The objects allow you to define the tree structure of your home automation. All the equipment you create must belong to an object and will be more easily identifiable. We then say that the object is the relative equipment. Object management is accessible from the menu Tools → Objects.
To give free choice to customization, you can name these objects as you want. Usually, we will define the different parts of his house, like the names of the rooms (this is Recommended configuration).
You have two options :
Add : Create a new object.
Overview : Displays the list of created objects as well as their configuration.
Once you have created an object, it will appear in this part.
By clicking on an object, you access its configuration page. What whatever the changes made, don't forget to save at the fin.
Here are the different characteristics to configure an object :
Object name : The name of your object.
Dad : Indicates the parent of the current object, this allows define a hierarchy between objects. For example : The living room has to parent the apartment. An object can only have one parent but several objects can have the same parent.
Jeedom : Check this box to make this object visible.
Hide on the dashboard : Check this box to hide the object on the dashboard. It is still kept in the list, which allows you to display it, but only explicitly.
Icon : Allows you to choose an icon for your object.
Tag color : Allows you to choose the color of the object and equipment attached to it.
Tag text color : Allows you to choose the text color of the object. This text will be over the Tag color. To you to choose a color to make the text readable.
Summary text color : Allows you to choose the color of results of the object summary in the dashboard.
Size on the dashboard (1 to 12) : Allows you to define the width
the display of this object in the dashboard. For example : if you
put 6
to two consecutive objects in the list, then it
will be side by side on the dashboard. If you put 3
to four
objects that follow each other, they will also be side by side.
You can change the display order of objects in the dashboard. In the menu, on the left of your page, use the vertical arrows drag and drop to give them a new place.
You can see a graph representing all the elements of Jeedom attached to this object by clicking on the button Connections, up at right.
When a device is created and no parent has been defined, it will have as parent : No .
Summaries are global information, assigned to an object, which are displayed in particular on the dashboard next to the name of the latter.
The columns represent the summaries assigned to the current object. Three lines are proposed to you :
Go up in the global summary : Check the box if you want the summary to be displayed in the menu bar from Jeedom.
Hide on desktop : Check the box if you do not want the summary is displayed next to the name of the object on the dashboard.
Hide on mobile : Check the box if you do not want the summary is displayed when you view it from a mobile.
Each tab represents a type of summary defined in the configuration from Jeedom. Click on Add an order so that it is taken into account in the summary. You have the choice to select the order any Jeedom equipment, even if it is not for parent this object.
If you want to add a summary type or to configure the method of calculating the result, the unit, the icon and the name of a summary, you have to go to the general configuration of Jeedom : Administration → Configuration → Summaries tab.
The overview allows you to view all the objects in Jeedom, as well as their configuration :
Id : Object ID.
Object : Object name.
Dad : Name of parent object.
Jeedom : Object visibility.
Mask : Indicates if the object is hidden on the dashboard.
Summary Defined : Indicates the number of orders per summary. This which is in blue is taken into account in the global summary.
Hidden Dashboard Summary : Show hidden summaries on the dashboard.
Hidden Mobile Summary : Show hidden summaries on the cellphone.