This is where most of the configuration parameters are located. Although many, they are pre-configured by default.
The page is accessible by Administration → Configuration.
In this tab we find general information about Jeedom :
Name of your Jeedom : Identify your Jeedom, especially in the market. It can be reused in scenarios or identify a backup.
System : Type of hardware on which the system is installed where your Jeedom is spinning.
Installation key : Hardware key of your Jeedom on the market. If your Jeedom does not appear in the list of your Jeedom on the market, it is advisable to click on the button Reset.
Language : Language used in your Jeedom.
Generate translations : Generate translations, be careful, this can slow down your system. Most useful option for developers.
Lifetime of sessions (hour) : lifetime of sessions PHP, it is not recommended to touch this parameter.
Date and hour : Choose your time zone. You can click on Force time synchronization to restore a bad time displayed at the top right.
Optional time server : Indicates which time server should be used if you click Force synchronization of time. (to be reserved for experts)
Skip time check : tells Jeedom not to check if the time is consistent between itself and the system on which it turns. May be useful, for example, if you are not connecting no Jeedom to the Internet and that it has no PSTN battery on the equipment used.
Here is the list of the different API keys available in your Jeedom. Core has two API keys :
a general : as much as possible, avoid using it,
and another for professionals : used for management of park. It can be empty.
Then you will find one API key per plugin that needs it.
For each plugin API key, as well as for the HTTP, JsonRPC and APIs TTS, you can define their scope :
Disabled : API key cannot be used,
White IP : only a list of IPs is authorized (see Administration → Configuration → Networks),
Localhost : only requests from the system on which is installed Jeedom are allowed,
Activated : no restrictions, any system with access your Jeedom will be able to access this API.
Two parts reserved for experts are present in this tab.
WARNING : If you modify Jeedom with one of these two solutions, support may refuse to help you.
>_System : Allows access to an interface system administration. It's a kind of shell console in which you can run the most useful commands, including to get information about the system.
Database : Allows access to the database from Jeedom. You can then launch commands in the field from the top. Two parameters are displayed below for information :
User : Username used by Jeedom in the database,
Password : database access password used by Jeedom.
Enable LDAP authentication : enable authentication to through an AD (LDAP)
Host : server hosting the AD
Field : domain of your AD
DN base : DN base of your AD
Username : username for Jeedom to connect to AD
Password : password for Jeedom to connect to AD
User search fields : search fields of user login. Usually uid for LDAP, samaccountname for Windows AD
Filter (optional) : filter on the AD (for managing groups for example)
Allow REMOTE_USER : Activate REMOTE_USER (used in SSO For example)
Number of failures tolerated : sets the number of attempts allowed before banning the IP
Maximum time between failures (in seconds) : maximum time so that 2 attempts are considered successive
Duration of banishment (in seconds), -1 for infinity : time to IP ban
IP “white” : list of IPs that can never be banned
Remove banned IPs : Clear the list of IPs currently banned
The list of banned IPs is at the bottom of this page. You will find IP, ban date and ban end date scheduled.
It is absolutely necessary to correctly configure this important part of Jeedom, otherwise many plugins may not work. he is possible to access Jeedom in two different ways : L’access interne (from the same local network as Jeedom) and l’access externe (from another network, especially from the Internet).
This part is just there to explain to Jeedom its environment : changing the port or IP in this tab will not change the Jeedom port or IP actually. To do this, you must log in SSH and edit the / etc / network / interfaces file for the IP and etc / apache2 / sites-available / default files and etc / apache2 / sites-available / default_ssl (for HTTPS).However, in If your Jeedom is mishandled, the Jeedom team will not may be held responsible and may refuse any request for Support.
Internal access : information for joining Jeedom from a same network equipment as Jeedom (LAN)
OK / NOK : indicates whether the internal network configuration is correcte
Protocol : the protocol to use, often HTTP
URL or IP address : Jeedom IP to enter
Harbor : the port of the Jeedom web interface, generally 80. Please note changing the port here does not change the actual port of Jeedom which will remain the same
External access : information to reach Jeedom from outside local network. To be completed only if you are not using DNS Jeedom
OK / NOK : indicates whether the external network configuration is correcte
Protocol : protocol used for outdoor access
URL or IP address : External IP, if it is fixed. If not, give the URL pointing to the external IP address of your network.
If you are in HTTPS the port is 443 (by default) and in HTTP the port is 80 (default). To use HTTPS from outside, a letsencrypt plugin is now available on the market.
To find out if you need to set a value in the field Complement, look, when you log into Jeedom in your Internet browser, if you need to add / jeedom (or other thing) after the IP.
Advanced management : This part may not appear, in depending on compatibility with your hardware. You will find the list of your network interfaces. You can tell Jeedom not to monitor the network by clicking on deactivate the network management by Jeedom (check if Jeedom is not connected to no network). You can also specify the local ip range in the form 192.168.1.* (to be used only in docker type installations)
Proxy market : allows remote access to your Jeedom without having need a DNS, a fixed IP or to open the ports of your box Internet
Using Jeedom DNS : activates Jeedom DNS (attention this requires at least one service pack)
DNS status : DNS HTTP status
Management : allows to stop and restart the DNS service
If you can't get Jeedom DNS to work, check the configuration of the firewall and parental filter of your Internet box (on livebox you need for example the firewall in medium).
The colorization of widgets is performed according to the category to which equipment belongs. Among the categories we find the heating, Security, Energy, light, Automation, Multimedia, Other…
For each category, we can differentiate the colors of the version desktop and mobile version. We can then change :
the background color of the widgets,
the color of the command when the widget is of the gradual type (for example lights, shutters, temperatures).
By clicking on the color a window opens, allowing you to choose your color. The cross next to the color returns to the parameter by default.
At the top of the page, you can also configure the transparency of widgets globally (this will be the default. It is then possible to modify this value widget by widget). Not to put no transparency, leave 1.0 .
Do not forget to save after any modification.
Many orders can be logged. So in Analysis → History, you get graphs representing their use. This tab allows you to set global parameters for order history.
View widget statistics : Displays widget statistics. The widget must be compatible, which is the case for most. It is also necessary that the command either digital.
Calculation period for min, max, average (in hours) : Period statistics calculation (24h by default). It is not possible to put less than an hour.
Calculation period for the trend (in hours) : Period of trend calculation (2h by default). It is not possible to put less than an hour.
Delay before archiving (in hours) : Indicates the delay before Jeedom does not archive a data (24h by default). That is to say, the historical data must have more than 24 hours to be archived (as a reminder, archiving will either average or take the maximum or the minimum of the data over a period which corresponds to the packet size).
Archive by package from (in hours) : This parameter gives precisely the size of the packets (1 hour by default). It means by example that Jeedom will take periods of 1 hour, average and store the new calculated value by deleting the averaged values.
Low trend calculation threshold : This value indicates the value from which Jeedom indicates that the trend is towards downward. It must be negative (default -0.1).
High trend calculation threshold : Same thing for the rise.
Default graphics display period : Period which is used by default when you want to display the history of an order. The shorter the period, the faster Jeedom will be to display the requested graph.
The first parameter View widget statistics est possible but disabled by default because it significantly lengthens the dashboard display time. If you activate this option, for example default, Jeedom relies on data from the past 24 hours to calculate these statistics. The trend calculation method is based on least squares calculation (see here for the detail).
Global push URL : allows to add a URL to call in case of order update. You can use the following tags : #value# for the order value, #cmd_name# for the command name, #cmd_id# for the unique identifier of the commande, #humanname# for the full name of the order (ex : #[Salle de bain][Hydrometrie][Humidité]#), ``#eq_name#`for the name of the equipment
Allows monitoring and acting on the Jeedom cache :
Statistics : Number of objects currently cached
Clean the cover : Force the deletion of objects that are not more useful. Jeedom does this automatically every night.
Clear all cached data : Empty the cover completely. Please note that this may cause data loss !
Pause time for long polling : How often Jeedom checks if there are any pending events for customers (web interface, mobile application…). The shorter this time, the more the interface will update quickly, in return this uses more resources and can therefore slow Jeedom.
This tab allows you to set global parameters concerning interactions which you will find in Tools → Interactions.
To activate the interaction log, go to the tab Administration → Configuration → Logs, then tick Debug in the list bottom. WARNING : the logs will then be very verbose !
Here you have three parameters :
Sensitivity : there are 4 levels of correspondence (Sensitivity ranges from 1 (exactly matches) to 99)
for 1 word : the level of correspondence for interactions at only one word
2 words : the level of correspondence for interactions at two words
3 words : the level of correspondence for interactions at three words
more than 3 words : the level of correspondence for interactions more than three words
Do not respond if interaction is not understood : by default Jeedom responds "I didn't understand" if no interaction does not match. It is possible to deactivate this function for that Jeedom doesn't answer anything. Check the box to deactivate the answer.
General exclusion regex for interactions : allows define a regexp which, if it corresponds to an interaction, will automatically delete this sentence from the generation (reserved to experts). For more information see the explanations in the chapter Regexp exclusion documentation on the interactions.
The automatic interactions allow Jeedom to attempt to understand an interaction request even if there is none of defined. He will then look for an object and / or equipment name and / or order to try to respond as best as possible.
The contextual interactions allow you to chain multiple requests without repeating everything, for example :
Jeedom keeping the context :
You : How much is he in the room ?
Jeedom : Temperature 25.2 ° C
You : and in the living room ?
Jeedom : Temperature 27.2 ° C
Ask two questions in one :
You : What is it like in the bedroom and in the living room ?
Jeedom : Temperature 23.6 ° C, Temperature 27.2 ° C
Type interactions Warn me let's ask Jeedom to notify you if an order exceeds / descends or is worth a certain value.
You : Notify me if the living room temperature exceeds 25 ° C ?
Jeedom : OK (* As soon as the living room temperature exceeds 25 ° C, Jeedom will tell you, only once*)
By default Jeedom will answer you by the same channel as the one you used to ask him to notify you. If he doesn't find one not, it will then use the default command specified in this tab : Default return command.
Here are the different options available :
Enable automatic interactions : Check to activate automatic interactions.
Enable contextual responses : Check to activate contextual interactions.
Priority contextual response if the sentence begins with : Si the sentence begins with the word you enter here, Jeedom will then prioritize a contextual response (you can put several words separated by ; ).
Cut an interaction in half if it contains : Same thing for the breakdown of an interaction containing several questions. You give here the words that separate the different questions.
Activate “Notify Me” interactions” : Check to activate Type interactions Warn me.
"Tell me" response if the sentence starts with : If the sentence starts with this word (s) then Jeedom will try to make a type interaction Warn me (you can put multiple words separated by ; ).
Default return command : Default return command for a type interaction Warn me (used, in particular, if you have programmed the alert via the mobile interface)
Synonym for objects : List of synonyms for objects (Ex : rdc|ground floor|basement|low; sdb|Bathroom).
Synonym for equipment : Synonyms list for equipment.
Synonym for orders : Synonyms list for the orders.
Synonym for abstracts : List of synonyms for summaries.
Synonym for maximum slider command : Synonym for putting a maximum slider type command (ex opens to opens the shutter the room ⇒ 100% room shutter).
Synonym for minimum slider command : Synonym for putting a slider type command at minimum (ex closes to close the shutter the room ⇒ room component at 0%).
This part allows you to define the colors that Jeedom will associate with words red / blue / black… To add a color :
Click on the button +, to the right,
Give your color a name,
Choose the associated color by clicking on the box on the right.
Configure the generation and management of reports
Timeout after page generation (in ms) : Time limit waiting after loading the report to take the "photo", at change if your report is incomplete for example.
Clean up older reports from (days) : Defines the number of days before deleting a report (reports take a little space so be careful not to put too much conservation).
Configure link graphics. These links allow you to see, in the form of a graph, the relationships between objects, equipment, objects, etc.
Depth for scenarios : Used to define, when displaying a graph of links of a scenario, the number maximum number of elements to display (the more elements the greater the graphic will be slow to generate and the more difficult it will be to read).
Depth for objects : Same for objects.
Depth for equipment : Same for the equipment.
Depth for controls : Same for orders.
Depth for variables : Same for variables.
Parameter of prerender : Lets act on the layout of the graph.
Render parameter : Same.
Add object summaries. This information is displayed at the very top, on the right, in the Jeedom menu bar, or next to the objects :
Key : Key to the summary, especially not to touch.
Last name : Abstract name.
Calculation : Calculation method, can be of type :
Sum : sum the different values,
Average : averages values,
Text : display the value verbatim (especially for those of string type).
Icon : Summary icon.
Unit : Summary unit.
Counting method : If you count binary data then you have to set this value to binary, example if you count the number of lights on but you just have the value of dimmer (0 to 100), then you have to put binary, like this Jeedom consider that if the value is greater than 1, then the lamp is on.
Show if value is 0 : Check this box to display the value, even when it is 0.
Link to a virtual : Start creating virtual orders having for value those of the summary.
Delete summary : The last button, on the far right, allows to delete the summary from the line.
Maximum number of events : Sets the maximum number to show in timeline.
Delete all events : Empty the timeline of all his recorded events.
Add a message to each error in the logs : if a plugin or Jeedom writes an error message in a log, Jeedom adds automatically a message in the message center (at least you are sure not to miss it).
Action on message : Allows you to take an action when adding a message to the message center. You have 2 tags for these actions : - #message# : message in question - #plugin# : plugin that triggered the message
Add a message to each Timeout : Add a message in the message center if equipment falls in timeout.
Timeout order : Type command Message use if an equipment is in timeout.
Add a message to each Battery in Warning : Add a message in the message center if a device has its level of battery in Warning.
Battery command in Warning : Type command Message to be used if equipment at its battery level Warning.
Add a message to each Battery in Danger : Add a message in the message center if a device has its level of battery in Danger.
Command on Battery in Danger : Type command Message at use if equipment at its battery level Danger.
Add a message to each Warning : Add a message in the message center if an order goes on alert Warning.
Command on Warning : Type command Message use if an order goes on alert Warning.
Add a message to each Danger : Add a message in the message center if an order goes on alert Danger.
Command on Danger : Type command Message to use if an order goes on alert Danger.
Log engine : Allows you to change the log engine for, for example, send them to a syslog demon (d).
Log format : Log format to use (Caution : ça does not affect daemon logs).
Maximum number of lines in a log file : Defines the maximum number of lines in a log file. It is recommended not to touch this value, because too large a value could fill the file system and / or render Jeedom incapable to display the log.
Default log level : When you select “Default”, for the level of a log in Jeedom, this is the one that will be then used.
Below you will find a table for finely managing the log level of the essential elements of Jeedom as well as that of plugins.
Number of failures before deactivation of the equipment : Nombre communication failure with the equipment before deactivation of this one (a message will warn you if this happens).
Battery thresholds : Allows you to manage global alert thresholds on the batteries.
Update source : Choose the source for updating the Jeedom core.
Core version : Core version to recover.
Automatically check for updates : Indicate if you have to search automatically if there are new updates (be careful to avoid overloading the market, the time of verification may change).
The depots are storage (and service) spaces to be able to move backups, recover plugins, recover core Jeedom, etc.
Deposit used to activate the sending of plugins by files.
Deposit used to connect Jeedom to Github.
Token : Token for access to private deposit.
Jeedom core repository user or organization : Nom the user or the organization on github for the core.
Repository name for the Jeedom core : Repository name for core.
Jeedom core industry : Core repository branch.
Deposit used to connect Jeedom to the market, it is highly recommended to use this repository. WARNING : any support request may be refused if you use a different deposit than this one.
Address : Market address.
Username : Your Username on the Market.
Password : Your Market password.
[Backup cloud] Name : Name of your cloud backup (attention must be unique for each Jeedom at risk of it crashing between them)
[Backup cloud] Password : Cloud backup password. IMPORTANT you must not lose it, there is no way to recover it. Without it you will not be able to restore your Jeedom
[Backup cloud] Frequency full backup : Frequency of full cloud backup. A full backup is longer than an incremental one (which only sends the differences). It is recommended to do 1 per month
Deposit to automatically send a Jeedom backup to a Samba share (ex : NAS Synology).
\ [Backup ] IP : Samba server IP.
\ [Backup ] User : Username for login (anonymous connections are not possible). There must be that the user has read and write rights on the destination directory.
\ [Backup ] Password : User password.
\ [Backup ] Sharing : Way of sharing (be careful stop at the sharing level).
\ [Backup ] Path : Path in sharing (to set relative), it must exist.
If the path to your samba backup folder is : \\ \ Backups \ Home automation \ Jeedom Then IP = , Sharing = // / Backups, Path = Home automation / Jeedom
When validating the Samba share, as described above, a new form of backup appears in the section Administration → Jeedom backups. By activating it, Jeedom will proceed when it is automatically sent at the next backup. A test is possible by performing a manual backup.
You may need to install the smbclient package for the deposit works.
The Samba protocol has several versions, the v1 is compromised level security and on some NAS you can force the client to use v2 or v3 to connect. So if you have a protocol negotiation error failed: NT_STATUS_INVAID_NETWORK_RESPONSE there is a good chance that listed NAS the restriction be in place. You must then modify on the OS of your Jeedom the / etc / samba / smb file.conf and add these two lines to it : client max protocol = SMB3 client min protocol = SMB2 The Jeedom side smbclient will then use v2 where v3 and by putting SMB3 in both only SMB3. So it's up to you to adapt according to restrictions on the NAS or other Samba server
Jeedom should be the only one to write to this folder and it should be empty by default (i.e. before configuring and sending the first backup, the folder must not contain any file or dossier).
Jeedom core URL
Jeedom core version URL