to perform a manual check, you can press the button “Check for updates”.

The button Update allows to update the set of Jeedom. Once you click on it, we get these different Jeedoms Sources :


Before an update, by default, Jeedom will make a backup. In if there is a problem when applying an update, Jeedom will automatically restore the backup made just before. This principle is only valid for Jeedom updates and not plugins.


You can force an update of Jeedom, even if it does not don't offer any.

The update table

The table consists of two tabs :

You will find the following information : * Status : OK or NOK. Allows you to know the current state of the plugin. * Last name : You there find the source of the element, the type of element and its name. * Version : Indicates the specific version of the item. * Jeedoms Sources : Check this box if you do not want this item to be updated day during the general update (Button Update).


For each table, the first line allows the following filter the state, name or version of the elements present.

On each line, you can use the following functions to every element :


If the changelog is empty but you still have an update update means that the documentation has been updated. There is therefore no need to ask the developer for changes, since there are not necessarily any. (it is often a bet of the translation of the documentation)


Note that "core : jeedom "means" updating the software Jeedom base”.

Command line update

It is possible to update Jeedom directly in SSH. Once connected, this is the command to perform :

sudo php /var/www/html/install/update.php

The possible parameters are :

Here is an example of syntax to do a forced update in reapplying changes since 1.188.0 :

sudo php / var / www / html / install / update.php mode = force version = 1.188.0

Attention, after an update on command line, it is necessary reapply rights on Jeedom folder :

chown -R www-data:www-data / var / www / html
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