The Plugins management submenu allows you to manipulate plugins, except know : download, update and activate them, etc
You can access the plugins page from Plugins → Manage plugins. Once we click on it, we find the list of plugins in alphabetical order and a link to the market. Plugins disabled are grayed out.
As in many places on Jeedom, put the mouse on the far left brings up a quick access menu (you can from your profile always leave it visible). Here, the menu allows to have the list of plugins sorted by categories.
By clicking on a plugin, you access its configuration. Upstairs you find the name of the plugin, then in brackets, its name in Jeedom (ID) and finally, the type of version installed (stable, beta).
When downloading a plugin, it is disabled by default. So you have to activate it by yourself.
At the top right, some buttons :
Documentation : Allows direct access to the page of plugin documentation
Changelog : allows to see the changelog of the plugin if it exists
Send to the Market : allows to send the plugin on the Market (only available if you are the author)
Details : allows to find the plugin page on the market
Remove : Remove the plugin from your Jeedom. Be careful, this also permanently removes all equipment from this plugin
Below left, there is a status area with :
Status : Allows you to see the status of the plugin (active / inactive)
Version : the version of the plugin installed
ACTION : Allows you to enable or disable the plugin
Jeedom version : Minimum Jeedom version required for the operation of the plugin
Licence : Indicates the license of the plugin which will generally be AGPL
On the right, we find the Log and surveillance zone which allows to define
the level of logs specific to the plugin (we find this same possibility in Administration → Configuration on the logs tab, at the bottom of the page)
see the plugin logs
Heartbeat : every 5 mins, Jeedom checks if at least one plugin device has communicated in the last X minutes (if you want to deactivate the functionality, just put 0)
Restart demon : if the Heartbeat goes wrong then Jeedom will restart the daemon
If the plugin has dependencies and / or a daemon, these areas additional are displayed under the areas mentioned above.
Dependencies :
Last name : generally will be local
Status : will tell you if the dependencies are OK or KO
Setup : will install or reinstall dependencies (if you don't do it manually and they are KO, Jeedom will take care of himself after a while)
Last installation : date of last installation of Dependencies
Devil :
Last name : generally will be local
Status : will tell you if the demon is OK or KO
D’actualité : will be OK if all the criteria for the demon turns are met or will give cause for blocking
(To restart : allows to launch or relaunch the demon
Stop : allows to stop the demon (Only in case automatic management is disabled)
Automatic management : allows to activate or deactivate the management automatic (which allows Jeedom to manage the daemon and the revive if necessary. Unless otherwise indicated, it is advisable to leave automatic management active)
Last launch : date of the last launch of the demon
Some plugins have a configuration part. If so, it will appear under the dependencies and daemon zones described above. In this case, refer to the plugin documentation in question for how to configure it.
Below, there is a functionality area. This allows you to see if the plugin uses one of the Jeedom core functions such as :
Interact : specific interactions
Cron : one cron per minute
Cron5 : one cron every 5 minutes
Cron15 : one cron every 15 minutes
Cron30 : one cron every 30 minutes
CronHourly : one cron every hour
CronDaily : a daily cron
If the plugin uses one of these functions, you can specifically forbid him to do so by unchecking the "activate" box which will be present next.
Finally, we can find a Panel section which will activate or deactivate the display of the panel on the dashboard or in mobile if the plugin offers one.
To install a new plugin, just click on the button “Market “(and that Jeedom is connected to the Internet). After a short time of loading you will get the page.
You must have entered your Market account information in administration (Configuration → Updates → Market tab) in order to find the plugins you have already purchased for example.
At the top of the window you have filters :
Free / Pay : displays only free or the paying ones.
Official / Recommended : displays only plugins officials or advisers
Installed / Not installed : displays only plugins installed or not installed
Category drop-down menu : displays only certain plugin categories
Search : allows you to search for a plugin (in the name or description of it)
Username : displays the username used for the connection to the Market and the status of the connection
The small cross resets the filter concerned
Once you have found the plugin you want, just click on this one to bring up his card. This sheet gives you a lot information about the plugin, including :
If it is official / recommended or if it is obsolete (you really need to avoid installing obsolete plugins)
4 actions :
Install stable : allows to install the plugin in its stable version
Install beta : allows to install the plugin in its beta version (only for beta testers)
Install pro : allows to install the pro version (very little used)
Remove : if the plugin is currently installed, this button to delete it
Below, you will find the description of the plugin, the compatibility (if Jeedom detects an incompatibility, it will notify you), the notices on the plugin (you can rate it here) and information complementary (the author, the person who made the last update day, link to doc, number of downloads). On the right you will find a "Changelog" button which allows you to have everything change history, a "Documentation" button which returns to the plugin documentation. Then you have the language available and the various information on the date of the last stable version.
It is really not recommended to put a beta plugin on a Jeedom non beta, many operating problems can result.
Some plugins are chargeable, in this case the plugin sheet will will offer to buy it. Once this is done, wait for a ten minutes (payment validation time), then return on the plugin sheet to install it normally.
You can also add a plugin to Jeedom from a file or from a Github repository. This requires, in the configuration of Jeedom, activate the appropriate function in the "Updates and fichiers”. It will then be possible, by placing the mouse completely left, and bringing up the plugin page menu, click on “Add from another source”. You can then choose the source “File”. Attention, in the case of the addition by a file zip, the zip name must be the same as the plugin ID and from opening the ZIP a plugin_info folder must be present.