Important part in software : the historization part, real memory of it. It is possible in Jeedom to historize any which information type command (binary or digital). This will will therefore allow for example to historicize a temperature curve, consumption or door openings…


Here is described the principle of historicization of Jeedom. It is not necessary to understand that if you have any concerns or want to change the settings for historicization. The default settings are suitable for most cas.


Data archiving allows Jeedom to reduce the amount of data kept in memory. This allows not to use too much space and not to slow down the system. Indeed, if you keep all the measures, this makes all the more points to display and therefore can dramatically lengthen times to make a graph. In case too many points, it can even crash graph display.

Archiving is a task that starts at night and compacts data recovered during the day. By default Jeedom recovers all 2h older data and makes 1h packets (one average, minimum or maximum depending on the settings). So we have here 2 parameters, one for packet size and another for knowing when to do it (by default, these are packages 1 hour with data that has more than 2 hours of seniority).


If you have followed well you should have a high precision on the Last 2 hours only. Yet when I log in at 5 p.m, I have a clarification on the last 17 hours. Why ? In fact, to avoid consuming resources unnecessarily, the task that makes archiving takes place only once a day, in the evening.


Of course, this archiving principle only applies to orders from digital type; on binary type commands, Jeedom does not keep that the dates of change of state.

Viewing a graph

There are several ways to access the history :

If you display a graph by the historical page or by clicking on the widget, you have access to several display options :

We find at the top right the display period (here on the last week because by default I want it to be only one week - see 2 paragraphs above), then come the parameters of the curve (these parameters are kept from one display to another; so you don’t than configure them once).

Graphic on views and designs

You can also display the graphs on the views (we will see here the configuration options and not how to do it, for that you have to render views or designs based on the documentation). here is the options :

Once a data is activated, you can choose :

Option on the history page

The history page gives access to some additional options

Calculated history

Used to display a curve based on a calculation on several command (you can pretty much do everything, + - / * absolute value… see PHP documentation for certain functions). Ex : abs(\ [Garden ] \ [Hygrometry ] \ [Temperature ] - \ [Space of life ] \ [Hygrometry ] \ [Temperature ])

You also have access to a management of calculation formulas which allows you save them for easier viewing


Just click on the name of the object to unfold it; appear the historical commands which can be graphed.

Order history

In front of each data that can be graphed, you will find two icons :

Inconsistent value removal

Sometimes you may have inconsistent values on the graphics. This is often due to a concern with the interpretation of the value. It is possible to delete or change the point value by question, by clicking on it directly on the graph; of more, you can set the minimum and maximum allowed so avoid future problems.


The timeline displays certain events in your home automation in the form chronologique.

To see them, you must first activate the tracking on the timeline of desired commands or scenarios :


You have access to the summary windows of the scenarios or of the configuration of the history directly from the page timeline.

Once you've enabled tracking in the order timeline and desired scenarios, you can see them appear on the timeline.


You have to wait for new events after activating tracking on the timeline before seeing them appear.

The cards on the timeline displays :

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