
This page allows you to gather on a single page the different elements configured on his Jeedom. It also gives access to functions of organization of equipment and controls, at their advanced configuration as well as configuration possibilities d’affichage.

This page is accessible by Tools → Home automation summary.

The top of the page

On the top of the page, we find : * Number of objects : Nombre total of objects configured in our Jeedom, counting the elements Inactive. * Number of equipments : Ditto for the equipment. * Number of orders : Ditto for orders. * Inactive : Check this box if you want the inactive items to be well displayed on this page. * Search : Search for a particular element. It can be the name of an equipment, an order or the name of the plugin by which the equipment was created.

You also have a button "History of deletions" which will allow you to display the history of orders, equipment, objects, view, design, deisgn 3d, scenario and deleted user.

Object frames

Below there is one frame per object. In each frame, we find the list of equipment (in blue) which have this object as parent. The first frame No represents equipment that has no affected parent. For each object, next to its label, three buttons are available. From left to right :


The background color of the object frames depends on the color chosen in object configuration.


By clicking / dropping on the equipment, you can change their order or even assign them to another object. It is from order established in this page that the dashboard display is calculated.

The equipments

On each equipment we find :

If you expand the command list, each orange block corresponds to an order for your equipment (a new click on the small arrow equipment can hide them).

If you double-click on the order or click on the small notched wheel this will bring up its configuration window.

Advanced equipment configuration


It is possible to access (if the plugin supports it) directly to this window from the equipment configuration page in clicking on the advanced configuration button

The window of Advanced equipment configuration allows the edit. First, at the top right, some buttons available :

Information tab

The tab Information contains the general information of the equipment and its controls :

Below you will find a table with the list of commands for the equipment with, for each, a link to their configuration.

View tab

In the tab Viewing, you will be able to configure some display behavior of the tile on the dashboard, the views, the design as well as mobile.


Optional parameters on the tile

Below, we find optional display parameters that we can apply to equipment. These parameters are composed of a name and a value of. Just click on Add to apply one new. For equipment, only the value style is for the moment used, it allows to insert CSS code on the equipment in question.


Do not forget to save after any modification.

Layout tab

This part allows you to choose between the standard arrangement of commands (side by side in the widget), or in table mode. There is nothing to set in default mode. Here are the options available in mode Board :

Below for each box, the detailed configuration It allows you to this :


In a box in the table, if you want to put 2 commands one in below the other, don't forget to add a return to the line after the premiere in the Advanced configuration of it.

Alerts tab

This tab provides information on the battery of the equipment and define alerts in relation to it. Here are the types of information that can be found :

Below, you can also define specific alert thresholds for battery for this equipment. If you leave the boxes empty, those are the default thresholds that will be applied.

You can also manage the timeout, in minutes, of the equipment. Through example, 30 tells jeedom that if the equipment has not communicated for 30 minutes, then you have to put it on alert.


The global parameters are in Administration → Configuration → Logs (or Facilities)

Comment tab

Allows you to write a comment about the equipment (date of changing the battery, for example).

Advanced configuration of an order

First, at the top right, some buttons available :


In a graph, a double click on an element brings you to its d’actualité.


Depending on the type of order, the information / actions displayed can change.

Information tab

The tab Information contains general information about the ordered :

You also have three other orange buttons underneath :


This kind of action replaces commands all over Jeedom (scenario, interaction, command, equipment….)

Below, you will find the list of different equipment, commands, scenarios, or interactions that use this command. A click on it to go directly to their configuration respective.

Configuration tab

For an info type order :

For an action command :

Alerts tab

Allows you to define an alert level (Warning or Danger) en depending on certain conditions. For example, if value> 8 for 30 minutes then the equipment can go on alert Warning.


On the page Administration → Configuration → Logs, you can configure a message type command that will allow Jeedom to get you warn if the warning or danger threshold is reached.

View tab

In this part, you will be able to configure certain behaviors display of the widget on the dashboard, views, design and mobile.

Below, we find optional display parameters that we can switch to widget. These parameters depend on the widget in question, so you have to look at his card on the Market to know them.


Do not forget to save after any modification.

Code tab

Allows you to modify the widget code just for the current command.


If you want to modify the code don't forget to check the box Enable widget customization

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