Jeedom provides developers and users with an API complete so you can control Jeedom from any object connecté.
Two APIs are available : a developer oriented pilot JSON RPC 2.0 and another via URL and HTTP request.
This API is very easily used by simple HTTP requests via URL.
For all of this documentation, #IP_JEEDOM# matches your url access to Jeedom. This is (unless you are connected to your network local) of the internet address you use to access Jeedom from the outside.
For all of this documentation, #API_KEY# matches your key API, specific to your installation. To find it, you have to go to the “General” menu → “Configuration” → “General” tab”.
Here is the URL = http://#IP_JEEDOM#/core/api/jeeApi.php?apikey=#APIKEY#& type = scenario & id = #ID#&action=#ACTION#
ID : matches your scenario id. The ID is on the page of the scenario concerned, in "tools" → "Scenarios", once the selected scenario, next to the name of the "General" tab. Other way to find it : in "Tools" → "Scenarios", click on “Overview”.
Action : corresponds to the action you want to apply. The available orders are : “start “,” stop “,” deactivate “and “activate “to start, stop, deactivate or activate the scenario.
tags [optional] : if the action is "start", you can skip tags to the scenario (see documentation on scenarios) under the form tags = toto% 3D1% 20tata% 3D2 (note that% 20 corresponds to a space and% 3D to = )
Here is the URL = http://#IP_JEEDOM#/core/api/jeeApi.php?apikey=#APIKEY#& type = cmd & id = #ID#
The easiest way to get this URL is to go to the Tools page → Home automation summary, to search for the command then to open its configuration advanced (the "gear" icon) and there you will see a URL that contains already all you need depending on the type and subtype of the commande.
It is possible for the field #ID# to place multiple orders at once. To do this, you must pass an array in json (ex % 5B12,58,23% 5D, note that \ [and ] must be encoded, hence the% 5B and% 5D). Jeedom's return will be a json
Parameters must be encoded for url, You can use a tool, here
Here is the URL = http://#IP_JEEDOM#/core/api/jeeApi.php?apikey=#APIKEY#& type = interact & query = #QUERY#
query : question to ask Jeedom
utf8 [optional] : tells Jeedom whether to encode query in utf8 before trying to answer
emptyReply [optional] : 0 for Jeedom to respond even if it did not understand, 1 otherwise
profile [optional] : person's username triggering interaction
reply_cmd [optional] : Command ID to use for respond to the request
Here is the URL = http://#IP_JEEDOM#/core/api/jeeApi.php?apikey=#APIKEY#& type = message & category = #CATEGORY#&message=#MESSAGE#
category : message category to add to message center
Message : message in question, be careful to think about encoding the message (space becomes% 20, =% 3D…). You can use a outil, here
Here is the URL = http://#IP_JEEDOM#/core/api/jeeApi.php?apikey=#APIKEY#& type = object
Returns in json the list of all Jeedom objects
Here is the URL = http://#IP_JEEDOM#/core/api/jeeApi.php?apikey=#APIKEY#& type = eqLogic & object_id = #OBJECT_ID#
Here is the URL = http://#IP_JEEDOM#/core/api/jeeApi.php?apikey=#APIKEY#& type = command & eqLogic_id = #EQLOGIC_ID#
Here is the URL = http://#IP_JEEDOM#/core/api/jeeApi.php?apikey=#APIKEY#& type = fullData
Returns all objects, equipment, commands (and their value if this are infos) in json
Here is the URL = http://#IP_JEEDOM#/core/api/jeeApi.php?apikey=#APIKEY#& type = variable & name = #NAME#&value=Value
name : name of the variable whose value is wanted (reading of the value)
value [optional] : if "value" is specified then the variable will take this value (writing a value)