One of the main pages of Jeedom displays an account of all your home automation. This report (unlike the views and design) is self-generated by Jeedom.
It is accessible by clicking on Home → Dashboard
It is possible to go directly to an object in your home automation. This allows you to have only the equipment that interests you and so load the page faster
You have at the top left a small icon to do show / hide the tree of objects (this also displays the subject summary information)
In the middle, you can choose to only filter on certain types equipment
On the right, a first button to switch to edit mode, to par example modify the order of widgets (using a click clicked in the widget), you can also in this edit mode resize some widgets and rearrange the order of commands inside of it
A second button to show / hide the scenarios
By clicking on an object summary, you filter to display only equipment related to this object and which relate to this subject summary.
A click on an information type command displays the order history (if it is historical)
It is possible, from your profile, to configure Jeedom for the object tree and / or the scenarios are visible by default when you get on the dashboard
In mobile, a long press on an info type command allows display a menu offering either to display the history of the command, or put an alert on it so that jeedom you warn (only once) as soon as the value passes a certain threshold
In edit mode, you can change the size of the widgets and their layout on the dashboard.
You can also edit the internal layout of the widget controls :
either reorganize them by dragging and dropping
either by right-clicking on the widget. You then access :
Advanced configuration : gives access to the configuration order progress
Standard : default layout, everything is automatic with just the ability to rearrange the order of orders
Board : allows to put the commands in a table : columns and rows are added and removed by click right then just move the controls within desired boxes. You can put multiple orders per box
Add column : add a column to the table (accessible only if you are in a table layout)
Add line : add a row to the table (accessible only if you are in a table layout)
Remove column : remove a column from the table (accessible only if you are in a table layout)
Delete line : delete a row in the table (accessible only if you are in a table layout)