Views simply allow you to create a custom view. This is not as powerful as the designs but it allows in a few minutes to have a more personalized display.

The views are accessible from the Home → View menu :


It is possible to go directly to a view thanks to the submenu.


You can choose the default view in your profile when clicking on the views menu.

The views

We can also put widgets, graphics (which can be composed of several data) or table fields (which contain the command widgets).

On this page, there is a button at the top left to show or hide the list of views and the button to add one (Jeedom will ask for its name and send you to the edit page) :


You can modify this option in your profile so that the list views to be visible by default.

A button at the top right allows you to edit the current view.

Adding / Editing a view

The principle is quite simple : a view is made up of areas (you can put as much as you want). Each zone is of graphic type, widget or table, depending on the type you can put widgets of equipment, control or graphics in it.


You can move the order of the zones by dragging and dropping.

On the left of the page we find the list of views and a add button.

In the center you have a button to rename a view, an add button of zone, a button to see the result, a button to save and a button to delete the view.

After clicking on the add zone button, Jeedom will ask you his name and type.

On each zone you have the following general options :

Widget type area

A widget type area allows you to add widgets :


You can delete a widget directly by clicking on the trash can in front of this one.


It is possible to change the order of widgets in the area by drag / drop.

Once the add widget button is pressed, you get a window which will ask you for the widget to add

Graphic type area

A graphics-type area allows you to add graphics to your view, she has the following options :

When you press the button "Add curve" Jeedom displays the list historical commands and you can choose the one (s) to add, a Once done you have access to the following options :


It is possible to change the order of the graphics in the area by drag / drop.

Array type area

Here you have the buttons :


It is possible to re-organize the lines by dragging and dropping but not the columns

Once you have added your rows / columns you can add information in the boxes :

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